Sunday, 26 May 2013

I did it!

When I think back to Christmas time I used to watch Chris go out on his bike and think I wish I could do that. then two weeks ago I did an amazing thing, I cycled 20 miles, Something I thought was totally impossible for me. Ohh I have days when I can’t go out as my pains just wont let me and I am a defeatist as I think I cant do it too, Chris encourages me all the way.

We were out shopping around 3 weeks ago and we passed Souter Lighthouse on our way to South Shields, I said to Chris that it was my goal to cycle to it, of course I never really thought that I would be able to do it. I was just saying it in the hope that one day I would.

Our weather these last two days has been perfect for cycling, yesterday we took our bikes to be serviced a 14 mile cycle trip. This morning I hurt like hell and took a couple of pain killers before we set out, we decided we would just cycle to get a coffee, a simple 5 miles there and 5 miles back, just enough to keep me supple.

We got to the stop and I felt fine so decided to go a little further, before I new it I was here.

Souter Lighthouse


Simply amazing. Of course my patient cycling partner helped me believe I could do it, I love this guy.


So I reached my goal, but heck I still felt fine and wanted to keep going, so, we did.

We decided to keep going on the road to South Shields, we stopped for a wee brake and some refreshments, a bottle of water and a banana.

South Shields Park


And then the ride home.

To be totally honest with you all the hardest part of the rides is getting in and out of our village it is so hilly, the Hall bend was a total killer on the way home.

So if you are wondering how far we did.



I beat 4 personal bests

And I burned a whopping

Calories 2514 kcal

My personal trainer (Chris) is very proud of me.

Jak Signature


Beryl said...

Wow that's amazing you do well to be very proud of your self.xx

lycar123 said...

Fantastic ,I wish I had the get up and go to do that, but unfortunately my get up and go, got up and went lol!! Huge pat on the back for you. x

Judith said...

Fantastic! I would love to do something like that too but would be too scared to cycle on the road plus my husband can't ride a bike.
Well done you.

JaniceinLincs said...

well done Jak !!.. that is such an achievement! x

Ali said...

Well done you!!! Must get myself motivated and get my bike out but it feels old and heavy hmmmm wonder if I can persuade hubby I need a new one - best start saving xxx

Patti J said...

Hooray, Jak! I'm so proud of you, and FOR you! Wow, what an accomplishment! You are my inspiration, sweet lady...I must get moving! If you can do it, I can do it, right? Lol...I'm a defeatist too! Hugs...

heidy said...

I'm proud of you to Jak!!
XXX Heidy

Maryann Laursen said...

WAUW that is really awesome JAk, well done. You can definitely be proud of yourself, that´s for sure, adn I´m sure Chris is too. I really really wish, I could do you after too, but after 3 major backsurgeries, the doctors tell me, that is NOT an option even to try anymore, so I have to do with admiring you LOL:

Lisa Jane said...

wow well done you! And i love that Light house - brings back memories
Lisa x

sallysbitz2 said...

Well done Jak x

hugs sally x

Sandra H said...

Well done xx

Tammy said...

Absolutely wonderful Jak! Kudos to your personal trainer for all his encouragement! Keep going!

Carla S. said...

Bravo, Jak! What an amazing accomplishment! Bravo to your trainer, too! Keep up the good work! So thrilled for you!

Dawn said...

Well done Jak! You should be soooo proud of yourself! xxx

ursula said...

A big big well done from me Jak, we are proud of you. It is amazing what one can do if you really want to.... I hope it is doing you good, those calories, wow, wow...luv Ursula xx

My'scardcorner said...

Well done You and well done Chris fo encouraging you Keep at it.

KraftyKoolKat said...

Well done sweetie.


Mad Mary said...

Oh Jak, that is fantastic, you should be so proud of yourself. Give yourself a huge pat on the back... WELL DONE xxxxxxxxxxx

Mary xx

Kelly Lloyd said...

Big congratulations jak, a brilliant achievement
Well done

hollis58 said...

Wow well done Jak xxx

terrie said...

That ia awesome news Jak..
So proud of you...
I also like that lighthouse.
Keep up the great work..

tinaco said...

Well done Jak, I have been following your biking achievments and I really do admire what you have done. I pray you will not suffer for it tommorow. All the best Tina C xx

caroline said...

wow Jak thats totally amazing,i wish i could do that, i'm so pleased for you
caroline x

Janette said...

I think it's remarkable Jak, well done, you should be proud of yourself...xx

Merry said...

Way to go Jak, such a happy post and lovely photos.