Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Promarker Winter Limited Edition Winner

It seams so long since I offered this prize and I almost forgot to choose a winner, that was of course until the marker fell off my table to give me the reminder.

The cards I made with the winter set

Michael1 singin so beautiful1


and the winner

BloggerPeeJay said...

Such delicate colours and beautiful work - as ever, Jak. This set have got to be a 'must have' addition to the collection.

PeeJay please send me your address and I’ll pop them in the post for you big congrats.

Jak Signature


Sandra H said...

Many congratulations to your winner and thank you for the chance to take part, both of your cards are coloured beautifully xx

PeeJay said...

Yay! Sooo excited. Thanks Jak :0) Email on the way. Nearly bought this set the other day as well so glad I didn't now.
Glad you and Chris had a good holiday. You both deserved it and hope the last few days of bad weather didn't spoil it too much. xxx

Dawn said...

Well remembered Jak! Congrats to Pee Jay & thanks Jak for the chance!
Dawn xx

terrie said...

congrats PeeJay..enjoy your prize

Kelly Lloyd said...

Congrats peejay

Mary Roberson said...

Congrats Pee-Jay~enjoy!

Unknown said...

Hello Jak

haven't been along in a while - I am rubbish with my blogging - due mainly to me never remembering to open my blogger dashboard... Hopefully, I'll remember to keep up to date... well, we'll see how it goes lol.

Hope you are well, I have seen some of your pics from your holiday - looked like you were having a fab time - saw one with one of the waitresses in Brazil (I think)... hope you didn't gett too friendly with the waiters lol

I used one of your papers from about 3 or more years ago the other day... I put a little link for it on a post, you may or may not get a couple of folks trying to download??

Little things here and there often remind me of you - so you're never too far off my radar. Hope your fibro has been kind to you recently too.

big hugs

Paula x x x

Maryann Laursen said...

Better late than never, as they say, and a big CONGRATULATION to the winner. I´m sure, she´ll get lots of fun with them.

Linda Simpson said...

Congratulations to the winner.
Linda xxx