Monday, 2 January 2012

Just a Boy

Morning all, well my sleeping pattern is getting no better, I’m in bed early now, mostly before 10pm that is actually very early for me as I used to struggle to be in bed before 2am, I am waking a number of times during the night and normally wide awake and bushy tailed by 3am and having to force myself back to sleep until around 5.30am, I am absolutely bushed to say the least, it is like walking through a fog.

This morning the whole household was up and having a cuppa by 6.30 and Natalie although still in a lot of pain is looking much better, she is presently as sound as a baby laying on the sofa.

I have started to pack up the Christmas decorations but need his nibs to get it all into the loft for me.

My card today is made using a digi stamp from Spesch stamps

goth boy1

Coloured with Copic sketch markers then teamed with Stampin Up designer papers and the lucious ribbon is from Ribbon Carousel  lurve… her ribbons, most are from Maya Art.

goth boy2

I’m hoping to pop to the local garden centre today as I have had my eyes on a beautiful wire Christmas tree that I’m hoping will now be in the sales, I bought a little pottery nativity from there just before Christmas which I love. So I’ll take Natalie along if she is well enough and we’ll have a coffee while we are there.

Jak Signature


My'scardcorner said...

This is lovely Jak my favourite colour and that ribbon is gorgeous. Hope you manage a wee trip out with Natalie it will do her good enjoy.Would the garden centre be Highley Gate? used to love visiting there when we lived up there hope the tree is still there...

Lisa Jane said...

oh what a fab image! coloured beautifully
Have a great day
Lisa x

Sharon-The OKI StampQueen said...

Your sleeping pattern of late is just like mine! I've been averaging reading a novel a night! Too bad we're not closer-we could craft and chat together! Glad Natalie is feeling better,too! Blessings, Sharon

Anonymous said...

Hi Jak, I have been away over Christmas, just back and looking through my emails. Ahhhh what an awful thing to have happened to Natalie, bless her, I am so pleased to see she is finally on the mend. It must have been such a shock to you to see her like that. Please pass on my very best wishes to her, and I wish you and all your family a very Happy and Healty New Year.

Kind regards Lesley xx

Lisa Lynn said...

Jak, Hope you Natalie enjoy the day! Love your adorable card with the great coloring.

Dawn said...

What a bright cheery card to be greeted with this morning!
Glad to hear Natalie is continuing on the road to recovery!
Dawn xx

Denise said...

Your sleep patterns sound exactly the same as mine so I know just how you feel.
Glad to hear Natalie is feeling much better.
Love your card - that image is brilliant and that bow is gorgeous.
Enjoy your trip to the garden centre.
Denise xx

Laurian said...

Lovely card, i love that image and the ribbon is to die for!
Hope you're all back to normal soon and have a great time at the garden centre - I hope you get some bargains!!

Mad Mary said...

Fantastic card and gorgeous ribbon. Beautiful colouring. I hope Natalie is feeling up to going out with you, it will do her good. Fingers crossed that you get your wire Christmas tree and any other goodies that are on offer.

Mary xx

terrie said...

Great looking card...I like the blue coloring that you did..
So glad that your daughter Natalie is getting a little better..
Take Care Natalie sending you a hug!

judith smurthwaite said...

wow jak this is my fav card of yours i have to say, the colouring is stunning and i must practice your bow technique as your bow sets the card off a treat. The image is gorgeous unfotunately i had to have a peek at the site and think i may have a new addiction. Good news for my hubby as with being stuck in bed my purse is downstairs and he would have to get it for me so might have to wait a bit before ordering hahaha.

Hope you get some bargains today its a lovely day for it xxx

Tracy said...

A really fab creatyion Jak, he's brilliant.

Have fun at the garden centre, hope you get what you want, regards to Natalie.
Happy crafting
Tracy x

Helena (Gvendalen) said...

This is lovely card!

Manualidades said...

Wow!!! i love it!!!

Michelle Quinno said...

This is beautiful! I have had the same problems with sleep and recently was diagnosed with sleep apnea. I now have an annoying cpap machine which helps me sleep. Hope your pattern changes!

Anonymous said...

Belated Happy New Year to you and your family Jak.So glad to see Natalie on the mend.
Love the card,a real little rock chick.
Take care.

Sian xx

Four11Lady said...

The sleep pattern thing must be going around because I know exactly what you are talking about. Glad Natalie is doing better. Your card, by the way, is gorgeous! Crafting is such good therapy, isn't it? God bless...

sallysbitz2 said...

This is brilliant Jak. My son would adore this card (this is how he dresses... but has cropped hair! although he wanted to grow it long).

Glad to hear your daughter is on the mend, enjoy that coffee & fingers crossed you get that tree in the SALE.

hugs sally x