My Brother Russell would have been celebrating his 52nd Birthday today so I thought I would celebrate his life by adding one of my favorite photograph of him to share with you all.
Russell was 17 years old, in the prime of his life and I was 10 years old, he longed for a career in the Navy from starting his teens and that is what he had, he served in the Merchant Navy and loved every minute of it.
We actually got along famously which is unusual for brothers and sisters even with the age gap between us, I was a very difficult child with a temper like you wouldn't believe yet Russell always had time for me and I would tag along by his side.
His letters home were amazing and he would describe everything he saw on his journey's to the point you felt like you were there with him.
Then came the devastating news that Russell had been lost at sea 50 miles from the coast of South Africa, they searched for days but he was never found.
Our beautiful Son, Brother, Friend was gone from our lives without a trace, our hearts tore in pain of losing him.
I still when thinking of him have that voice in my head that says "wouldn't it be lovely if he just walked up the garden path and knocked at the door" (sigh)
Love you Russell, be safe in the arms of our Dad.