Monday, 23 January 2012

What a let down.

I feel like I have let you all down this weekend, I felt so unwell over the last couple of days that I just haven't made any cards at all, I have coloured images when I felt up to it but no card made. Chris was on a course with the fire brigade on Sunday and I spent most of the day in bed, although I did manage to make a shepherds pie for him coming home.

I made this layout of our Grandson Jack a little while ago but didn’t get to show it to you so at least I have something visual to show you. I could show you the gaping holes where my wisdom teeth were but I figure you wouldn’t appreciated the photo.



Colleen said...

What a cute layout.
Don't feel bad about letting us down. I think that flu bug has hit so many of us. The best thing for a person to do is drink plenty of liquids and get lots of bed rest.

Mary Roberson said...

Jak, I understand. Past 2 wk-ends have been spent in bed-not much accomplished other than household chores (that have to be done). Hope you will feel better soon. Love the photo of your G-Son, cute layout!

♥ Yolanda ♥ said...

Don't feel bad Jak. We all understand that if you are not well at all, you can't post here or anywhere. Take all the time you need to recover. I wish you a speedy recovery :-).

Lovely LO and a great photo of your grandson Jack.
Hugs Yolanda

Tammy said...

Staying in bed, under the covers is great medicine when not feeling well. Hope you are on the mend! Love the layout, your grandson is such a cutie pie!

terrie said...

You don't have to feel bad for not posting or showing one of youe wonderful cards..
You don't feel well and having your wisdom tooth out is no fun..
Just rest and take care of yourself and you'll be back on your feet in no time...
Take Care

Donna said...

Hope you are feeling better very soon. I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

Candy said...

Get better soon Jak.
Before you know it your mouth will be ok.
GREAT layout of Jack :o)
Love the lettering the best I think - oh as well as the picture.
Hugs, Candy

Anonymous said...

Feel better, adorable layout of little Jack.

Hugs, Lori m

Anonymous said...

Jack is so adorable, makes you want to just pick him up and squeeze him.. Hope you Get to feeling better real soon. Have you in our thoughts and prayers.


Dona said...

Make sure that you take care of you and get well, that is the most important thing. You are so generous with us in sharing your talent that it is time for taking care of yourself. Feel better soon!

Laurian said...

Your health is more important than keeping us happy! Take care of yourself, I symphathise - been there and still remember the pain....
LO is gorgeous, he's such a cute little fella!

heidy said...

Sorry your not well Jak,take care off yourself hun!
Your LO is fabolous!
XXX Heidy

June Nelson said...

Aw jak darlin I do hope you feel better soon its awful for you, take it easy darlin, love your page you make me wanna start digiscrapping again xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Dawn said...

Just feel better soon Jak!
Dawn xx

Linda said...

Never feel you have let us down by not posting. We all feel poorly now and again. Just focus on getting yourself well again.
Love the layout. Jack is gonna break a few hearts in years to come, he's such a cutie.

Maryann Laursen said...

You certainly never let anyone down Jak, so please don´t feel bad for not posting a few days. Most people don´t post every day anyway, and we all get sick now and then, so we´re not able to do all we would want to. You just make sure, you get lots of rest and get well again, that´s all that matters. The page with little Jack is awesome, and I just love that tiny pencil, where on earth did you find this??? Would love to find some as I have 2 granddaughters who start school this year and one who did last year, so could really use some of these, but never seen them anywhere.
Have a great day and get lots of rest and get well very soon.

Anonymous said...

Oh JAK you haven't let anybody down! It is always such a treat when you post, If for one try not to expect/take for granted, but to remain grateful for the inspiration and ideas you offer and share with us. Hope you are feeling better soon. I think many of us know how it is not to be up to creating and blogging.
Your lay out of Jack is lovely, he is such a cutie!

Christine Harrop said...

Poor you. I had all four wisdom teeth extracted at the same time a couple of years ago. I was okay for a few hours (until the anaesthetic wore off) and then for the next few days I thought I was dying! Just look after yourself and get well soon. You spoil us anyway so a day or two without a new creation is not a hardship for us.
Love and God Bless Christine xx

Joyce said...

You poor, poor thing ... what a packet you've had over the last few weeks ! Just you take care and look after yourself .. and hopefully get some treatment. You haven't let anyone down at all. Love and hugs xx

craftynanny said...

Hi Jak - I havent been following you for long but I am sure no-one feels let down - you have been through so much lately! Hope you feel better soon. Lea xx

My'scardcorner said...

Great pageJak and hope you feelbetter today.Take Care


Lesley (Middlesbrough) said...

Please don't ever feel that you let us down. We love to see what you do but your health is the most important thing. Take care of yourself, we will all still be hear when you feel better (hopefully very soon).

Anonymous said...

Oh dear - hope you feel better soon Jak. Lovely layout - Jack is really coming on isn't he! They are not babies long (enough)! Viv xx

hollis58 said...

Jak - health is the most important thing of all so don't feel bad - we love to hear from you anyways xxx

Bee and Dee said...

Take care of yourself Hugs Bee

sallysbitz2 said...

This is a lovely layout Jak.

I do hope you feel better soon luv. I need to go to the dentist to have a wisdom tooth out. Not sure whether to be refered to the hospital.

hugs sally x

Rainbow_colours said...

Jak just get well soon. health is everything.

Lesley said...

Jak, you haven't let anyone down, everyone is ill at some point. You make us all happy with what you create. The layout is beautiful. Take all the time you need to recover.

My very best wishes and get well soon.

Hugs Lesley xx

ursula said...

Jak, you certainly have not let us down, all we ask is that you get back to 100% again very soon. I guess it has been a tough week for you. Your little Jack is such a cutie! Take care, big hugs Ursula XX

Skylark said...

I love your layout.
hope yu are better soon & if you have no cards ect made to show dont worry your health is more important

Jan (aka lucylogic) said...

Hope you feel better soon Jak and don't worry about letting anyone down. You can do what you want when you want to do it, and then only a little at at time until you feel better, we've all been there sometime or other. Oh and you are right about the photo, better not, yuck!!! : )

Lisa Jane said...

Here's a virtual hug ((((( ))))) Hope you feel a lot better soon
Lisa x

Trish said...

Know how you feel, Jak - I've had the 'dreaded lurg' and an awful cough this past week. Hope you are well on the mend now.

Lovely pic of Jack.

Mad Mary said...

Jak, you are NOT super woman, don't you dare feel bad for not doing a card. You should take more time out for yourself, it may do you good. No, i don't want to see where you got your teeth out thank you lol lol lol.
Another lovely scrapbook page and what a great picture of wee Jack.

Mary xx

Jeni said...

Adorable layout Jack...although the subject has a little to do with it. Lol
Hope you are feeling better soon ~jeni :)