Saturday, 25 May 2013

An interview with Grandson Jack

I would love to get inside Jacks head for a day, he loves pretend play and I love encouraging it, we often have a little chat about what he is playing so today I recorded it to show his girlfriend when he is 16 years old ha ha!

Isn’t it fun to pretend?


ursula said...

Aren't they just too adorable, Jak how times flies, seems just like the other day he was born, can you believe it. He talks so well now, love the little video, they have such vivid imaginations. Big hugs for him.....luv Ursula xx

Maryann Laursen said...

HA ha ha ha Oh they´re just sooo lovely that age. He´s really gorgeous Jak a real little man and know exactly what it takes ha ha ha ha.
But I´m not sure, he´ll be happy if you show this ti a girlfriend, when he´s 16 ha ha ha, but he wount mind, if you wait another 8 to 10 years thoug ha ha .
Thanks sooo much for sharing this and have a great week-end, and give the little man a biiig hug too.

Linda Simpson said...

Thank you for sharing! They are lovely at this age and their imaginations are fabulous!

Linda xxx

Tammy said...

Such a little prince charming! Love the video and so glad his got a good snack for break time!

Mad Mary said...

Isn't he so cute!!! Thank you so much for sharing that wee video with us Jak.

Mary x

dancing lady said...

Hi Jak, he is soooooo adorable, isn't it amazing what they come out with. I could sit and listen to him for ages, isn't imagination wonderful at that age. Thank you for sharing him with us!!

Carla S. said...

He is so adorable, Jak! Thanks for sharing the sweet video! Jack couldn't be cuter!

Wendy L said...

Gorgeous Jak, so cute. My grand daughter arrives on Thursday for a visit, with her mum and dad,I cant wait, I,m like a school kid. There are some pics of her on my blog
I treasure every moment with her. xxxx

Christine said...

Awww Jak how innocent the young are..lovely to hear his northern being a Teessider born & bred..I havnt heard the saying BAIT for lunch box since I was a child meself..thanks for sharing your likkle mans priceless memories..

smiles Christine x

Unknown said...

Awww wee man. He's fab and I love his imagination. X
Lynn xxx

Wilma Knottenbelt said...

He is absolutely adorable! What fun to be a gran.