Friday, 18 July 2008

Remember When... Series 3 by La Pashe

These are the latest in the Remember When... Series I'm sure they will fit perfectly into the hard to do mens cards oh yes and there is a little cat in this series too I named him Clarence for obvious reasons.


Etha said...

those images are great! Love the little girl one and the tractor!

PeeJay said...

Ooooooooooooooo - love these!!

Liz said...

Another winning set, me thinks! x

Anonymous said...

lovely jak ,the greenhouse one reminds me of my grandad in the garden
tina x

Kevin Renz said...

Very impressive Jak - the detail is amazing!!

rhomin said...

It just gets better Jak - love these images.

Anonymous said...

Love these Jak. They remind me of my childhood. I lived on a farm.

Sylv xx

Blog said...

fantastic absutely gorgeous

Anonymous said...

Love these absolutely fantastic.

IamDerby said...

These are wonderful jak! I love the sepia looking ones.

Margaret A said...

Like these ones a lot, Jak....lots could be done with them.

Anonymous said...

Fab Jak. My hubby loves tractors, we have 3 in the garden. Well done I think these are great

Cazz said...

absolutely gorgeous xxx

Bev said...

wow wonderful, love them.

Alli Miles said...

A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! I especially love the sepia!

Anonymous said...

Another great set Jak, congratulations!

Sue said...

Oooohhhh! I love these. What a fabulous set.

Anonymous said...

Ooooohhh love series 3 when will these be available

Anonymous said...

Another fabulous set of images Jak. I do remember times like this too. Being a tom boy I would be the one on the tractor. :) Love Clarence.

Anonymous said...

Wow Jak
These Are Absolutely fantastic
Well Done
Love Kathteabelly

Anonymous said...

Another fabulous set.

Why wasn't it in the shop when I had a spend last week. Can now see another spend coming on hehe

Anonymous said...

fantastic love the sepia little girl with the horse
