Monday, 23 January 2012

Just Look What's New This Week

We have three new digital stamps for you this week, two of them being religious, we thought they would be great for those that make cards to raise church funds, sympathy, weddings, christening and confirmation cards and these two are simply gorgeous.

23rd psalm

Every bit of The Lord is my Shepherd beautifully hand written.


The Blessing


Then we have one for the do lovers

Basset Hound



Jak Signature


Anonymous said...

I tend to stay away from anything touching on religious but have to say, I rather like the psalms one, would make a rather touching sympathy image indeedy.


Anonymous said...

I have to agree with AJ I also like the 23rd Psalm and have just bought it *smile* it would make a brilliant bereavement card
Love ~ Lady Anne xx

THERESA said...

Love all three, dog lover here and one does not see too many religious images, so love these, can be used for quite a few different cards, versatile!!
lotsa luv

hollis58 said...

Love all 3 Jak but especially the psalm x

Ita said...

Hi Jak how do the stamps work??? do you buy them , print them , and colour them in ?