Friday, 7 November 2008

New Remember When series 5 & 6

I managed a Day at work Thursday and I have to say they have been fantastic allowing me time to sort myself out.
The big news is La Pashe is launching series 5 & 6 on Monday 10th of November at 6pm on Create & Craft Chanel 671 and Ideal World Chanel 644.
This is quite an exciting launch as it is what you the customers have asked for. I can't give too much away except that it will give use a helping hand with our hard to make for cards.
All of the prep work and card making for ths has been done by the design Team and working collegue Danielle who works very hard behind scenes to keep La Pashe and Imag=e=nation running smoothly.
Without this help I wouldn't have been ble to be ready for the launch date due to recent happenings at home so I would like to thank everyone for chipping in and coming to my rescue.
the other exciting news is there is more flippin' Men Decoupage on their way both Jim (artist and myself have been beavering away trying to get more of these finished, So watch out for these very soon.


Cazz said...

Looking forward to seeing the new sets xxx and I shall tell my mum that you are on so she might get to see you at long last lol

Good luck with the show on Monday xx

Foxycrafts said...

I'll be watching, Jak. Can't wait to see what goodies you have for us. When I wave at you on my television screen, make sure that you wave back! ;o) lol

Love Joan xx

Anonymous said...

Very exciting Jak, well done you for beavering on
Luv nena x

sheffsue said...

Saw the preview show with the series 5&6 they look fantastic.
Take care

Sue x

Anonymous said...

Oh Jak. it is so good to know you have made series 5/6. Carnt wait to see them.I think you are so brave carrying on.
Good Luck tonight not that you will need it.
Take Care.
