Saturday, 11 August 2012

Tired and Grouchy

As many of you have asked how I’m getting on with my back pain I thought a little update was in order. It ranges from unbearable to manageable but either way it’s not good, I have got an appointment but not until next Friday, I could have had an earlier appointment but wanted a certain doctor who knows the history of what is going on.

I have however occurred some other complications which I won’t go into at the moment as chances are it will set me off feeling sorry for myself and I just can’t go there.

Chris does most of the stuff around the house and often tells me to sit down and even making dinner has sits between, not sure what I’d of done without him, he’s a keeper.

I have at least something to look forward to as we are off to the Proms in the park next Saturday so I will go with back rubs and heat patches in hand.

Oh yes I nearly forgot, I had my hair done yesterday and I’m now brown, blonde and copper.

Thanks for keeping me going and the concern you show, I love you all. Mwoa big smooches.

Jak Signature


Jan said...

Oh bless you Jak - it's a hard thing to handle, but it sounds like , on the whole, you are 'coping'in your own way x You have done right to wait to see a doc who knows your history - but dont forget to add the other bits on when you see him/her - the more little bits they knowm the more they can help. Good luck for friday - am going myself then for the same sort of thing. Hugs to you - the hair sounds good ! x

Mary Roberson said...

Glad to hear you will be able to make it to Proms in the Park. I understand how pain impacts every part of your life-glad you have a husband who helps you.

Kraftyaunt said...

Thinking of you and praying that your back pain eases up. My husband suffers from similar and I know how much it can affect your life. Your hair colors sound gorgeous; can't wait to see a pic. Sincerely, Beverly

Nena's Crafts said...

Certainly can sympathise with you Jak , hope you soon get some ease
Your like me don't do it with one thing wrong got to be multiples
Hugs Nena x

Wendy said...

Oh Hun I feel for you unseen pain is awful there are no cuts or bruises to show it hurts, so you are the only one who really knows the depth of it I hope you feel better soon try a hot water bottle it helps to relax the tense muscles where the pain is soft hugs to you xxxx
Wendy xx

Laurian said...

Sorry for your pain Jak - I've been there big time! I was very, very lucky and managed to get into the Spinal Foundation who fixed my problem via laser surgery. I had the surgery 8 years ago and, touch wood, have been pain free and able since them.
I hope someone finds a fix for your problem as back pain is the worst there is.
Glad you've had your hair done, that will make you feel good!

Warm hugs

Tammy said...

All I can give you is my prayers, thoughts and good wishes that the pain will go away! Glad you have something to look forward to and a very understanding husband! Hope you show us a picture of the new do!

Lorianna said...

Still in my thoughts and prayers!!!
I have to agree, sometimes the husbands surprise us out of Nowhere!!!

MaRyKaY said...

New Do? Must be nice.. hahah I havent had help with a new do forever. Just me, the bathroom mirror and hubby to get the back straight is all I've had for year's. Glad you have a helpful hubby too. Hope your back get's more bearable. Have fun on your venture. Thanks for sharing with us all have a great sunday

Lori m said...

Feel better Jak, back pain is horrible, I just got home from two weeks in California, US and the weather there was low humidity, I almost felt normal. Prayers you soon find some relief. I don't know if they do Spinal Cord Simulator Implants your way but if so I'd check into it, that has been a huge plus in my life.

Hugs, Lori m

Lady Anne said...

Good morning Jak,
This Sunday morning is looking lovely and fresh with the sun just coming up with some big fluffy white clouds making the sky look beautiful enough to pain, if only.
Healing light is heading your way. Yes I too suffer with my back but we won't go into my problems as my dear you have enough of your own *smile* Just know I care.
I would love to see your new hair style and colour, you sound very modern *smile*
Sending love from this golden oldie...
Lady Anne xx

Joyce said...

Oh Jak ... do hope you can get this sorted soon. Back pain is the worst possible but you've done right to hang on until a particular doctor can see you. We'll all be thinking of you and sending healing hugs. Looking forward to seeing a piccy of your new hair!! Love and lots of hugs xx

Dawn said...

Aww poor you! I hope the doctor can get you sorted out with some adequate pain relief to begin with & then set to finding a cure for whatever ails you! Sending mahoosive gentle get well hugs!
Dawn xxx

Anonymous said...

Have you thought of purchasing a TENS machine, it really helps me, not a cure just another aid.

Linda Simpson said...

Oh Jak, I hope that went you visit the Doctor on Friday they can help you with the pain until they can find out why you are in so much pain. Good luck for Friday xxx

You will have to change your profile picture so we can see the new hair do. Sounds lovely.

Gentle crafty hugs
Linda xxx

Les said...

Sending healing love Jak. God bless. X

My'scardcorner said...

Hope you get some help on Friday Jak and you are lucky that Chris helps enjoy your Proms and chin up,

Janette said...

Glad you have a good hubby who helps out Jak, sure it makes all the

Anonymous said...

My best wishes are sent to you Jak and hope that the medics can ease your back pain for you. Having suffered years of disc trouble in my younger years, the pain seems to take over your life. Thank goodness for helpful caring hubby's. Yours sounds one in a million. Take care for a speedy colution. Marion

Rosietoes said...

My heart goes out to you Jak. I've been there, done that and worn the tee shirt. Still there, doing that and wearing the tee shirt many years on. I hope that this doctor who knows your history has something positive to offer you and that you can find some blessed relief. Full brownie points to hubby too. I've got a keeper as well I'm glad to say. :)
All the very best for Friday.
Edna x

Zosia said...

Along with all the other well wishers I would like to add mine. Enjoy your great day at the Proms. Hugs for you and a hug for Chris your husband for being very caring and understanding.

Do let us see a picture of your new hairdo.

Maryann Laursen said...

Oh hun I really feel sorry for you. I know exactly how you feel, as I´ve been there for so many years, I can´t count anymore, I´m afraid.
Please knock the table at your doctor and don´t let him talk you into all kinds of things to try , cause they always will try that, and better to get them to do something real about it first as last. I let them drag me around in the nose and in the ned, I ended up having not 1, not 2 but 3 major surgeries, where they´ve replaced 7 vertebras now, and will never be able to do anything anymore, and the specialist told me, that if I had just got to them earlier, they could have replaced the first one, and saved the other 6, and I would have been able to keep on with my work, but now I have 7 stiff joints in the back and will never get rid of the pains ans will have to live on painkillers for the rest of my life, and that is NOT fun, so please don´t let them drag you there too, but insist to be sent to a specialist right away, so he´ll still be able to help you okay?
I´ll keep you in my heart and thoughts hun and really hope, you´ll get some help NOW.

Sandra H said...

Sorry Jak to hear of your pain hopefully that Dr's apointment will come round pretty quickly for you and l know what you mean about the right Dr seeing you it really does make a differnece, take care,xx

caroline said...

hi Jak
sorry to hear you are no better, i know how you feel, i think the weather is not helping at the moment as mine is 100% worse than normal, ive now developed an eye complaint as well so i am feeling sorry for myself but hay ho we carry on regardless.

caroline xxx

Mad Mary said...

I wish i could help you Jak, you don't deserve all this pain!! I do hope you get some decent advice/medication etc when you see the Dr next week.
Chris is most definitely a keeper!!
I can't believe it's a year since you shared the "Proms" pictures from last year. Looking forward to seeing this years ones.
Your hair colour sounds lovely, an nice wee pick me up for you.

Lots of hugs

Mary xx

sallysbitz2 said...

Not long to go BUT not quick enough to see your doc.
Hope it eases a little for you Jak.
Your husband sounds a diamond, not many of them around x

hugs sally x

JennyH. said...

Oh Jak I really cannot imagine you being grouchy, and if you are it sounds to be totally justified. Hope the Doc can help you and that you get through the time until your appointment without too much pain.

jean confused......... said...

Hi Jak,Sorry to hear you are still suffering and hope you get it sorted after you have seen someone, I know what the pain is like, and what a lovely hubby you have, mine is the same and he has big problems himself at 80yrs of age all the very best. Jean confused......

XxJULESxX said...

Oh sorry about your back i hope it gets sorted out soon! hugs!

Val D said...

Jak so sorry you are having problems with your back again. I can really sympathise. Lets hope you get it back to normal soon. I will say a little prayer for you.
x Val

Jan said...

Hi Jak

I am so sorry that your back is really bad at the moment. I couldn't send message yesterday as I was stuck and couldn't move without a fraction of pain.

I'm glad you have an appointment will be thinking good thoughts for when you get to the docs.Going back to lay down now, very tired not slept for 2 nights.

Love and Hugs

Jeannette xxx

Marion Burch said...

I am so sorry for your pain, I sure hope you get some good help when you go to the Doctor, It sounds like you have good help at home. You have a winner.