Well what a day we had yesterday, I got a call from the hospital asking me to come in as Natalie was in a right state, I had to call Chris from work as he had the car so we both set off for the hospital together.
When we got there bless her she was in a state, both sides of her face puffed up and swollen and it turned out that they were going to have to remove a tooth as this was the reason behind the infection, it was at the root of the tooth she had had work on a year ago. Unfortunately they couldn’t put her to sleep and she was terrified. It wasn’t the thought of them taking out the tooth but the thought of them touching her face as it was so very painful.
They asked me if I would go with her but I declined and very nicely volunteered her Dad. I can’t bare to see my girls go though stuff like that and couldn’t even go with them for baby vaccines Chris always had to do it.
They tried to inject and freeze the area which left Natalie crying out with the pain, they left it a little while and it did freeze, they had to cut around the tooth then they managed to extract it, her Dad said the only way to describe it was by saying it was like popping the cork out of a champagne bottle as the poison in her face just poured out from where the tooth had been and it just kept on coming out. So some of the swelling has gone down.

Natalie came back from having it removed with the doctor but not her Dad, he went quite queasy and considering he is a fireman and deals with some of the most gruesome of events it was unusual but he said it was a total different kettle of fish when it’s your own daughter your dealing with.
We left Natalie to get home and grab some rest before returning for the evening visit. When we got back to the hospital her friend was there and we could see that Natalie was unwell, she had been vomiting and she said that she felt very lethargic and very weak.
The smell of all the nastiness coming out of her is gross to say the least. We managed to get her lay down and back off to sleep before we came away.
We are praying she gets a good nights sleep and is much betting in the morning.