Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Wisdom Update

I couldn't take the pain any longer so I took myself back to the dentist this afternoon, it appears I have a bad case of dry socket infection in where my bottom wisdom tooth would have been. So a big box of antibiotics and soluble Co Codamol, corsodyl mouth wash and I topped it up with corsodyl toothpaste too.  if you don’t here of me in the next two days it could be that I have lock jaw eeeek!

Ok tablets taken mouth swilled, now time for a little nap methinks.

Jak Signature


Gram's Treasures said...

Oh my, hope you are feeling better soon!
Joyce xx

Linda said...

Oh me, Jak, you're having a rough time just now.
You just can't see Natalie getting one better than you ;-).
Seriously thought hope you are feeling better soon.

Tammy said...

Oh my goodness Jak, you and your daughter have had a rough time with teeth. Feel better soon and I hope the pain stops immediately!

Anonymous said...

Oh Jack, I'm so sorry, pain beyond pain, anything dental is the worst ever pain.

Feel better, I'm saying prayers for you that this eases quick and heals fast.

Hugs, Lori m

Lesley said...

Oh poor old you,you have been through the mill!!
I really hope you will be feeling the benifit of the tablets very soon. I hope you managed to get a nap??
Many hugs, Lesley xx

Anonymous said...

Hope you feel better soon, take the time to recover Jak...
Love ~ Lady Anne xx

craftynanny said...

I once had this after a lower tooth extraction. Once I re-visited the dentist it healed really quickly! I hope it is the same for you. Tkae care, Lea xx

Jeni said...

Oh Jak, that sounds awful. Sure hope the meds help. ((hugs)) ~jeni :)

Frances said...

Get well soon! hugs, Frances.

Cheryl W. said...

My husband just recovered from the same malady - hope your's disappears as quickly as his did. Feel better soon!

ursula said...

It sounds like a case of 'take it easy' to me. Just sleep it off Jak, we will see you when we see you, a revived woman again. Luv and hugs, Ursula XX

Laurian said...

Plenty of rest and keep taking the tablets!
Take care, Jak = leave everyone to get on with it until you feel better!

Joyce said...

Oh my goodness, what a time you've had. Hope the meds begin to work very quickly so that you can feel better soon. Think that your family have had their share for the next couple of years!! Love and hugs xx

Anonymous said...

Get better soon Jak. I think that tooth pain is almost the worst pain in the world.

Thinking of youx

Anonymous said...

hope you are feeling better ery sonn..

Wishing You Butterfly Mornings and
Wildflower Afternoons.......


Carol Ann said...

Take care Jac hope your back to normal very soon x

Jean said...

Hope the painkillers keep working and that the antibiotics kick in quickly to get you well. The tongue in the hole thing is almost impossible to resist, even though your brain knows it will hurt.

Rosietoes said...

Oh I feel for you Jak. I get that every time I have a tooth out and now I need to go to a specialist for an extraction. I hope you get some relief from your medications. It is a horrible pain.

Edna x

Candy said...

Poor you, Jak,
There is nothing worse than a dry socket :o(
Hope it gets better soon!
Hugs, Candy

Maryann Laursen said...

Oh dear, hope you feels much better really soon and get a speedy recovery now.

Cathy said...

Hope you feel better soon, take care. Hope the nap helps :)

Carol said...

Hope things get better soon Jak. Carol x

sallysbitz2 said...

Flippin heck !!!!

Pain before you have the bloomin tooth out & after, yikes!

Hope the pain eases soon luv x

hugs sally x

Nena's Crafts said...

No fun having pain Jak hope your soon feeling better
Nena x

lw said...

spoke to soon on your freebie page sorry you have dry sockets one of the worse pains in life iam suffering dental probs as well bit hard on a bottom tooth caused trauma on it and now a abcess has formed i am on antibiotics as well then a root filling to look forward to on the 29th feb what we have us women in life to put up with well friend hope you soon get well drink plenty x lw

Sharon in Arizona said...

Jak, my heart goes out to you. This has been such a horrible experience for you, and right on the heels of Natalie's ordeal. I hope you have enough pain killers to get you through this infection. It's my personal opinion that there's nothing worse than mouth pain - makes me cringe. Appreciate your taking the time to keep us all updated. I'll keep good thoughts for you. Hugs, Sharon :o)

June Nelson said...

Been there with the same thing Jak and its agony bless you hope it soon heals darlin xxxxxxxx

Ita said...

Oh Jak you poor thing ,it is a terrinle pain ,hope the meds kick in soon sending hugs

Anonymous said...

These designs are awesomely pretty.

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