Sunday, 2 November 2008

Strange Choice of card

Don't ask me why I made this as I don't really know, I sat down in my craft room and started looking for an image to stamp with and this was the first one I came to, the stamp s made by Stampsmith, I used the new Labels Nestabilities to cut the shapes then stamped the image on the top one and sponged the edges with black ink.
I then used Everyday Blessings by Papertrey Ink to stamp the cross and the sentiment on the card.
I then shoved this to the back of my desk as I new it was a strange choice of cards to make. I suppose grief makes us do things without knowing it. It was heading for the bin and then on after thought I finshed the card and thought I should add it to here, after all many have gone through what I am now and I'm sure they have done similar to me.


PixieHouse Creations said...

Totslly amazing card Jak,i love it,sorry to hear about your dad sweety,thinking of you
Wendy xx

Ann Whitfield said...

You've just expressed your very mixed emotions with this one Jak. They all shine out of this card in ways that few people achieve. It's 10 years since my Dad passed away and I well remember those very mixed emotions. If I'd seen this card at that time, I would have felt calmed by it. To me, it expresses the desperate sadness of pysical loss and the serenity of knowing that he is now at peace. It's a very powerful piece of work. Thank you for having the courage to share it with us.
Ann x

Toni said...

strange things happen Jak and if its a way of getting you through it just follow the flow Take Care hun X

Margaret A said...

As you say grief affects us all in different're an artist so this is your way of expressing your grief. It's outstanding Jak...and so expressive. Personally, I love it.

Chrissie said...

I was so sorry to hear of your loss Jak and my thoughts are with you.
I think the card you have made is just lovely and I hope it helped you by chanelling your emotions. I get such a feeling of peace and serenity from this lovely image and card.

Karen J said...

It's beautiful Jak.
Thinking of you xx

Heather "Hev" said...

I guess in a way this was your sympathy card to yourself....

Your perhaps your Dad is telling you he is at peace.

I am glad you kept it and shared it with us.

Hugs and wishes for you..

Anonymous said...

its amazing Jak im glad you didnt throw it away and shared it with us

Anonymous said...

Its a beautiful card Jak I am so sorry to hear about your dad.
Love & hugs

Lorraine x

Anonymous said...

Stunning card Jak. Its the subconscious at work, considering what you aregoing through. A very neautiful card

Anonymous said...

Its beautiful Jak and obviously reflects how you feel.Take care

Wellnifty said...

It's a lovely card, Thinking of you all
Take care

Chris x

Anonymous said...

Jak, your card is stunning and i am so glad you saved it from the bin. I just think this is your way of dealing with your grief. Take care Jak, we are all here for you.


Kym's Crafty Cards said...

Jak, I'm glad it didn't go in the bin as it is a beautiful card. I think it was a card made especially from your heart to you and your family that are going through a difficult, sad time at present. Hope things ease day-by-day. Kym

Anonymous said...

It is beautiful Jak, and expresses your feelings perfectly. Thinking of you, and again thank you for yesterday, you were amazing!

Lavender Rose said...

It is such a beautiful card Jak, really serene and calming and I just hope it had that effect on you in some way, take care, Denise xxx

Foxycrafts said...

A beautiful card, Jak. Not a strange choice at all - I think that it is such a comfort. Beautiful image + beautiful words = beautiful card. Wonderful.

Thanks for showing us, and keep your chin up, girl. :o)

Love Joan xx

Anonymous said...

A most beautiful card Jak that expresses what you are feeling right now. God Bless and comfort you and your family.

Sharri C said...

A beautiful! I'm so sorry to see your Dad passed.Please know mt thoughts are with you and your family. Sharri

Anonymous said...

it's a beautiful card Jak
Thinking of you and your family
vanessa xxx

Budge said...

Jak it is a beautiful card. Thinking of you and your family.
Sylv xx

Jacqui said...

A stunning card which obviously comes from deep inside. Thinking of you and your family at this time.

Rosie said...

Thinking of you and your family at this sad time. I am sure I am not the only one who knows what you are going through. Thank you for sharing your serene card with us and they say art heals.

Anne said...

As everyone else has said, a beautiful card. Go with the flow and let the healing process begin. x

Anonymous said...

This card is saying what you can't put into words at this sad time. My thoughts are with

syy said...

This card expresses all your feelings and is just right. Thinking of you

Anonymous said...

Sorry about your loss Jak, a lovely serene card for a memory you hold most dear. Thank you for sharing with us, pleased it didn't make the bin. Take care thinking of you.