Sunday, 31 May 2020

is it a Wolf? Needle Felting

OK I've started a new project in needle felting, is it a hound? a wolf or a husky? Only time will tell

I have to admit, he doesn't look too fierce does he?

Each time I pass by him I pick up the needle felting needle and stab him a little more, bit by bit he will get there.

Saturday, 16 May 2020

Needle Felt Wedding Penny Farthing

Its official a needle felt wedding.
Penny and Farthing met, locked tails and fell in love...

Don't they make a beautiful couple? he asked and she said "I do" Ooooo I just lov a happy ending. I believe they tie tails and not knots.

what happens next we will just have to wait and see x

Friday, 15 May 2020

Needle Felt Mouse Mr Farthing

Meet Mr Farthing the needle felt mouse. He will be knocking on Penny Mouses door to arrange a date, I feel a courtship is upon us.

He's a dapper chap in his top hat and bow tie, I think Penny is going to love him.

I love the tubby tums of these mice.
The next step is to introduce him to Penny. Love is in the air....

Wednesday, 13 May 2020

Needle Felt Mouse - Penny

Meet my needle felt mouse, her name is Penny
Cute!, Cute!, Cute!

She's a pretty little thing, just waiting for a young chap to sweep her off her feet,

She has the dress and the flowers at the ready so all that she needs is a handsome partner to match.

The trickiest part is her feet and tail, her whiskers came from horses hair I found hanging from some wire around a field with horses in, washed and cleaned of course.

This only means one thing now she needs a chap, Can't stop now... speak soon x

Saturday, 9 May 2020

Needle Felt Snow Hare

The snow hare is just a ball of fluff on legs, needle felting nightmare but gorgeous all the same.

I just love how massive the hares feet are, and his pelt so thick and warm.

his whiskers came courtesy of the sweeping broom as I didn't have any horse hair.

I could have made him all white and most of is pelt is but they do have some distinguishing colouring.

I have to get my thinking cap on to what to make next, I have a few ideas rattling around.

Tuesday, 5 May 2020

Needle Felt Maggie Doll

A needle felt doll is by far the hardest project that I have made so far and although she is far from perfect I'm pretty pleased with how she turned out.

She is free standing and pose-able so the armature needed to be quite sturdy to start the character.

the head took many hours of work and was done over a few days. Her hair was another problem as I only had straight fibers but meet skewers and an oven took car of that for me.

I feel that she needs a necklace or a scarf so that will come next. although I'm giving the finger stabbing a break for a few days.

She is quite happy to sit where I want her to, her dress is made from a felt sheet that I had in my stash, I may need to get some more in different colours.

as her body and head are made separately I can tell you after all of the hours work i was terrified that I would end up with a wobbly head, but, I needn't of worried as it went on perfect.

Hand are the devils work. Her fingers and thumb are each made separately and I stabbed my own fingers several times whilst trying to shape them.

Lets talk feet, they may not be the prettiest but again each toe is made individually and yes she has bunions from wearing her high heels when younger.

Not sure when I will get round to making her a companion as she took so long but I will.