Showing posts with label Nail Wraps. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nail Wraps. Show all posts

Friday, 14 October 2016

Coral Christmas Beading

I'm finding more and more that I want to sit on an evening and enjoy a bit of beading. I love that I can sit with a bead Matt on my knee without the worry of my beads rolling off a tray and sit with Chris watching a bit of TV.

What crafting is your TV Craft?

Anyway, this was mine for the last couple of evenings.

Crystal Cascade kit, purchased from Bead Supply Auctions by Boheme.

Quite funny really as I wasn't keen on the colour ways of this until I started to make up the snowflake elements.

Pretty yes? I think so.

So now I need to find a new project to start.

I was aware that my link for my Jamberry Nail Wraps failed, I did correct it but here it is again Jamberry nail shop. And while I am featuring Christmas her are some gorgeous Christmas designed nail wraps.