Sunday, 19 August 2012

Doctors Update

I am so pleased that I finally got around to going back to the Doctors, I won't bore you with all the details but the outcome was good, I'm getting a referral to have a MRI scan, I'm also getting a referral to see about getting some sticks, something to help on bad days or if I will be on my feet for a long time.

I got wrong for leaving it so long it was over 3 years since I went to the doctors about my back and had a bone density scan, I never went back because they said it was normal ware and tear, I took that it meant what was happening was normal and that I must just be soft when it actually meant that the bone density scan was normal. Silly really.


So until I get all of the appointments through I will plod on and keep taking the pain killers.




Jane said...

I'm pleased you're finally getting seen by the professionals Jak. To be constantly in pain is draining. xxx

Tammy said...

All sounds like you are on the right track! Hope relief is just around the corner.

marcie s said...

That is such good news! I do not know you but I feel I do through your work - which is scrumptious!
I love the color of your HAIR - it is great!
Will think of you through all the testing.
marcie s

Wellnifty said...

Hope they get it sorted for you Jak, I've been told the same, normal wear and tear,and it's your age, etc. I have no probs walking etc, just a constant pain in the neck and a large lump, some days worse than others lol..maybe I should look into it further xxx

Anne Fairclough said...

Hi Jak
I know what you are going through and hope they find the right treatment. Mine has ended in cortisone injections and they have helped a lot.
Glad you went back to have it taken care of
Best Wishes to you

christi said...

good luck with all. keep going to the dr yearly. try to get the same one if you can. sometimes they notice things before you do. i'm getting to that age where i'm going way more than i want to. but since i still want to do, i must go. so should you.

Tonya said...

I am so glad you are getting the help you need. I hope everything comes back ok. Sending you gentle ((hugs)).

Lori m said...

Be well Jak, I hope the doctors find the right course to help ease your pain soon.

Hugs, Lori m

heidy said...

Sending big hugs your way Jak!!!
XXX Heidy

Mad Mary said...

That's great Jak. Hopefully now you will get the right meds etc once you have had your MRI.
The sticks will make a great difference too.

Love your hair, nice and natural looking.

Mary xx

Dawn said...

Hope that appt comes through soon!
Dawn xxx

Linda Simpson said...

I hope that the appointment for the MRI comes through soon. Loving the hair too it looks lovely. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

Linda xxx

Janette said...

So glad your finally getting somewhere Jak, nothing worse than constant pain, I do know luv...hope this can be sorted for you.xx

Janette said...

So glad your finally getting somewhere Jak, nothing worse than constant pain, I do know luv...hope this can be sorted for you.xx

Penny said...

Nobody like going to the GP or Hospitals it always seems like a continual round, lets hope you got the answers you want and get something sorted, Good Luck Jak xxx

Maryann Laursen said...

Soo glad to hear, that you´re finally getting some help Jak, and are getting something done about it too. It is so important to look after yourself and rather before it´s too late. Really pleased to read this and please keep us updated, how things works out on the way.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jak,
Really pleased youve seen the consultant. I know what it's like to be in constant pain, sometimes it feels like it completely consuming you. I hope the MRI goes well. It's very loud, sounds like a train. Whenever I have one I ask for some music to listen to. It gives you something else to focus on. I also keep my eyes closed, that is if the MRI is a long tube. Sometimes the scan is an open-ended tube. Hope that helps.mTake care x

KraftyKoolKat said...

Hope you get sorted soon Jak and you become free of pain.


ursula said...

Pleased to hear you went to the doc, get things sorted out and pray it is all for the better, you take care now....luv Ursula XX

flutterbys-n-faeries said...

glad you are getting the help you in agony with my back the day but like you i struggle on....this is the sorest av been in years so maybe time i took a leaf from your book and went to docs :O(

Lady Anne said...

So pleased you getting something done about it but I can understand why you felt the way you did. I hope that they can sort things out for you. Take care of you...
Love the picture of you Jak...
Love ~ Lady Anne xx

sallysbitz2 said...

Good news Jak. At least you have got the ball rolling x

hugs sally x

Jo Rice said...

Hi Jak, so glad that you are getting some medical help, the M.R.I. Scan will show every detail and should give a diagnosis. You will manage it o.k.and hopefully soon be out of pain. (I am a Radiographer) take care and big hug. X

June Nelson said...

Its about time you were sorted hunnie, I know what its like and its a nightmare living day to day with pain etc, hope they can sort you really soon,big huggies Juen xxxx

Trish said...

Wishing you all the best, Jak.