Monday, 30 January 2012

A surprising Tonic

Where to start? These little beauties fell through my door while I was at work today, well actually the came in a dirty great box and my neighbour took them in for me. Decisions, decisions.
I also want to give a shout out to Ursula for a beautiful letter and some crochet flowers which she sent to me.


My'scardcorner said...

These look great Jak what a fab pick me up enjoy...

maxine said...

These are lovely have fun using them x

Lisa Jane said...

oh wow .. definitely the best kind of surprise
Lisa x

Linda said...

What a tonic. I am sure you will have great fun with them

Jackie said...

wow get you mrs. u lucky gal.,, , have fun xx

Dawn said...

What a great tonic indeed!Enjoy!
Hope your first day back was okay!
Dawn xx

sallysbitz2 said...

Lucky you Jak, have fun playing x
Can't wait to see what you come up with x

hugs sally x

Sue said...

Wow what a lovely surpise,have fun with them.
Hugs Sue xx

THERESA said...

That looks good, what a lovely surprise to get home to........:))
lotsa luv

Laurian said...

You lucky, lucky thing!!
Have fun playing, nothing better to cheer you up than some new toys - enjoy!

Trish said...

What a lovely surprise you had Jak! Enjoy your new goodies

applejack cards by sue said...

woohoo...I love new toys!!! have fun.

Mad Mary said...

WOW Jak, i bet you are going to have fun with these and that will take your mind off your sore gums/mouth. Have fun!!

Mary x

Mary Roberson said...

Great surprize! Hope you are feeling better and can enjoy playing with them.

Gale said...

That looks like a wonderful chance to play! Have a great time!


:) Gale

Katsatplay said...

Tonic is always a wonderful welcome. Awesome product, he does know the business. Have fun with all the wonderful new toys, oops I mean tools. Hugs

Larisa said...

Great surprise!

Anonymous said...

What a lucky lady you are. I never get surprises like that. There again I'm not as talented as you. Enjoy.

ursula said...

Ooooo would love a parcel of Tonic like that to arrive at my door, have fun using them, and you deserve the goodies. Luv Ursula XX

Michelle Quinno said...

Wow, lucky you!! Enjoy.