Firstly the thank you’s, I have made an appointment with the doctor for my back again, it has been a long time since i talked to the doctor about it as like many I learned to cope with it. You sort of just learn how to do things differently to manage the pain but I know I need to get it seen to and have the appointment for the 17th of this month to see where to go from here.
You are just like a family to me and always manage to lift my spirits, so many kind words and inspirations in comments and emails so thank you.
Now my News: we at Just inklined are releasing our first lot of Clear stamps which are A6 sized and to celebrate we are offering you the chance to get 25% off the retail price.
just click here or the image to be took to the order page over at La Pashe these will not be sold online as a digi stamp.
Aren't they fabulous?
I'm glad you have an appointment scheduled, Jak, and hopefully, your doctor can come up with a plan to manage your pain.
Jak, I will keep prayers that your appointment goes well. I' m away on a vacation for another week visiting family, while hubby cares for things at home.
Feel better, hugs, Lori m
Glad to hear you are going to see the doc. about your back! Hopefully he can give you some relief.
I love the stamps with the robins on them! Adorable.
Hugs, Renee
hope you get good results from the Dr.It is no fun having a bad back.
Sure like those new inklined stamps.
Hope the dr can help with your back, Jak, and the stamps are great!!!!!
Glad you've made the decision to go back to the doctor. I hope he can help you.
The stamps are beautiful x
Hope the doc can help Jak new things coming on the market all the time so Good Luck Stamps look great makes me wish I was more of a stamper.
I can sympathise with you about your back problem as I have had a problem with mine, I'm lucky to have had it sorted out, I hope you can get some relief as well. By the way the stamps look fabulous.
Maggie J
Glad to hear, you have got an appointment now Jak, and then please do as they say, it´s only for your own best in the end, and it can be expensive not to, believe me.
Some really awesome stamps here.
They are so lovely, x
Do hope you can get your back sorted .. and soon! Just love the new stamps ... yummy!! xx
So glad that you have made an appointment Jak to see the doctor. Take care and big hugs.
Lovely stamps I will hop on over and visit tomorrow.
Linda xxx
yes backaches are nothing to fool with. I myself NEED to go to the doctor but I guess I am old school and dont go unless it is absolutely necessary. Hubby is always on me for that.
and yes those are gorgeous.stamps. I have got to get my hands on that "Postbox Robin" that is just so cute I love it.
Hope doc appt goes well and thanks for sharing that discount with us all. Think I'll grab that stamp tomorrow.
Hope the Dr can help in some way Jak, you do learn to live with things, but maybe thats wrong of us...anyway, good
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