Tuesday, 30 December 2008

A Beautiful War Time Card

This most beautiful old card is 92 years old and it was given to me by a very dear lady Sue Ward to whom I am extremely grateful, it arrived this morning and I carefully opened it and then just sat in awe.
It will be highly treasured. Thank you Sue.
Sue has Kindly allowed me to tell the story of the card.

"It is a small ( smaller than A6) Christmas card dated 1916 and it has the original envelope... although it is a bit worse for wear...and addressed to my "gran and grandad." The card is cream and I think the aperture sentiment is printed on lavender silk. A bit about how I came to have it. When I was 5 I was fostered by a couple with the surname Trigg...who I considered to be my "Mam and Dad" The rest of their family...bar a very few...didn't consider me as part of the family. They are no longer with us, and after they died the rest of the family, after picking over the belongings left me with a few precious photo's and this card. I did ask about it, and was told that it came from an uncle and no one seemed bothered about it. I've hung on to it because although it doesn't have any real family connection to me, I didn't like to throw it out but I'm afraid that one day that might just happen...as obviously none of my children have any connection to it. "


Anonymous said...

No wonder you are in awe Jak it is beautiful and I love the colouring.

Moonbeam said...

It's beautiful, a very special card,
Carianne x

PeeJay said...

I love it but I think the insert is more interesting. A real piece of history from right in the middle of WWI

iReneM said...

My word!!!
That is so lovely and the verse so poignant. It looks in such excellent condition for a card so old
A real treasure


Anonymous said...

Jak what a beautiful card and so special, the verse is just beautiful

Norma x

Cazz said...

I can see why you were so taken with it - it is beautiful xxx

sheffsue said...

You're very welcome Jak. I'm so pleased that you like it and I'm just thankful that it has gone to a good home where it will be treasured. Enjoy!
It is a beautiful little card and I especially love the verse inside...sadly so poignant, even at this time, considering the state of world politics.

Sue x

Anonymous said...

Wow beautiful card! I love the colors. A real treasure.
Pat xx

Anonymous said...

Beautiful - and thanks for the history from Sue..... deffo something to be treasured.


Foxycrafts said...

This is lovely, Jak.

Love Joan :o)