Sunday 5 August 2012

Emergency Call Outs, Thunder and Lightning

Well what an afternoon, we had gone shopping in brilliant sunshine and came out to this at 3pm.

from the car

I happened to say to Chris if those clouds touch we are in for one heck of a storm.

I looked over the water to this.

over the sea

The little black dot you can see on the right is a sailing boat.

We got home just as the thunder and lightening started, the heavens opened and it poured, we sat in the car not wanting to brave the rain to take in the shopping but it just kept falling, flashes of lightening from all around us and the thunder cracking just after it.

We sat around 20 minutes then Chris’s alerter for the fire brigade went off, he has just got back and there were two houses struck by the lightening and then another call out to a house that was flooded.

Thankfully it has now calmed down.

Jak Signature


Louise said...

Wow! it looks like the storm we had this morning. we only had one thunderclap though!

Dawn said...

Busy day!!!
Dawn xxx

Unknown said...

Wow! We had storms in the wee hours of the morning, and I couldn't sleep...Hugs! Leah Ann

Maryann Laursen said...

WOW this really looks bad. I sure don´t hope you´re passing it on over the sea to us here too LOL. We can deal very well without this kind of weather here.

Linda Simpson said...

It was like that here in Warrington too Jak. Now we have thunder and lightening.

Linda xxx

jean confused........ said...

Poor you Jak and Hubby as well where would we be without people like him we have had brilliant sunshine makes me feel a bit guilty

jean confused......... said...

Forgot to say Jak what good piccies

CraftyJo said...

We were caught out on our motorbike in this weather ! Absolutely belted down, thunder and lightening....torrential! My waterproofs were almost perfect - I'd rather not tell you where I *was* a little wet ;)

Elizabeth said...

Hate sitting in the car waiting for a storm to pass and it keeps on going. Good to hear you are both ok.

Sue said...

Hells Bells Jak,we only got a few rumbles.Great pics,would not have liked to be out on the open water under that cloud.
Sue x

craftynanny said...

Wow! Hope the sailors got back safe! Lea xx

Unknown said...

Gosh Jak - what an ordeal to go through. Looks like such scary stuff but with a hero at your side I'm sure you coped. Congrats to Chris for all his help.


Karen x

Cazzy said...

We had it too, went out to try and deliver some cards to the shop, drove through mini floods on the roads where the drains couldn't cope only to find I had the closing time wrong and it was too late!

Mad Mary said...

Glad it's all calmed down now and Chris is home safe and sound.

Mary xx

Tammy said...

I think we just got your storm! Nasty business, hope all is well!

sallysbitz2 said...

The weather could not make it's mind up in Battersea either !!
I went to pets at home with hubby (in the car) to buy our dog his first harness & lead. The rain had come down so hard it had knocked on the dirt out of the paving.

Where the hell is our SUMMER !!!

hugs sally x

Janette said...

Oh wow it all changes so fast, we had a lovely day then it turned and last night the storm picked up and the thunder rolled in.....I don't mind once I'm all tucked