Tuesday, 6 July 2010

Jack 5th July

I thought I'd let you all see how Jack is getting on, it had been a while since I uploaded photo and tonight after his bath and he got his Jim Jams on I took him to my Mams to which he had much pleasure in chasing Jess (mams cat) around the house then proceeded to show us his juggling skills.
As you can see he is as bright as a button again (thank heavens) and as quick as a whippet when he wants to get somewhere.


Lorraine said...

oh Jak he such a cute little poppet so pleased he ok now he looks like you just want to pick him up and give him a little squeeze awww bless him xx

Marge said...

So good to see him happy, smiling, feeling great!!! ;-)

Anonymous said...

What a cutie
you must really enjoy him.

elibeegifts.co.uk said...

What a gorgeous,happy wee boy.So glad he is better now.Elisa.x

kathleen said...

Its good to see Jack back to his old self again with that cheeky smile.

kathleen x

My'scardcorner said...

Oh how well he looks you must all be relieved.Enjoy your cuddles.

Sue said...

Oh Jak he looks as bright as a button,so hugable.

Poppet said...

I so glad he's back to his normal cute self.
:-) xx

Nannieflash said...

Hi Jak, what a little sweetheart, and Iknow the whole family must be so proud of what a little fighter he is, but you just wait until hes up on his feet you wont know whats hit you. With love and hugs Shirleyxxx

Jean said...

Lovely to see him back to normal Jak. He is so cute.

mckinkle said...

Beautiful image of a little cracker Jak!

His hair looks like it's getting fairer too and he looks quite the film star!

Keryn x

Mad Mary said...

It's great seeing him look so well again Jak. He's gorgeous.

Mary xx

Unknown said...

Aw he is looking great, such a wee honey, when they are ill we would do anything to take it off them.....thank goodness he is well again....as we would say up here...he looks good enough to eat bless him xxx

Sheila - Ginger said...

So wonderful to see Jack fighting fit again......aaaaw he's just so adorable Jak. Many thanks for sharing your latest piccie of him...just a little cutee!

Love Sheila xxx

Kimbo said...

So pleased to hear he is well again. Another lovely picture of him. Kim x

sue said...

Oh my!! What a difference a couple of weeks can make. He looks so happy and energetic. Glad to see him back to normal.


Catrick said...

I am glad he is doing so well. He looks to be about the same age as my grandson.

Wilma Knottenbelt said...

O my, what a gorgeous little guy. I am so glad he has recovered! He looks like he is ready to take on the world.

Candy said...

Happy to hear he is back to his happy self.
What a gorgeous picture of him - he is beautiful. Looks like an ad in a magazine :o)
Hugs, Candy

Michelle said...

Glad to see gorgeous wee Jack! Hope he's all better now!

Anonymous said...

Looking the picture of health Jak. Such a lovely little boy.

Anonymous said...
