Friday 16 July 2010

Thank You my Friends

It's hard to believe that only a couple of weeks ago I realised that I was nearing 1 million visitors to my blog I really can't thank you all enough.
We have shared so much on here and without all of your support, comments, kind wishes and encouragement this would not have been possible.
You've not only shared my love of craft but you have been with me through some of the most difficult moments in my life, the loss of my Dear Dad, to name but one of them.
Then the joys of becoming a Gran to Baby Jack who incidentally is 1 years old today, wow that year just whizzed by.
So my dear, dear friends this is a very big grateful thank you to each and every one of you.

Now for a card, meet Ethel and Cecil new digital stamps by Just Inklined, they are sold seperately but i thought these two would be just perfect together as an Anniversary card, just look at that poor guy, wat a hoot! he's ever so the hen pecked husband.

All of the digital stamps by Just Inklined have a transparent background it makes them much easier to merge together. all of the images are easily opened up in Microsoft word.
don't forget to pop over to the Just Inklined Blog for inspirational projects and a Monthly challenge where you could join the design team as a guest member for a month.


fionalawlor said...

Congratulations on 1 million visitors! Wow that is really amazing!!
fiona x

Suzanne said...

Congratulations, jak. Happy Birthday to Wee Jack
Suzanne x

Carole RB said...

Hi Jak
Congrats on your 1 000 000 hits.

JACKIE said...

wow...congratulations...hugs Jackie xx

Marisa said...

Hi, congratulations on your huge milestone! It's always a pleasure to come visit and see your latest project. Happy Birthday to Jack - as you say this last year has flown by!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on one million visitors!!!!! WoW. You're cards are worth it as sooo many want to see what you create.
Love your cards and your style, Congrats again! Dona MacLennan

Tammy said...

Happy birthday to Little Jack...and congrats on the mega number of visitors...Wowza!

Marge said...

Congrats, my sweet friend -- WOW! And how can Jack by a year old?!!! That's unbelievable!!!

Love crafts forever said...

Congrats. Woo-hoo!!! Hugs, Nataliya.

Loz said...

Congrats Jak!! Here's to another 1,000,000!! ♥

Loz said...

Congrats Jak!! Here's to another 1,000,000!! ♥

Pamela said...

Congratulations Jak! What an achievement, I enjoy everything you do such an inspiration.

Happy Birthday to Jack, where has that year gone.
Pam x

cowboydutrem said...

Congratulations, and Happy Birthday to Jack!

Karen J said...

Congratulations Jak and Happy Birthday to little Jack xx

Lisa Hjulberg said...

A phenomenal milestone Jak... one very few ever achieve. Congratulations!!!

Mad Mary said...

Congratulations lovely lady and wish wee Jack a very happy birthday from this cyber aunty. I absolutely adore this card. It is wonderful and you've done it im my favourite colour combo.

Mary x

Aquarius said...

Congratulations and that is a brilliant card!!

mrsk06 said...

Thats fantastic Jak congrats! Happy Birthday to wee Jack dosent time fly by so quick! x

PIPCRAFT said...

congratulations Jak you are a true legend, a very talented inspirational lady. Simply the best

Happy Birthday too hope he has a wonderful dayxxxxxx

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Jak !! Happy Birthday to Jack how fast has that year gone xxxx

pinky said...

Congratulations Jak but no wonder, this blog is such an inspiration!!

MarkerGeek said...

Big congrats Jak!!! :) And I do love the card, spied those images the other day and thought they'd look brilliant together on a card!

BIG happy birthday to little Jack!!!

My'scardcorner said...

Congratulations on your hits Jak
Happy Birthday to Jack cant believe he is 1 year old. Brilliant card.

Sheila - Ginger said...

WOWEE! 1,000,000 hits how amazing.
CONGRATULATONS Jak it's been a pleasure to follow you and look forward to the next million!!
HAPPY 1st BIRTHDAY JACK! Have a great day and hope you get loads of pressies.
Sheesh where has this year gone.

Love Sheila xx

Ali Watson said...

HUGE congratulations Jak......hugs too can't beleive Jack is one today oh my how time flies. Fabby card too the image is brilliant. Have a super day. Hugs Ali x

Pjay said...

WOW Jak thats great congrats, I'm pretty new to your blog but from what I can see there's no wonder you have so many visitors your blog is gorgeous, here's to the next million!
Pjay xxx

Nannieflash said...

Well many congratulations on hitting the million mark, and Im not surprised you have a really lovely blog and I enjoy visiting it, meeting your gorgeous family and learning your news. Like you its been a difficult couple of years but the joy of watching your grandson grow so quickly is a wonderful thing. Happy Birthday Jack and big hugs to you both, Shirleyxxxx

trish said...

Incredible achievement Jak- well done.
Trish x

Maryann Laursen said...

CONGRATULATIONS Jak with the 1 million hits. Thats really great. Well done on that, cause it wouldn´t have happened, if you hadn´t made such a great place to visit dear friend, and that´s also why we all keeps comming back again and again to see all your great ideas and learn from you all the time.
Really well done, and I hope, we meet again when we reach the 2 million hits too?
Have a wonderful week-end.
Big hugs Maryann

Ursula said...

CONGRATULATIONS Jak, but then who is the talented one and prepared to pass all these lovely ideas on to us, you of course, so well done. Also big hugs and kisses for little Jack, yes, time does fly by 'when you are having fun'. Well done, and just keep on crafting !!! Luv Ursula XX

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Jak..Your insperation is wonderful.Here`s to the next million.
Wow where did that year go..Hugs and wishes for little Jack..
Many hugs..
Sian xxx

♥ Lydia ♥ said...

WOW!!!! A million Congratulations Jak!! It's always a pleasure to come and see your blog :0)
I have to say though, that news doesn't really surprise me as much as lickle Jack being ONE!!!! Where did that year go to???????? Scary isn't it?!!
** Happy 1st Birthday Jack **
Hope you've all had a fabulous day...and cake!!! ^.^

Anonymous said...

congratulations Jak - love readinf all about your family and sharing the highs and lows but mostly the inspirational cards and designs tc love Trina

Wilma Knottenbelt said...

Congratulations Jak and happy birthday to your gorgeous grandson.

Anonymous said...

Why are we surprised? YOU'RE one in a million Jak and your blog is fab - I've only found it recently -you are so talented - thank you for sharing with us.

OH! CONGRATULATIONS on reaching 1,000,000 hits.

Mary MacB

Merry said...

Congrats Jak on reaching a million really doesn't surprise me as you always have such beautiful creations and a great blog to read. Love this to check out the other stamps.

Debbie Pamment said...

Go JAK - 1 MILLION visitors - WOW - congratulations for all of that wonderful inspiration you've past on to soo many!
LOVE this card too - these characters are just fabulous!

Margaret, said...

Congratulations Jak and to little Jack,
as for the card i love it reminds me of me and my husband ideal card for our 40th wedding anniversary in two weeks time
Margaret xx

tilly said...

welld one Jak on sooo many visitors, on Jacks birthay and just a happy hello
Tilly x

XxJULESxX said...

wow congrats to you Jak im not surprised though!

Anonymous said...

Congrats for the 1,000,000 visitors Jak, I'm not surprised as your site is so full of inspiration & great ideas.
I love Ethel & Cecil but not sure if I would know how to bring the two on to the same card. Do you have any instructions.



lindah11 said...

congraulations jaks
i have follwed from day one and love my updates from you
hugs linda xxx