Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Flamin Go

Apparently when flamingo’s start their courtship the male of the species has to win it’s mate by performing a dance and when she is suitable impressed she gives in to his charming light-footedness and they become mates for life, this then excites others around them so much so that they copy his dance to celebrate. amazing huh!

Meet Ollie and Olga by Karen’s Doodles I could have gone two ways with this stamp Ostrich or flamingo but when i checked out their courtship habits I knew which i had to do.


It’s kind of funny because in my own courtship Chris was known for trying to impress me at the disco with a kind of turkey strut Oooo the memories.


I think you’ll agree that this couple seem very tied up in each other.

Colours – Copic salmon and lemon shades

Papers – Papertrey Ink

Letter – Thickers

Ribbon and Card from my stash

Jak Signature

Monday, 30 January 2012

A surprising Tonic

Where to start? These little beauties fell through my door while I was at work today, well actually the came in a dirty great box and my neighbour took them in for me. Decisions, decisions.
I also want to give a shout out to Ursula for a beautiful letter and some crochet flowers which she sent to me.

Victorian Mystique

I got the pleasure to work with some new stamps from Wonderland Stamps I just love the steampunk style, there is an air of attitude to them yet an elegance that the Victorians did so very well.

This one is image Wonderland No19 from Wonderland Stamps


I used a set of papers from my digital Scrapbook software as they fit perfect, coloured the image with the BG range of Copics a lush satin ribbon some die cut gears and a of bit paper piecing and some matting and layering.


Jak Signature

Sunday, 29 January 2012

A bit of Wisdom

I thought I would give you and update of how things are going.

I have only had 2 lots of pain killers today, so things are starting to heel very nicely thank goodness. Trust me to have this done when my bloods where low in the cells that fight infections.

Natalie was thinking I was coming out in sympathy with her, mind you it’s just as well that I didn’t need her to nurse me the same way I nursed her because I haven’t seen hide nor hair of her…. oh to be footloose and fancy free at the young age of 20.

I’m setting myself up to go back to work tomorrow and hoping that the freezing cold office wont set it away again, mind you I have got a heater tucked under my desk so all should be fine and dandy.

Jak Signature

D’arcy’s Diaries

Theres a new kid on the block! ok then a new digi company with some gorgeous girls just awaiting some colour.

This one that I used is D’Arcy’s Diaries No6 Under my Umberella you can check out the full range at D’Arcy’s Diaries


I made mine into an inspirational card for when someone needs a little pick me up to know you care.

Backing papers are by Raspberry Road designs called Fight like a girl. i even got out my sewing machine for this one.


Jak Signature

Saturday, 28 January 2012

Apple of my Eye

With Valentine just around the corner I started to think of card without the slushy feel to them but something that would give a smile and still the meaning of the day is there, this one just ticks all of the boxes for me.

Apple of my eye by Karen's Doodles

Apple of my eye1_jakheath

Made on a Kraft base card and teamed with gorgeous ribbon and bakers twine from Ribbon Carousel all of the other elements and papers  are from Raspberry Road designs I also used the Viva Decor Crackle paint on opposite corners and buffed it with precious metal gold from Creativity Direct.The image was cut out using the circle Nestabilities both plain and scalloped.

Apple of my eye2_jakheath

My lovely man is taking me out for a little fresh air today, still in pain but hopefully the worst is over.

Jak Signature

Friday, 27 January 2012

Bride and Groom

Morning friends, it’s Friday and those that get the weekend off work will be counting their blessings today.

My card today is Bride and Groom Dancing by Mo’s Digital Pencil 

bride and groom dancing

I’m still having mega problems with my mouth, and the medication is knocking me for six, so much so that I daren’t drive so my lovely man is going to take me to hospital this morning as I have to get my bloods re checked, I think the meds along with a low blood count is maybe why I can’t seem to walk in a straight line and feel so sickly.

I still have a gaping hole in the bottom gum but the top is closing so hopefully the bottom will follow soon.

Jak Signature

Thursday, 26 January 2012

Promarker Limited Edition

Spring will soon be here and to celebrate this Letraset have produced a Promarker Limited Edition to the family. Six new fresh colours, how exciting. They are all in the pastel family and would be a fabulous edition to your collection.

I thought I should give them a whirl with a new addition card.

limited edition promaker card

I used three of the new colours on my card, Fresh Meadow, Daffodil Bloom and Budding Rose. I love these colours and they lay down with a chalky look to them but without the mess.

Don’t wait to long to get yours as they could be gone.

Jak Signature

Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Floral Fancies–Freebie

I was asked the other day for more colours of a freebie i made in 2009 so I thought it would be nice to share with you all, 5 sheets in beautiful shades. if you want them smaller for an embellishment rather than a feature, you could always print them at half size. I would recommend a soft gloss paper like a satin or decoupage paper for the best results.

Please abide by my Terms of Use.
You are free to use my sheets for personal use but please do not share, alter, claim them as your own or sell them, instead link back to my blog for people to download them.
They are copyright protected.

card layout-005

Click here  to start the download (please note if you have a pop up blocker on you may have to  either click on the pop up blocker button on your menu bar and tell it that pop ups on my site are allowed or try right clicking on the link and tell it to open in a new window).

Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Wisdom Update

I couldn't take the pain any longer so I took myself back to the dentist this afternoon, it appears I have a bad case of dry socket infection in where my bottom wisdom tooth would have been. So a big box of antibiotics and soluble Co Codamol, corsodyl mouth wash and I topped it up with corsodyl toothpaste too.  if you don’t here of me in the next two days it could be that I have lock jaw eeeek!

Ok tablets taken mouth swilled, now time for a little nap methinks.

Jak Signature

Spring with Adele–Mo Manning

Well I keep taking the pain killers but they take longer to kick in and a sure know when I’m ready for more, a sore mouth leaves you pretty miserable I can tell you, I think part of the problem is my tongue it just can’t leave it alone and I look pretty silly going through the day holding it to stop it wandering.

I decided that a spring card might be just the ticket to cheer me up.

Adele from Mo’s Digital Pencil 


I coloured her with FlexMarkers by Letraset and used the Nestabilities Oval dies to cut her out then teamed her with Nitwit Collection papers

I just love the size of her Easter Bonnet.


Jak Signature

Monday, 23 January 2012

Just Look What's New This Week

We have three new digital stamps for you this week, two of them being religious, we thought they would be great for those that make cards to raise church funds, sympathy, weddings, christening and confirmation cards and these two are simply gorgeous.

23rd psalm

Every bit of The Lord is my Shepherd beautifully hand written.


The Blessing


Then we have one for the do lovers

Basset Hound



Jak Signature

What a let down.

I feel like I have let you all down this weekend, I felt so unwell over the last couple of days that I just haven't made any cards at all, I have coloured images when I felt up to it but no card made. Chris was on a course with the fire brigade on Sunday and I spent most of the day in bed, although I did manage to make a shepherds pie for him coming home.

I made this layout of our Grandson Jack a little while ago but didn’t get to show it to you so at least I have something visual to show you. I could show you the gaping holes where my wisdom teeth were but I figure you wouldn’t appreciated the photo.


Saturday, 21 January 2012

Welcome Saturday

What a day Friday was, firstly it would have been my Brother Russell’s birthday, he was lost at sea while serving in the Merchant Navy at the age of 17, just a lad in his prime with the world at his feet.

Then my morning started with a trip to hospital for my bloods to be done followed late morning by a trip to the Dentist to have 2 wisdom teeth removed, now I am a bit of a wus when it comes to dentists due to a drill happy one in my youth, but they had to come out so out they are and pretty painful at that, it made me realise the pain that Natalie must have been in earlier in the month.

The tea time came a call from the hospital to say they were concerned about my blood count and to stop the meds that keep my pains at bay and I need to go in again next week.

So I’m pleased to see Saturday morning, I still have considerable pain but I suspect that each day will get better.

I thought I would share this scrapbook page with you, the picture is one from my wedding day and this is Chris’s favourite picture, it always make me giggle and think start as you mean to go on ha,ha…


It’s quite ironic because we rarely have cross words, we tend to listen to each other and talk about things before the heat sets in, something that has worked for us as last year we celebrated out 25th Anniversary.

I use My Memories Suite to digi scrap and now to make cards it is an amazingly easy program to work with.

If you would like to get started and be able to make wonderful gifts and keepsakes this is definitely in my opinion the program to be using.

Don’t forget by using my code you can get $10 off the My Memories Suite software and also an extra $10 coupon off any purchases made. That's a big $20 saving.

My code is STMMMS48868 Enter the code on the shopping cart page At My Memories Suite

Jak Signature

Friday, 20 January 2012

Dream–Victoria Case

Every now and again something special comes along which was what happened when I made a purchase from Victoria Case, we became facebook friends and I was given a free image to work with along side her other facebook friends. So here she is, the Facebook Fairy.


Coloured with Copic markers and prisma pencils then smooched the background with a gold rub and teamed it with gold and iridescent papers from my stash, lace, ribbon and pearl pin and a whimsy ticket. the Flourish is a die from Memory Box.


her dress is paper pieced then shaded with the copic markers.

Jak Signature

Thursday, 19 January 2012

Project of the Month Blog Hop - All You Need is Love

It’s that time again and this Months theme for the Blog Hop is All You need is Love and Jane is the host and that is where the blog hop begins.

blog hop jan

You should have landed on my blog from Pops so if not head back over there first. We will hold this every third Thursday of the month , we aim to give you a little inspiration and hopefully a few Oooo's and Awes along the way.The Dream Team is made up with some of the most talented ladies so be sure to give them all a visit and leave us all a comment as there is a couple of spot prizes up for grabs.

This months theme could have been music or love so I combined the two. My Image is Future Rock Star and is available from Mo’s Digital Pencil 

future rock star

Coloured with Flexmarkers by Letraset, the lips are a ribbon cut up from Ribbon Carousel and the music ribbon I have had in my stash forever. Designer Black paper in Stampin Up and i used some Nesabilities hearts

Next up is the uber talented Lori so thats where you should hop to next.

Don't forget to leave comments along the way as there is 2 spot prizes to be won from the comments left on the blog hop.

Jak Signature

Blog Candy Winner

Oh I nearly forgot about this I said I was choose a winner from comments left on the Husbands Eh! post and I have been so busy this week that it just skipped my memory.

The winner is….

Blogger Skylark said...

jak it's been a long time since I heard that, the worst one for me was when our youngest grandaughter was born on christmas day then for days he insisted on playing Grandad his reason being she was not born when we got together where as the other 2 grandchildren were born & he was 36 as he is younger than me

17 January 2012 12:44

Please get in touch with via email and I will organise a prize for you.

You will get a $5 give voucher for Mo’s Digital Pencil 


Jak Signature

Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Mariko is Mad

This little one reminds me of myself when I was young, I was quite a handful and my Mam and Dad would often say they didn’t know how I survived to be an adult, apparently if it wasn’t for family and friends I would have ended up in the raggy home eek!.

Mariko is Mad Digital Stamp by Mo’s Digital Pencil Coloured with Letraset Flexmarkers and Prisma Pencils

mariko is mad1

I used some broderie anglais and then some of the gorgeous ruffle ribbon by Ribbon Carousel  on top of it the border work was done using an around the page punch by Martha Stewart some puffy letters (Thickers Glass Slipper) and a few blossoms and pearls and the designer paper is from Stampin Up.

mariko is mad2

Jak Signature

Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Free Background Sheets–Pretty Peony Pack 2

I got the 2 pack all made up for you last night, 3 Turquoise at the top of the sample and 3 complimentary papers at the bottom of the preview.

Please abide by my Terms of Use.
You are free to use my sheets for personal use but please do not share, alter, claim them as your own or sell them, instead link back to my blog for people to download them.
They are copyright protected.

card layout-004

Click here (for Pack 2) to start the download (please note if you have a pop up blocker on you may have to  either click on the pop up blocker button on your menu bar and tell it that pop ups on my site are allowed or try right clicking on the link and tell it to open in a new window).

If you missed the middle 6 sheets (Pack 1) in the preview above you can still get them from here

Jak Signature

Monday, 16 January 2012

Husbands eh! and Blog Candy

I was just chatting with one of my crafty friends about husbands taste in music when driving in the car and then I remembers the little gem that I got in the car to one morning.

I have been known to slide down my seat in the car in the hope that know one notices me when Chris is driving and puts on his own music but this one beat them all.

Picture the scene, dashing out early morning so that I won’t be late for work I jump in the car and turn on the ignition and wham the music is full blast, Chris had had the car the previous night and this is the little gem he left for me to listen to.

Delaney’s Donkey

I bet you will all be singing or humming the tune all night. Tell be your husbands most embaressing car music in a comment & I’ll sort out some blog candy and do a random draw.

Jak Signature

Free Background Sheets–Pretty Peony Pack 1

Wow it seems like you love these, it makes all the hours so worthwhile in the creating of them.

I will share another set of these Tuesday (if I get them finished in time) but this time in turquois colours as requested and a further 3 complimentary sheets to the flowers.

Please abide by my Terms of Use.
You are free to use my sheets for personal use but please do not share, alter, claim them as your own or sell them, instead link back to my blog for people to download them.
They are copyright protected.

card layout-004

Click here to start the download (please note if you have a pop up blocker on you may have to  either click on the pop up blocker button on your menu bar and tell it that pop ups on my site are allowed or try right clicking on the link and tell it to open in a new window).

Jak Signature