Wednesday, 28 December 2011

Another update–Natalie is Worse

Please keep Natalie in your thoughts, poor love is quite poorly, State of play when we went in to visit her was that she hadn’t been seen by a doctor, I went to the desk and asked when the doctor would be there and they said they would chase it up, after 2 more request and a couple of hours the one that arrived was full of apologies, they had missed her when they did the rounds.

It seems that she should have been getting drops and hadn’t and he seems to have now took her under his wing to sort out her pain relief and get some scan of her face done.

Anyway I’ll let you judge for yourself how she is looking.

IMG_0587 IMG_0588

As you can see, it is worse.

Jak Signature


June Nelson said...

Aw Jak that is disgusting, how can a doc miss a patient on a ward round!!!! bless her it looks awful for her I will be thinking of her tonight hun and yu too as you must be frantic xxxxxx

Janice said...

Ouch - certainly getting worse. Fingers crossed she's now gettin it sorted - think I said that this morning though! You are both in my thoughts, Jx

THERESA said...

Poor girl, really hope they will sort her now, service/help just not what we were used to!!
Keeping all of you in my thoughts and prayers, please keep us updated!!
lotsa luv

Jan said...

I hope she start improving soon Jak. Hugs xx Jan

Unknown said...

My Oh My what is that hospital thinking of. You must be so stressed with worry about her Jak. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Hugs Vee xx

Jane said...

Good grief! Poor girl!! Hope she gets sorted...QUICK! xx

Four11Lady said...

Yes, it IS worse......what the heck is wrong with those health-care professionals? Poor girl..........she doesn't look at all happy.......and I don't blame her! Now that they have paid attention to her, I am sure she will improve. Continued prayers for you and her.........

Pam said...

I'm so sorry to hear this. I am praying for a quick and speedy recovery for her.

Pamela said...

Poor little girl, hope they soon sort something out. About time our hospitals sorted themselves out. I would be fuming at this lack of care.

Pam x

Lori m said...

Many well wishes and prayers for Natalie.

Hugs, Lori m

Linda said...

How on earth did they miss her on the rounds!!!!
When my daugther, a nurse, worked in the hospital, each nurse was allocated patients to take care of. Sure the nurse that was allocated to Natalie should have noticed that she hadn't been seen.
Hope Natalie begins to improve soon.
Thinking of you all.

Scrap Jaci said...

Poor girl, I feel so sorry for her. Hopefully, they get it figured out quickly and she starts to feel better soon. (((HUGS))) to Natalie.

Loving My Crafts said...

Oh dear that's awful, doesn't do a lot for confidence in the hospital either. I do hope she starts to improve very quickly.

ShersL84bed said...

I had an awful infection in my face when I was about 15. I was so embarrassed, it swelled to the point where my eyes and nose were all one big swollen section. I couldn't even see. The puffiness went out as far as my nose. I was already on antibiotics but when I went in the second time, they had to cut open my forhead, and all the infection just squirted out everywhere. It was so gross. They stitched me up, wrapped me up in gauze gave me more antibiotics and sent me on my way. I was fine in the long wrong, but it looked like a swarm of bees had attacked my face.
I hope your daughter heals soon, and they tend to her better. The service is disgraceful in some hospitals.

Mad Mary said...

I too cannot believe how she was missed out on the Dr's round. Good job you were there to get it chased up and now lets hope she is getting some pain relief. Lots of love & hugs to you and Natalie.

Mary xx

Donna said...

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. This is such a bad time of year for all this to be happening - well there is never a good time of the year. Hoping that things turn around very soon!

Anonymous said...

How can the doctors miss a patient. That is disgusting. Poor love, hopefully now that they seem to have got their act together something will be done and she will improve. Thinking of her and you all. Please keep us posted.

Eve xx

Karol L said...

I am praying for her and the doctors that they can sort this out and get her on the road to recovery.
My thoughts are with all of you.
Big hug.

heidy said...

Oh poor girl,how can the docters missed her,hope it will sort out quick for her.
Give her a big hug from me Jak!
Big XXX Heidy

Dawn said...

Oh Dear, how could they miss her! I hope she'll get the care she deserves now! All these cutbacks in the NHS are not good! Thinking of you all!
Dawn xx

Kathyk said...

Hmmmm - everything everyone has already said - shocking state of affairs and my fingers are crossed that now she FINALLY has their attention things will improve for her pretty quickly

Happy New Year


Aunty Sue said...

oh hope they sort it quickly for her. xx

Shazza said...

oh dear Jak, that's awful. Hope they can get her on the mend soon x

Trudie said...

Oh my word Jak. I hope things improve very soon for your poor daughter. We can see from the photos how the swelling has increased. Please inform her that there are many of us, complete strangers wishing her well xxx

Lisa Jane said...

oh fingers crossed it gets sorted soon.. poor lass must be in pain.
Sending big hugs to you both .. its not nice seeing your children suffer
Lisa xx

XxJULESxX said...

Oh Jak hope she recovers soon i only just read this! i used to work as a hca on a ward but i cant remember a patient being missed on a ward round!!.
Thinking about you and Natalie hugs x

Joyce said...

Oh Jak, poor girl ... and poor you! You must be very worried. We're all rooting for her and sending positive vibes ... let's hope that your next posting is much happier one. We're all thinking of you xxx

Laurian said...

Oh dear, worse thing in the world when one of your kids are ill. Keep chasing those doctors and make sure she gets the treatment she should have!
You are both in my thoughts and I hope she recovers quickly.

Anonymous said...

Oh, poor dear. I hope she is getting better. I know it must be very difficult for her parents to see their child go through this.... All of you are in my thoughts, heart and prayers....


hollis58 said...

OMG so very sorry for her and you Jak - that is awful. Hope she is feeling more herself real soon xxx

Maryann Laursen said...

Oh my god, she looks terrible. Poor girl, I sure hope, they´ll get this sorted out very quick, so she can get some relief.

Dorcas said...

Poor thing :(

Unknown said...

Oh dear :(. So sorry she's got worse and how awful that the doc missed her! I hope she is on the mend now with the right care and meds. Thinking of you both.
Lizy xx

Zosia said...

Wishing Natalie a speedy recovery and hopefully she is more comfortable now that she has been attended by the medical profession. God bless you all.

Sue's Crafty Corner said...

It's a good job you went and asked, or she could still have been waiting. Natalie and the rest of the family are in my thoughts and prayers tonight, and my good wishes for a speedy recovery.

Sue x

Lisa said...

I am sending lots of prayers and get well wishes - and a hug :) Your poor daughter :( I'm absolutely disgusted that she was overlooked - oh my gosh!! Certainly now that the mistake has been realized, she will be receiving the care she deserves and will be feeling better in no time!

Denise said...

Oh Jak, your poor daughter and how disgusting that she should have been missed from the rounds. Sending her and you all my love and best wishes and here's hoping they get her pain and swelling sorted very soon.
Denise xx

My'scardcorner said...

Poor Natalie she is certainly getting worse good job you chased the doc up and hope they get her sorted soon you must be worried sick Jak Hugs from me.

Linda Wescott said...

Poor girl. I hope they help her properly soon. Hugslin

Elaine Stark said...

Your poor daughter. I do hope she will get the treatment she deserves. Wishing her well. Elaine

Anonymous said...

I shall add her to my prayer list and hoping for a quick recovery

Glenys Haig
aka AuntyG

Hanni said...

Poor thing! How can a doctor forget a patient? Terrible, I do hope she will get help soon and all her troubles will be gone! Speedy recovery!

Kym said...

i do hope your daughter starts to feel better soon Jak

Kym xxx

ursula said...

Oh Jak, this is not good. The medical system is appalling. I hope she now gets some relief and it starts to get better. You are all in our prayers. Take care, luv Ursula XXXX

Merry said...

Poor thing...that is very sad that you had to chase up a doctor so often to get your daughter checked out. I so hope that she has some relief soon. Thinking of you all.

Tammy said...

So sorry for her and you! We'll just have to pray harder.

ladyannehoward said...

Hello Jak,
I think it is really bad of the hospital and really you should make a formal complaint. I did when it was similar for us when my Mum was in hospital and I got quite a bit changed there and all for the good. It is worth doing, not enough folk complain about the treatment in our hospitals which is sad.
I will continue with the healing for Natalie and hope she is feeling a little better this evening...
Love ~ Lady Anne xx

Peggy said...

OMG! My thoughts and prayers are with your daughter. I hope they find a solution soon.

Net said...

Oh wow that looks so painful Jak. Poor girl I hope they get her sorted quickly. She hasn't dyed her hair recently has she? Someone I know had a similar looking thing which was an allergic reaction.

Mary Roberson said...

JAK, if there is one thing I've learned as a health care worker and patient--its that nobody is going to have as much as a vested interest in you, as you (or your family advocate). I'm so glad Natalie has you looking out for her. I don't know about the UK, but in USA-short staffing, budget cutbacks, insurance regs, sicker patients, longer working hours, mandatory overtime, etc. have created a less positive patient care experience.

Continue to advocate for your daughter and work with the staff to see that she gets the care she needs. They will appreciate it and Natalie will get better care (hopefully). Sending up prayers for her. So glad you took this all very seriously (as you should). I've had something similar on my face that started with a spider bite (I still have the scar), but luckily I did get better. God Speed!

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness! Will sure keep praying that she gets better soon!!! Sometimes you have to stay on top of things and ask if you don't hear from them. I know we had to with my parents and anyone else. They get so busy and so much put on them sometimes that they have more than they can keep up with. They try to have one person do the work of three! You just about have to keep track yourself. Hugs! Leah Ann

Dawn Frost said...

I really hope the drops start working because her face looks very sore!

Joey said...

oh Jak, your poor love, I really hope Natalies face heals real soon, she must feel awful and so down, big hugs. Joey x

Denise ~ Paper Ponderings said...

So strange!! I've been thinking about her all day long...and I'll be praying for her! Hugs!!!

Ruth said...

I have been thinking of Natalie . I hope by the time you read this that she is feeling better and that the medicine is working.

Michelle Quinno said...

I'm sosorry! I hope she improves soon after getting the care she deserves!