Friday, 1 January 2010

Free Downloads - Red Hibiscus Sheets

Oh My! 2010
Happy New Year.
As my wish to you all is to have a Happy 2010 what better way than to give you all a gift of some new sheets the first image is a sample please scroll down to each seperate sheet to download them.

You are free to use my sheets for personal use but please do not share, alter, claim them as your own or sell them, instead link back to my blog for people to download them.
They are copyright protected.
Just click on the images and this will bring them to full size on your screen then save it to your computer.
The sheet will print to a normal size A4 sheet, once saved to your computer double click on the file then from the top menu on your computer click, file then print this will then print out the image


Anita said...

Thanks for the beautiful papers!

Cheryl said...

These are beautiful,thankyou so much!!! Happy New Year and best wishes for 2010!!

Debbie said...

Happy New Year to you and you family. Thanks for this years beautiful downloads. Wishing you a creative year. Debbie M.

Anne said...

Thank you Jak for some more wonderful sheets.
I Hope the New Year will be good for you and yours.


Mad Mary said...

Oh Jak you are an Angel, i was wondering if you were going to do these in more colours and you have already done it. Thank you so much once more.

Mary xx

Kimbo said...

Happy New Year Jak. Thanks for another wonderful set

Karen J said...

Thanks Jak .. these are gorgeous.
Happy New Year to you and all your family xx

Alison said...

Happy New Year Jak. Thank you for sharing such a stunning set of papers

Alison xx

Jackie said...

Happy New Year Jak, and thanks for sharing such lovely sheets... x

Trimgym said...

Thank you Jak, the sheets are gorgeous. A very Happy 2010 to you too.



Christine said...

Hi Jak thank you again for sharing your work..Happy & peaceful 2010..

Hugs Christine xx

fabie said...

Thank you for this lovely set.

Happy new year to you and your family.

Britt-Inger said...

These papers are gorgeous!!!
Happy & Peaceful 2010.

Margaret, said...

Oh Jak these are beautiful thank you so very much i will be doing both of the sheets you have given
Margaret xxx

Laurel said...

Thanks Jak for these bright and cheery freebies. You are very generous. Wishing you and family a wonderful 2010.. Laurel

syy said...

Thank you once again Jak for
sharing your beautiful designs.
Happy New Year to you and your


Anonymous said...

thanks jak, they are beautiful.
happy new year to you and your family

carmel (crafty c)

Anonymous said...

Thank you once againJak for lovely sheets.Gorgeous,Happy New Year to you and sylviae xx

Amanda said...

Thank you so much for these beautiful papers, I hope you and yours have a wonderful 2010


Anonymous said...

Thank You for your recent sheets Jak they are lovely. I especially loike the colour of these ones. Happy New Year to you and yours. Viv xx

scn said...

Thank you Jak
they are really nice

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the beautiful sheets! I have already made a card with the yellow flower. I will post it on CoC:)

Anonymous said...

Thank you Jak for sharing your lovely sheets again.
happy new year!
blwyddyn Newydd Dda!
As the people in wales say!

Catherine said...

great sheets thank you x

Carol said...

Many thanks for these gorgeous sheets. Wishing you and your family all the best for the new year.

Norma said...

Happy New Year to you and yours Jak
and thankyou so much for these gorgeous sheets

Norma x

Anonymous said...

These are just beautiful, Jak, thank you - see, generosity already to the fore :)

Alice (beemer)

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous sheets Jak..Thank you for sharing them xx

Liz said...

Dear Jak

thank you for the beautiful sheets you are very kind to share your talent with us

Anonymous said...

Wow!! Jak I thought the first Hibiscus Shets were stunning ,but these newcoloured one are Breathtaking .Thankyou so much for your Generosity in sharing.They will make a lovely Valentine Card.Hugs and a happy New Year to you, and yours .Cazmiduckxx

Anonymous said...

sheets are beautiful Jak thank you love the colours

Myrna said...

These are fabulous!!!
I wondered if anyone has made them up in cards and if so, what they look like. I would be interested in seeing what can be done with them.

kay said...

thank you for the lovely papers and happy new year to you and your family love kay.

Penny Wessenauer (d0npen) said...

thank you so much for sharing these exquisite papers with the crafting world Jak! Your creativity and generosity are sooo appreciated!
xxooxx penny

Anonymous said...

love the hibiscus free downloads - thank you so much

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much Jak for more beautiful sheets, you are so kind to us with your lovely freebies, and they are very much appreciated.
Happy New Year to you and yours.
Sue x

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year Jak!

Thank you so much for all your fabulous freebies we receive all year round, you are fantastic, and we appreciate all you do!!

Best wishes

Anonymous said...

Thankyou for the beautiful freebies, I live abroad and a bomb on P&P so I'm always appreciative of thoughtful people like yourself. Happy 2010.

Tracey said...

Thankyou for sharing your talent with us all. happy New Year to you.

Kerry Parkinson said...

Thanks for the papers, they are really lovely and I look forward to using them.

Anonymous said...


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PepPop said...

Thank you for these Jak. I love your papers. Jaqui x

Charlene said...

Thank you so much for this gorgeous paper