Sunday, 11 December 2011

Blast from the Past

I was browsing through my old Christmas card pictures I like to do this now and again and I came across these ones and I thought I would share them with you, the book of tricks had just came out and I made so many of them that I totally sickened myself and gave the board away.


Tomorrow I have something special to share with you, I need to do the photography and as of today I have downed my paintbrush and it is now up to the big fella to finish it all off, mind you seeing as it was his works night out last night I wont hold my breath for anything being done on Sunday.

Jak Signature


Anonymous said...

Gosh, now I really do feel like the only person who was never very impressed with the glitter girls lol. I gave the book a tricks a very wide berth.

My 2008 cards were all hand stamped images coloured using derwent watercolours, gastly K&Co papers (they were pretty at the time, just compared with you can get now.. they look gastly lol) & hand made hollie leaves with tiny needle felted berries.


applejack cards by sue said...

Mornin' Jak...and I thought I was up early! I haven't used the boards for some time now but I think your selection still look pretty good...that's certainly a lot of bookatrix cards.

Dawn said...

Jak these are fab!! Never tries the bookatrix myself!!
Hope himself the elf is okay this morning!!
Dawn xx

Christine Harrop said...

Don't worry Aj, I am another who gives the glitter girls a wide berth. I got carried away at the NEC years ago and bought two embossing boards. I have used one of them once and the other hasn't seen the light of day. Not my scene I'm afraid. I prefer stamping and now my die cutting machines. You've certainly got an array of different cards there Jak.

My'scardcorner said...

Funny how we change direction I had most of the boards but am now embossing crazy enjoy your day Jak.

Kathyk said...

I've never tried creating a bookatrix either but you certainly seem to have nailed the technique - a fab seelction of cards. I too look back at older cards (not just Christmas) and, the older they are, the more I cringe!!!

Seasons Greetings


Mad Mary said...

Lovely array of cards there Jak, I have a few of the GG boards ( and never used any of them yet - lol)

Mary x

Mags said...

your email today was really scary Jak - as I used my bookatrix board today. Had a card to make with books and gardening theme, and the idea came to me as I got into bed last night - probably about an hour before you did the posting! Now I don't get on with this board (only one I possess) but it was a case of nothing ventured nothing gained! As you will see from my blog I did persevere! ( and the board will probably hibernate for another couple of years LOL!)



Nasir said...

This is very fancy and the ribbon is awesome.

Print vip cards
Transparent business cards