Today is the first time I have seen a visible result in my opting for healthier foods.
I have been doing this for quite a while now, just making better choices in picking my foods and Chris has been doing this with me. I see a big change in Chris, the man is wasting away, if he turns sideways you can hardly see him.
I know my meds make loosing weight a little harder for me but I have now lost well over 1 stone so yes I'm feeling rather proud. As I spend most of my days in stretchy leggings and tunic tops and long floating cardigans to hide my butt, it is difficult to see any changes, well at least that was until today, my top kept wrinkling on my chest and when I took off my cardigan I looked quite lost in my top (Big Grin) this could mean a whole new wardrobe shhhhhh!
so my surprised look is a happy surprised one indeed.
Well done you!!! Are you following a diet or just eating healthy?
That's fantastic! You're an inspiration, Jak!
Great news Jak!
You are looking great :o)
Hugs, Candy
Wowee..well done you! Keep going...
bigs Ugzzz, Denise x
Well done Jak, keep going. Hugs, Ursula
Fantastic Jak, something I need to do and stick with it. You look great and congrats to Chris also.
Hugs, Lori m
That is fantastic! I'm so happy for you!
Hugs, Eret
Well done Jak, keep up the good work, I too have lost just over a stone and it is surprising what a difference it makes but now I want more to go but I want it to go slowly like this other has gone so I'm having to keep myself from starving to get down lower *laughing*
I find men lose it quicker than women! Still congratulations to you Chris too.
Love ~ Lady Anne xx
You're looking so great<3!!:). And..the little baby is colored so amazing, and I love How you have been colored his skin tones/shadows!
Hugs, Ellen
Really well done, but you shouldn´t drop it soo close to me, cause I aseems to have picked up, what you´ve been loosing LOL. So maybe it would be fair, if you told ecactly what you´ve done, so I can get rid iof it again too ha ha ha.
Well done hun, keep up the good work. You´re looking really great, and it may also have a very good influence on your poor back as well. I really hope so for you hun. Is it getting any better yet?
Have a wonderful week-end ahead soon and lots of fun everyone.
Well done Jak, i too know how hard it is to loose weight because of medication. Keep up the good work.
Mary xx
Well done Jak and to Chris too. My husband is making the same choices and has lost 3 stone in 18 months. It is a slow process with lots of platues. Well worth the effort though. Congrats again.
FANTASTIC - well done to you both and good luck with reaching your intended weight
Congratulations to the both of you. I know how hard it is to get a person's head around a diet change. You deserve a new wardrobe.
Well done to both of you, they say healthy eating is better than dieting, it should stay off if you continue with it. You look good Jak.... luv Ursula XX
Oh Jak that is great news I am so happy for you both. Well done.
Linda xxx
GOOD FOR YOU! (& Chris) It is so hard to lose weight...easy to put it on but hard to lose it! My hubby & I are trying to change our eating habits too. It is hard to break years of bad habits but we are determined...thanks for the inspiration & keep up the good work!
Hugs, Renee
congratulations Jak keep up the great work xxx
Oh my gosh, this card is just precious. Want to cuddly that sweet baby. patnbobcuddy at gmail dot com
well done. I know how hard it is to change eating habits and lose weight. Good for you.
Very well done, you are right to feel chuffed with yourself!!
Mol x
i have found a site called shape solutions .it tracks everything you eat or drink .is based on calories and fat content has a forum ,and any foods you put in the search engine from any shop you enter bar code and it will tell you how many calories is in it .24 hour helpline all for £5.99 a mnth .first 5 days free i am really finding it very easy .x
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