Tuesday 27 December 2011

Poor Daughter

Well what a to do, my daughter Natalie took bad on Christmas day with pains in her face she took the usual pain killers thinking she had a bad tooth and needing a dentist, it seemed to get a little better by the evening but on boxing day got even worse and started to swell.

We called the doctors helpline and were given a number for an emergency dentist to call today we couldn’t get her looked at until 5.30 pm and had to go to the University Hospital, to be honest I thought it was an abscess but it turns out that there is nothing wrong with her teeth it seems to be an infection in her face, poor soul looks like she has gone 10 rounds in the boxing ring, I’ll let you see for yourself.



natalie2   natalie3

So after a couple of hours we got home with antibiotics and pain killers in hand and a frozen bag of peas as a compress, she is due back in work tomorrow but if this is no better I won’t be letting her go.

Jak Signature


Wendy said...

bless her hope she feels better soon hun


Four11Lady said...

Poor girl...............but I must say, she still looks beautiful!

emilylace said...

I do feel sorry for your girl and hope that there is no long term effect. It must be very painful!

Mad Mary said...

Poor Natalie, She may well not get any sleep tonight Jak, i didn't when i had my abscess but once the antibiotics kick in it will help. I also looked like a wee hamster when i had my one.

Gentle hugs for Natalie.

Mary xx

hollis58 said...

Hope all is well Jak and you and the family have a happy and healthy 2012

Carla S. said...

Poor Natalie! It must be very sore and uncomfortable! I hope the antibiotics kick in quickly and she feels better soon!

Dawn said...

Get better soon Natalie!
Dawn xx

heidy said...

Oh that look very painful,give Nathalie my best wishes and hope this will feels better very soon!
Hugs Heidy

Merry said...

Oh poor thing....I hope the medication gets in a works very quickly for her.

Kathyk said...

Poor girl - hope the antibiotics kick in soon and the swelling goes down

Happy New Year


IamDerby said...

I have actually had that same thing happen to me. Hope she is better soon!

Linda said...

Poor thing, hope the meds kick in quickly and she is feeling better soon.

Lady Anne said...

Hope Natalie gets better soon, it looks very sore and painful, bless her.
Love ~ Lady Anne xx

Michelle Quinno said...

Oh no! I hope she feels better soon!

Mary Roberson said...

Hope she will soon be on the mend. Looks serious, glad you are keeping a close eye on her because infection in and around the face can spread to the sinuses and the brain.

Tammy said...

Goodness, fingers crossed medicine makes it disappear quickly!

Jeni said...

Poor thing...hope she feels better soon!! ~jeni :)

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry, poor Natalie, thank goodness they were able to see her and she is on medications. Prayers this goes away quickly.

Hugs, Lori m

Anonymous said...

don't worry dear. i pray to God, that she might get well soon.

All the best..
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Sharon-The OKI StampQueen said...

Thoughts and prayers for a fast recovery---DO make her stay in and rest! We too often push ourselves and do whatever despite whatever when what we really need is REST! Blessings, Sharon