Friday, 24 July 2009

A bit of Luxury

I walked into the house and a parcel greeted me on the mat (I love parcels)
Anyway after peeling back the wrapping I found a golden box on opening the box I saw cream tissue paper layered and sealed with a gold sticker I carefully peeled back the tissue to reveal the ribbons inside each ribbon was carefully wrapped in a thin piece of ribbon and a label attached saying was it was (how sweet is that?)
It isn't very often that a company goes the extra mile these days but I have to tell you I was more than thrilled with this parcel.
The ribbons are very high quality and worth every penny paid for them I will definitely use this company again.
Oh yes the company The Ribbon Shop

I think my button buying is becoming an obsession.
The button shown were bought from my local knitting shop.


Jean said...

How sweet. Love things packaged nicely - one of the reasons I like Liz Earle, individually packed in tissue with flower labels.
The polka dot buttons are cute, very into dotty things.

Anonymous said...

I agree, Jak,it is so nice when retailers go the extra mile and present their orders so elegantly. I have now added this site to my favourites and will certainly consider using them in the future- thanks for sharing.

Alice (beemer)

Christine said...

Hi Jak these look delish & agree its nice to feel like a customer these days not just an invoice num. will be looking at this comp.

thanks for the info. Christine xx

Merry said...

Oh what lovely packaging and the contents amazing. Lucky you.

Linda said...

The ribbons look absolutely fabulous and too beautiful to use.

Off to have a peek in the shop.

Unknown said...

Looks good to me, think this will be another company on my fav list thanks for the address and how nice they were it always helps when someone tells you about something, and you even let us see...lovely xxxx

Jess's Crafty Things said...

that is lovely for someone to go to all that trouble.. I spy little Peter rabbit buttons.. might need to hop over to the shop cos I LOVE Beatrix Potter, what with having the books and some of the rubber stamps, they are beautfiful images.. thanks for sharing and telling us about the Ribbon Shop

liszha said...

A girl can never have enough cute buttons. I do recognize some from my own stack.

Chrisd said...

What a pretty box. When my MIL died and the family gathered to go through the house, the only thing I asked for was the big box of buttons. I carried them home in my backpack and had some explanations to make to security at the airport but it makes me smile whenever I use one of them.

My'scardcorner said...

What a lovely box full that is Jak and must admit youve got me looking at buttoms but havent used ony on my cards yet lol but love how you use yours :0)

Mad Mary said...

No wonder you were so pleased with the way the ribbons were packaged Jak, i agree nice to see a company take so much care of their items. I too am a button person, i have hundreds of them. Not as pretty as yours though.

Mary xx

Irene said...

Hellooooooooooooo Jak
I am new to your blog,its great,fab,plenty of idea's
Thank you for sharing,i had lost my mojo, but after seeing such fantastic cards etc,think i will soon be back on track................

Anonymous said...

i told you jak not to look!! lovely arent they,im keeping the box they that mine came in too!!

Anonymous said...

jak pleased the link to the ribbon shop was useful! and the box is great too!!! libby