Tuesday, 30 January 2018

Workshop Days

Continuing with workshops and loving it.

Today we made spell books, lots of work but well worth it.

Our ladies did amazingly you could of heard a pin drop with the concentration levels.

Everyone decorated both front and back and have some spell pages to add inside.

This is a few pics of the one I prepared for the workshop.





And just to top off the month of January I was awarded this. 

My working life just couldn’t be better.



Friday, 5 January 2018

Acrylic Pouring

I would love to hear from all you Acrylic Pouring fans, 
What are you using?
Tips on mixes and product.
I know many use Floetrol paint conditioner or liquidex to get the consistency and also treadmill silicon to achieve the cells.
Pinterest seams to be alive with photos tips and techniques just look at all of this.

There are so many terms and methods eg Swipe, Dirty Pour.
it looks messy but most of all it looks oooodles of fun.

Tell me if you are hooked yet.