Sunday, 11 December 2011

A Special Gift from Katie

Those of you that have been with me for a while will know that my dear friend Katie Renz passed away recently, such a sad time for both family and friends of such a dear, dear lady.


When Katie and I chatted we would often talk about living close to the sea, although many miles between us we would call each other across the sea friends and after the fund raising you all helped me with, Katie wanted to do something for me, I jokingly said to her send me a pebble from your coastline and I’ll use it as a paperweight, of course Katie immediately said she would and to be honest I never gave it a second thought.

Then I got the devastating news that Katie had slipped away from us and her husband Kevin's Mum told me she needed my address because Katie had indeed gone and chosen a pebble from their coastline and given her the task of having it engraved for me. Katie even while so poorly still thought of others.

It arrived on Friday with a beautiful thank you card that friends made for the family to give out and the most gorgeous ribbon bow, inside the card it read “The ribbon from your flowers” these were the flowers that I sent for Katie's funeral. I sat on the floor and wept. Not with sorrow but with gratitude that Katie was part of my life and that both Kevin (Katie’s Husband) and Elizabeth (Katie’s Mother in Law) are still part of my life and beautiful people.


So as you can see I have a fabulous paper weight and every time I pop a piece of craft paper under my pebble I will think of my dear friend Katie Emmerson Renz. miss you Katie xxx

Jak Signature


hollis58 said...

That is so beautiful Jak - she was a dear friend to you and I know you will always look at the pebble and smile and think of Katie xxx

pinky said...

Oh Jak that is both sad and beautiful! Katie I think is still and has been on a lot of peoples minds. What a lovely thing to have something to remind you of her always.

KathyE said...

OMG, what a wonderful friendship you two had. Every time you touch that stone will be a remembrance of that beautiful friendship.

Tammy said...

What wonderful thoughtful people as are you!

Lorianna said...

Jak this is so beautiful!!
I always said, Papercrafting people ARE SPECIAL people!

Linda said...

Just beautiful. Katie will never be far away now.

Wilma Knottenbelt said...

Thanks for sharing these special moments with us. We all got to know and love Katie through you. Thinking of you and Katie's family.

Unknown said...

A true gift of love & friendship Jak. Worth more than the biggest Diamond. Hugs Vee.xx

THERESA said...

That was so sweet of her, a beautiful memory to keep next to you, her love is there with you, chosen just for you!!
lotsa luv

Ali said...

So sad but so lovely xx

Lisa Jane said...

How Beautiful.. Katie will always be crafting with you
Lisa x

Shazza said...

so beautiful Jak, brought tears to my eyes reading this as I followed dear Katie's story
How lovely to have such a gorgeous reminder of her

ursula Uphof said...

What a beautiful memory you have of Katie. I think through you she has touched so many people. I know her family will be very blessed with the friends she had made.

Pam said...

Thank you for sharing such a beautiful person with us! Katie was definitely special and she will never be forgotten by those of us who read her blog and shared her journey. What a courageous soul!


Janette said...

Oh Jak this is so sad and yet so beautiful.....what a wonderful friend Katie was to think of you to the end, a beautiful keepsake.xx

heidy said...

Oh Jak this is such a precious keepsake from Katie.
Big XXX Heidy

Anonymous said...

I never know the right words to post or say, this brought tears to my eyes.

Beautiful memories are within that pebble and reading your post, it's filled with love from Katie and her family. A treasured keepsake forever.

Hugs, Lori m

Mad Mary said...

Got a huge lump in my throat reading this Jak, what a very special lady Katie was. What a lovely keepsake for you and indeed it will make you think of Katie often. Thank you for sharing this with us.

Mary x

IamDerby said...

oh Jak, that so awesome. Your post made my cry, but with good tears.

Becky Sorensen said...

Kevin said you got it! Enjoy it!! One day maybe you will come to our side of the sea and walk the beach where she got it for you!! Hugs.

terrie said...

How touching this was...
Thank you for sharing it with us.
Such a special memory of your dear friend Katie.

Monna from Indiana said...

What a special friend were to each other...thank you for being there for her...and I know you will cherish your stone forever!...thanks for sharing this with us!

Clare said...

That's just beautiful. What a lovely treasure to have. Thank you so much for sharing this.

Dorcas said...

OMGoodness that chokes you up!!

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Crying happy tears Jak. So thoughtful of Katie, her family, and you for sharing. :)

True :D

Elizabeth said...

Thank you Jak for such a sweet post. Love your pictures and kind words. Katie thought so highly of you.

The Wired Angel said...

A simple engraved coastline stone, but forever engraved in your heart. Thanks for sharing this with the rest of us, Jak. Sending hugs to you. Peggy x

Shelly Schmidt said...

Such a Heartwarming relationship and story. What a fabulous treasure!

June Nelson said...

Jak what a beautiful thought, you are honoured to have had such a wonderful thoughtful friend. She still lives in your heart xxx

ribenaruby said...

Hi Jak, hope you're well, a very touching post, wonderful to read Katie is with you, great keepsake gift. Take care. RUby x

My'scardcorner said...

Such a lovely thought and Im sure you will treasure your peeble.

ursula said...

What a beautiful momento for you to cherish and to remind you of a very dear friend. May her dear soul RIP. Big hugs and luv Ursula XX

Paper Crafts & Scrapbooking Editor said...

Thanks for sharing this lovely, lovely story, Jak. I am so glad that you have something so meaningful to treasure in Katie's honor.

Unknown said...

So special Jak! What a beautiful woman inside and out :O)

Dawn Frost said...

You are very blessed to have had such a wonderful, thoughtful friend. I know she will be missed.

Trish said...

Oh Jak, what a lovely thought from a lovely lady. So sad that she is no longer with us.

Winnie said...

Such a lovely gift from heaven. I know how special that token of love is to you and you will always have her there with you in spirit. Have a blessed holiday..I really believe all our lives touch each others in one way or another and when you slow down to live life and acknowledge those around you, you are rewarded with such love that is forever.