Friday, 11 January 2013

I’ve started a Smash Book

I’m not sure how many of you will know about the Smash Book by K&Co but I guess some of you will have heard about them, basically it is somewhere that you can write a scrappy journal about likes and dislikes and general things you have going on, a bit of a diary if you like but one that you craft together.

This is mine I got my Smash Book at Ribbon Carousel 


You get a pen and glue stick loads of ideas and there is loads of Smash book embellishments you can get.

This is a few embellishments that I have.



So next up is to decide what you want to journal about,  thought that I would write about me starting cycling.

So this is my first page giving some of the goals that I’d like to achieve.


The possibilities are endless, they even have a dedicated blog for inspiration.

I happen to be a little OCD I think as I just can’t bring myself to take the cover wrapping off the book yet.


Jak Signature


Leeann said...

I love the Queen reference! I can't wait to see what you do with your Smash Book. I just use mine to slap in those little bits you don't otherwise know what to do with. I know, as a paper crafter it's shameful!

Merry said...

It will great to see the progress of this book, wonderful so far.. Congrats on taking up riding too.

Becky Sorensen said...

Awesome Jak. I got the girls each one for Christmas but I don't know if they have used them yet!! Glad you are enjoying your bike!!

Lori m said...

I've seen these, tempted but never purchased one. I might get two now and give one to our daughter.

Love your starting pages.

Hugs, Lori m

Lady Anne Milnes-Howard said...

I bought mine last year but wasn't sure what to do with it but you have now helped oh so much Jak, so bless you, I will get started on mine and have some fun...
Love ~ Lady Anne
Cards by Lady Anne

Dawn said...

I've seen these about but never got round to getting one yet! Good luck with yours! Oh yeah & go for it girl! Rip that cover off & free yourself!!
Dawn xx

Maryann Laursen said...

I´ve seen a few making these, but haven´t got to it myself yet thoug. But it´s a really great and fun idea, that I thought I would get into trying this year sometimes. Yours are so great Jak and I really like how you´ve keot if siple and easy to look through the content in it too. Awesome work again.

Linda Simpson said...

What a great idea Jak! I love the sentiment fat bottomed girls, I think that includes me hehehe :) Good luck with your cycling.

Linda xxx

Mary Roberson said...

Love K & Co. They have such quality products. Can't wait to see how your book progresses. Neat idea.

Sheela Kalawar said...

I am from India. I am a great fan of yours and have been regularly following your posts.
I use Crafter's Companion's Ultimate Pro for my craft projects. They have come out with Stamp-It Australia Imagine Stamps. Check them out here