I've always been proud that from an early age my Mam encouraged me to craft she makes some wonderful cards so I thought it would be nice to feature one of her creations,
This is a quilled bird that she first made for an Uncles Birthday and since then she has had many requests for her to make more, I think you can see why.
Although they take a long time to make she enjoys creating them and has made several in different colour ways.
I would love you to leave a comment for her, as she calls to my house on a Friday and it would be lovely for her to read what you think of her card
This is a quilled bird that she first made for an Uncles Birthday and since then she has had many requests for her to make more, I think you can see why.
Although they take a long time to make she enjoys creating them and has made several in different colour ways.
I would love you to leave a comment for her, as she calls to my house on a Friday and it would be lovely for her to read what you think of her card

Absolutely stunning Jak's mum! I can see now where she gets her talent. Just love the colours you have used.
Well done Mrs Jak! It is fabulous. My 9 year old daughter loves quilling, I will show her your work tomorrow, she's in bed now! It is fabulous...she would call it wicked!!
Louise Emma - Imagenationer
Absolutely fantastic I can see where Jak gets her talent from.
You wouldn't have had to ask Jak, it's stunning. Now I can see where you get your talent from. I've never been really interested in quilling but this could make me change my mind. Beautiful work, Jak's Mum!!
Absolutely stunning. The colours are wonderful. Well done
Hi Jak this a a beautiful card your Mum will love it well done
A really stunning card from a very talented lady.
Lynne108 - Imagenationer
Absolutely stunning!!!
What a gorgeous card, see where your talent comes from Jak
its beautiful Well done Jaks mum
What a fantastic card...well seen where Jak gets her creativity from!
Well done!
Marjie - Imag-e-nation
Brilliant !!!!can't say anymore....luv Dimples xxxx
Fantastic... absolutely stunning... and amazing.
what a fantastic card, Jaks Mam, i can see where you get your talent from now Jak
what an absolutely fabulous card
Tell your mum that her card is a fabulous work of art. I've never had the patience to try quilling myself, but the results are so beautiful I wish I knew how.
Hi Jak's Mum,
Your card is fantastic. I want to learn quilling and if I get to be half as good as you, I will be pleased.
Sheila W.(JS Forum)
What a beautiful card! Your mum is a very talented lady indeed. And you too Jak, all your cards are stunning and inspirational. Thank you for sharing.
Jenny x
Oh My, I see where Jak gets it. You two are quite a pair. Well done, indeed! VERY VERY beautiful.
WOW.... I'm seriously AMAZED!
very, very, beautiful
jan x
Wow!! This is just amazing! I can see where you get your talent for paper crafts, Jak! Tell her we want to see more. ;)
Amazing quilling,i wish mine looked like that when i done it..
Well done Jaks mum,maybe we could see more of your gorgeous work
im sure you must be very proud of your mum jak
wendy x
Absolutely beautiful, the colours are wonderful.
Joanie x
Absolutely stunning, Jak's mum. Apart from all the work and talent involved.........he looks so cute!
Jak's mum, that is fantastic. I wish I had the patience to quill. Perhaps I should have had a crafty mum like you. Well done.
Jak, this is beautiful and so delicate. I love it! Have a nice day. Heather
What a spuerbly beautiful card and the quilling is so beautiful. Not surprising that she gets so many repeat orders for that. Could Jak's mum tell me please-do you use an outline for the bird and then quill the shapes to fill in??
Beautiful and thank for sharing.
Lynn xx (cottager JS forum)
Oh Jak what a very talented Mum you have..
Thank you for sharing a picture of your Mum,s card its Absolutely Gorgeous
Hugs Anne(06) sheenie
That can't be easy! It looks just like the birds outside on the trees here! The tail feathers are incredible!~babies~
What a stunning bird, I can see where your daughter has got her talent and inspiration from.
Wow, Jak's Mum, this is beautiful! Obviously Jak gets her talent from you! :)
You could nearly put seed out for that cute wee bird. Any wonder he is so requested he is just gorgeous. Well done Jak's Mum, you're a very talented lady!
What an absolutely gorgeous card. You are a very talented woman Jak's mum. I am so glad that Jak decided to share this artwork with us.
Laurie in Boston, MA USA
WOW! This just has to be one of the most amazing cards I have seen using this method! Congratulations! Thank you for sharing this beautiful card with us!
(Joannas' forum)
Hello Mum of Jak! What an absolutely wonderful wee bird you have created. Of all the winter "babies", Chickadees are my alltime favorite. I will give you a big hand for all the patience it takes to do this type of papercraft, we all have our talents but this is not one of mine. I enjoy very much the talents of your lovely daughter, and can see where it springs from. You have both brightened my day with your contributions. Thanks ever so much.
Little Mabel (PTI forum)
Wow!!! What a fantastic bird!! That card is beyond words!
What a beautiful bird and placed onto a beautiful card.
And Jak, those are gorgeous pins. I was browsing at my local craft store and couldn't figure out what to get, but I definitely will.
Wow! I tought myself to quill about 5 years ago but have never seen something so elaborate and beautiful as your bird. What a wonderful piece of art. I would love to see more of your work in the future!
What an absolutely lovely card. I adore chickadees and I am so sorry that they are not as common in our area as they were a few years ago. Your mum is very talented. I can see why the demand is great for her cards! She should be so proud! You both do fantastic work....
this is so beautiful - great use of colors...Mum ya did good!
OMGOSH! I had to go back and reread your post, Jak. You mean to say your MOM made this card? I'm so blown away! I can't believe the patience it must've taken to make all those beautiful quills. Now I see where you get your talent. It's outstanding! Give her a hug from me and tell her I said, "very nicely done!"
This card is absolutely gorgeous. I wish I knew how to do quilling. Alice
Good gravy... that is amazing!
this is awesome!!
Are you kidding me???!! This is so mind boggling. The talent involved in making this card makes mine look like kindergarten work. WOW! I am in awe!!
What a beautiful card, expertly quilled.
Like mother, like daughter eh!
I do a little quilling but Jaks Mum, the quality of your work is superb. I can almost hear him singing. Thanks for showing us.
Carole S. (JS forum)
What a stunning and fabulous card - why Jak had to tell us it was a bird is beyond me though. It is however obvious where she gets her talents from.
I love quilling and would love to get my hands on more patterns.
Keep up the good work, and please show us more of your cards.
Absolutely stunning!!!!! I love the little bird, amazing to think it has all been quilled and so beautifully done too, really love this card, well done Jak's mum, you are very talented :) I think you should start your own blog showing your gorgeous cards!
WOW Jak's Mam - you did real good. I tried Quilling once - but was not very good at it. Oh if I could only do what you have done.
For Jak - I just LOVE the way you speak about your lovely Mam. This will return to you in later life m'dear - what goes around comes around. LOVE your creativity and I can see that you honour your Mam for that.
This is stunningly beautiful!
Never tried quilling but this gives inspiration.
Well done!
Wow, my jaw just hit the floor. That card is amazing. -Molly B
This is absolutely beautiful! I am very, very impressed.
Lizzie Jones
Hi Jak's Mum,
Your card is stunning, such beautiful work and the colours you have chosen make it such a delicate and elegant piece of art. Please get Jak to help you set up your own blog so that you can share more of your creations with us.
Oh my! This card is absolutely gorgeous. You have a gift and I thank you (and JAK) for sharing it with us.
Well done Jak's Mum! It's a gorgeous card. The detail is stuning and so realistic looking.
Would love to see more of your work.
All the best Anne Marie ; Imag-e-nation
Wow ... stunning!!
(BJZoe on JS forum)
Absolutely stunning, gorgeous, beautiful.....words fail me! I adore this card, your mum has an amazing talent!
Willowleaf x (Joanna's forum)
WOW!!!! absolutely stunning....and so much patience
What a beautiful card! The bird is spectacular!!! It looks just like the little black-capped chickadees that came to my window for food each morning this winter. Love the quilling as a 3-D element on a card.
wow that's beautiful you are a very talented lady
well done jak's mum now i know who she takes her talent from.
Stunning card, Jak's mum, no wonder you have been asked for more.
You obviously passed on your crafting talents to your daughter.
Hi Jak's Mam sorry i read the post wrong i thought Jak had mad the card for you so sorry it is a beautiful and yes we all know now how Jak is so very talented it come from you well done we need to see some more of your lovely work
Beautiful card, well done Jak's Mum !
This is absolutely fabulous. I have only tried once and the coils sprang all over so I haven't bothered since. You have my uttmost admiration Jak's mam.
Durham Lass
Exquisite, stunning just 2 words that popped to mind really beautiful I so wish I could quill this is one craft I have not attemted
Jak's Mum, that is so beautiful, you could image the bird just taking off and flying away. Stunning.
Well done Mum. I think that is the best quilled card I have ever seen done it is beautiful. I personally dont like doing quilling as I find it to fiddly with Arthritic hands. But love to see others cards with it on.
WOW this is breathtaking - wonderful work Jak's Mum.
Hi Jak's Mam,
your quilled card is absolutely gorgeous. I have a book on quilling but have never tried it but I think you have just made me want to.
This is probably the finest example of quilling that I have ever seen. Just stunning!
Quilling has never appealed to me but then I've never seen anything as stunning as this! What a clever lady you are Jaks Mum. I now feel inspired to give it a go.
This is amazing! I love it
Absolutely amazing work - your mam sure has the knack Jak
What an absolutely beautiful card. You are a very talented lady. Keep up the great work!
What a talented mum you have, she certainly has the quilling technique cornered! Smashing!
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