I’m now in countdown stage for my holidays and would you believe my back is worse than ever, the spasm in the scan on Monday has sent it into melt down mode.
I’m taking heat patches to the Dominican Republic how crazy is that?
I have a few posts scheduled in ready so I won’t leave you high and dry and I will try to do a post or two from my holidays. I’m super busy today at work, tidying all the loose ends up with it being my last day for 3 whole weeks.
I’m going to show you some pages that I made of Kevin Renz my gorgeous friend Katie's husband from his last road trip, Man It looks good.
I love this one with the ice road cutting through the hills in the background.
Arriving at Alaska
I think if I came across this character I’d for run to the hills.
Then back home to the boys and a trip to the beach.
Jak, so sorry your back is feeling worse. I am sending you huge hugs from North Carolina.
Your pages look great. I would be running for the hills with you if I came across that bear.
I hope you get to enjoy your holiday.
Wow, I understand the back thing totally. I caught a very large tall woman who was falling and I am 5'2 on good days and it pinched nerves in my hip , shoulder and neck. So my heart is with you Sweetie. Sending hugs and loves, and prayers for relief from that horrible pain. hugs, Cathy K
Jak your pages are beautiful, great memory keepers. Tossing prayers and hugs that your back pain and spasms ease soon, enjoy your holiday.
Hugs, Lori m
Hopefully some of that warm weather and the tropical drinks make it all better!!
Joyce xx
I agree with Joyce
A couple drinks and some rest and relaxation!! Best medicine out there!!
Have FUN and ENJOY!!
Take me with you PLEASE!!!
Sorry to hear you back is giving you more trouble! You may find the heat on holiday will help to ease it out! I hope you have a great trip!
Dawn xx
I do hope your back will settle down and that you can enjoy your holiday Jak, take care and try and relax. Great Scrapbook pages.
Mary x
Have a lovely,well deserved Holiday, Jak. I love your Scrapbooking pages especially the gold coloured Motor bike!! Is it a Die or embellishment? I would love to use some of them, our bikes are less huge and modern, there again we don't go on such Huge adventures!!lol Mabex
So sorry your feeling so much pain Jak, lets hope that your holiday helps things get better...enjoy...
Love the pages you created, so stunning...xxx
Oh no Jak ... you really deserve to have a super, pain free holiday. Let's hope that the warmth will melt away the pain ... with a little help from a few drinks! Have a wonderful break .. we'll all be sending out positive, healing vibes to you. Love and hugs, Joyce xx
Fabulous pages Jak,glad the family is ok.
Have a great holiday,hope the warmth helps your back.
Hugs Sue
Sorry to hear your back is still playing up; enjoy your holidays!!
Beautiful page, Jak. I am so sorry about your back. Will pray for you.
Hope the R&R works wonders on your back. Take neck pillows for the flight, they will help keep your spine in a good position - if you are passing mine I can lend you a couple. Love the pages. Alaska is still one of the places on my bucket list. The 'ice road' is a glacier - looks just like Fox Glacier in New Zealand that we visited.
Have a great holiday.
OMG Jak these are all absolutely stunning. I love them!
Have a fantastic holiday and hope you back doesn't give you too much trouble on holiday.
Linda xxxxx
Stunning pages for Kevin to look back on, how the boys are growing.... I often think of Katie and her battle.
I hope you soon get some results and also some relief from your back pain, enjoy the hols
These are great, Jak.
Have a wonderful holiday - you deserve it. :o)
Love Joan xx
So very sorry to hear about your back problems. Go away on your holiday and enjoy it - I cannot think of anyone who deserves it more than you. The pages are great - look forward to hearing about your holiday when you come back fully rested and a lot healthier (hugs, hugs, hugs and a X)
Enjoy your holiday and hope that you don't have too much back trouble.
Hi Jak sorry to hear about your back,and having to lie down did not help I wish you a fantastic holiday rest
Hope your back will give you some peace.
The scrapbook pages are wonderful.
Oh Jak, lets hope that holiday helps!!
your pages are stunning x
hugs sally x
Stunning pages Jak, so sorry that your back is worse, have you tried Comfrey Oil, ? It is a herbal oil and really does work... So pleased that you will get to go on holiday...have a great time both. Hugs. X X
Wonderful to see Katie's family!Feel better soon!
Beautiful pages, Jak! Hope you are feeling better now!
Tracy V
So sorry to hear you are in so much pain. Sending up prayers for you right now.
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