Saturday, 31 December 2011

Bless her Heart

Just look at what those gorgeous girls of mine organised for me. While I escaped to do a quick shop for more Natalie supplies, she called Lauren.My Album 3-001

This is what she called her for, I think I have two very beautiful daughters, inside and out.


Aren’t they gorgeous? it was to thank me for taking care of her, totally no need for her to do this but I love them.

Natalie is a little dis-heartened as her face has puffed up this afternoon but I’m sure it is just part of the process to getting better.


Toni said...

you have two gorgous girls Jak xx

Ali said...

Lovely xx

Cally said...

That's lovely Jak. Beautiful colours.

Kathyk said...

Beautiful blooms - fingers crossed for a speedy recovery for Natalie and a Happy New Year


Lori m said...

Very beautiful flowers and such a lovely photo of your sweet and beautiful girls.

Happy New Year to you all, hugs, and blessings, Lori m

ursula said...

You have two gorgeous girls Jak, and hey, that's what Mums are for, to be spoilt!!!!!. Luv Ursula XXXX

Anonymous said...

How lovely Jak they are beautiful girls and yes you are lucky to have them but they are just as lucky to have you as a Mum, so be proud of who you Jak, your girls are *smile*
Love ~ Lady Anne xx

Linda Wescott said...

How beautiful, the flowers and your girls. Best wishes for Natalie. Hugs lin

Lisa Jane said...

Beautiful daughters and a fabulous Mum
What gorgeous flowers
Love to you all.. and i am sure Dad deserves a big hug too lol
Lisa x

Nannieflash said...

Im so sorry to hear that your poor daughter Natalie has been to hell and back, having had several abcess's on my teeth Ive a understanding as to just how much pain that poor girl has been through. I do hope she soon recovers her beautiful face Im sure it wont take the antibiotics to sort her out. And yes you are so lucky to have two very thoughtful and wonderful daughters. hugs Shirleyxxx

heidy said...

Oh Jak you have two gorgeous girls
and those flowers are beautiful!
XXX Heidy

Laurian said...

Beautiful flowers, Jak - its always nice to know you're appreciated!
Your girls obviously love their Mum very much.

Tracy said...

What a beautiful thing for them to do and beautiful flowers too. Jak your so lucky.
Happy crafting
Tracy x

jordiegirl said...

Gorgeous flowers and gorgeous girls.

Happy New Year to you all.

Chriswtine Pethers said...

sorry to worry you but if she carries on swelling back up you will need to talk to the hospital. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news .
Hopefully its just a glitch
Lovely flowers
love Chris

Judith said...

Gorgeous flowers, love the vibrant colours. Its so nice to be appreciated isn't it. Hope Natalie is getting better every day.

Mad Mary said...

Your beautiful girls just want you to know you are definitely appreciated.

Your flowers are gorgeous just like your girls.

Mary xx

My'scardcorner said...

Oh Jak they are beautiful well done Natalie and Lauren of cause there was no need but lovely thought from your daughters all the same Happy New Year to you all

hollis58 said...

Happy New Year Jak to all the family - happy and healthy wishes to all xxx

Unknown said...

Such beautiful flowers and how lovely of your girls to do that for you! I'm glad to hear that Natalie is on the mend and hope she is totally better very soon :)
Lizy x

Carol Ann said...

Your flowers are gorgeous from two precious daughters to one very special Mum!

Hope Natalie continues to make good progress.
Carol Ann xx

THERESA said...

Bless their hearts for doing this for you, you do deserve it, you are a good mother and they are beautiful all around!!
Tell Natalie to just hold on, it will get better, we are thinking of her!!
lotsa luv

Anonymous said...

Well Jak, they love you so much too and what a wonderful way to show it. They learned all of this from someone, so be proud of yourself too.
Many good wishes for a Happy New Year, and hope Natalie is well on the mend.

Merry said...

You do have two beautiful and thoughtful daughters. What a wonderful bouquet. Happy New Year to you all.

Mary Roberson said...

That was such a lovely surprise! I got my mom some yellow roses today.
So glad Natalie has you looking out for her;)

Linda said...

What a lovely surprise for you. You've got two really thoughtful daughters.

Trish said...

What a lovely thought from your daughters. Beautiful flowers. Hope Natalie recovers soon.

Andrea6760 said...

Awwww What truly beautiful daughters you have!! Its so wonderful that not only Natalie but also Lauren appreciate all that you do for them!

You certainly deserve the flowers and Im so happy that Natalie is on the mend.

Tell her not to be discouraged of a bit of swelling, just keep taking her medicine and have some ice cream that I mentioned in my last post.

Happy New Year Blessings to your family!
