Monday, 28 July 2008

Thomas Kincade - Serenity

I used HOTP Background papers, stamped the Thomas Kincade & the serentity prayer in Archival Black ink and layered them onto gold card stock I coloured the kinkade wishing well image with prisma pencils and finished buy tying a chocolate brown ribbon arounne the card themn placing the stamped images on top.

Click the pictures for a closer view


Anonymous said...

This is nice but it would be better if it was called....
A really fucking stupid piece of shit.

Jak Heath said...

That was so kind and mature of you to leave such a well educated comment and also to be upfront and leave your name so that I could thank you.
Your comment will be reported & as you have to go through the verification check to leave a comment it will have your IP address attached.

Anonymous said...

Jak that it beautiful and cant beleive that first comment sounds to me like the jealousy.

sheffsue said...

You really do justice to the Thomas Kinkade stamps Jak..another masterpiece

Sue x

Anonymous said...

OMG Jak i was horrified to see the first comment, made me feel quite sick.
Your card is beautiful, just wish i could stamp as good

Norma x

Anonymous said...

Fabulous Jak,people would be better not replying as put comments on like that

PeeJay said...

Beautiful card Jak.
So pleased you decided to leave the first comment and not delete it as it shows that there are, unfortunately, a few brainless idiots that populate cyberspace. They may grow up one day - lol!

Anne Marie said...

Jak it is a beautiful piece of work I love the TK stamps so much so I bought one and I see what you mean about the maturity - or lack thereof - of some people in this world. All I can say is if this person has nothing better to dow ith his/her time then he/she has a really sad life and is to be pitied I think. Hope you get him/her!!

Terri said...

Great job. I love TK stamps and have a lot of them too. I think it is terrible that people feel the need to do things like that.

Anonymous said...

You are one very clever lady,I wish i could come up with some ideas like that

Anonymous said...

Another great card, Jak.

Suzanne said...

Stunning card as ever - love the colours
Sorry to see you have that awful comment - must have given you a shock seeing it there - still glad you have reported it
Thanks for sharing your fantastic work

Ann Whitfield said...

This is just stunning Jak - I love how you use your Thomas Kincade stamps. Your colouring of them is just perfect and I'm sure that's not easy!
Ann x

Chrissie said...

Just stunning Jak (again!) I just wanted to let you know how much your creations inspire me.

Anonymous said...

beautiful Jak.....luv Dimps xx

Cazz said...

just wonderful to look at xxx