Saturday, 4 May 2013

Suitable attire.

I have really struggled with a whacking cough and sore throat but today I had to be up out of bed bright and early, both Chris and my nephew Craig joined the cycle to work scheme and their new bikes were ready to collect, I dropped them off to pick them up and they rode them back home. This is a brilliant way to start cycling as it makes it affordable to get a decent bike without breaking the bank, Ask your employer if they do the scheme.

I then came home showered and got ready to start shopping for clothing suitable for the funeral on Thursday. Chris will be wearing full ceremonial Fire Brigade uniform so leggings for me just wouldn’t cut the mustard. I settled on a long black Skirt and a shrug and I have a nice cream top to go with them. Shoes are always a problem for me, the number one thing has to me comfort as I have psoriatic arthritis and pain in my feet are a biggie.

I’ll have to pray for decent weather as I could only get open toed sandals', little pump shoes just wasn't happening.

So the skirt


The shrug front

shrug front

The shrug backshrug back



I also had my hair highlighted as I had a bit too much salt and pepper going on, not sure if I’m keen on it, a bit too much blonde going on but Chris likes it so I’ll keep it for a while until I see if it grows on me.

I was hoping to get out on my bike this weekend but my head cold and cough don’t need further help so I’ll take each day as it comes.

Jak Signature


ike said...

Great outfit - that will look perfect. Hope you can get rid of that cold soon - try cinnamon in hot water - it's good stuff. :-)
Sending healing vibes
IKE xxx

doreenj said...

The outfit is fab, just right for the occasion. Will be thinking of you all on Thursday.

Doreen x

Dawn said...

You'll look great in your outfit always difficult to decide on what to wear for a funeral. I hope it's a nice sunny day to give your BIL a lovely send off! Will be thinking of you all on Thursday.
Hope the cold leaves you soon!
Dawn xx

Zosia said...

My thoughts and heart are with you all. The outfit you have chosen Jak looks perfect. Hope you are feeling better very soon and the weather keeps dry and sunny. Love & hugs to you

KraftyKoolKat said...

This is just right for the occasion Jak. Hope the cold lifts soon.


My'scardcorner said...

Outfit looks perfect jak hope you cold lifts soon must admit to feeling iffy myself this week end time we had some good weather.Hugs for Thursday Ive just been to my uncles who was 91 recently.

Linda Simpson said...

Beautiful outfit Jak! My thoughts and prayers are with you all. I hope your cold gets a move on and go.

Linda xxx

Joyce said...

Your outfit is lovely Jak ... will be thinking of you all on Thursday. Hope your cold improves soon .. hubby and I have both been affected, although ours rapidly turned into a deep chesty cough. I can thoroughly recommend 'Bronchoforce' by A Vogel. It used to be called 'Ivy Thyme' We took 20 drops in a tiny drop of water, 5 times a day. I usually end up with antibiotics but Bronchoforce stopped that happening. Hope you're soon feeling better xxx

Anonymous said...

Your Husband's brother has just died and you are posting your outfit for the funeral as if it is a wedding celebration! I have just gone right off you.

Jak Heath said...

To the anonymous commenter, I posted for approval from my fellow friends and followers who follow me through trials and joys of life, not as you may have thought.
I wanted to know if it was suitable attire.
Not that I need to justify myself but feel sorry that you misunderstood my posting.
I have found some incredible friends via my blog who would tell me the truth if the outfit was acceptable.

Mad Mary said...

Very nice outfit, just love the shrug. Hope you feel better soon Jak.

Mary x

JaniceinLincs said...

Lovely outfit Jak.. it's one of those times when it's difficult to choose what to wear, but I think you have it just right. Hope your cold gets better soon xx

Janette said...

I think you'll look smart Jak, hope your soon feeling better.xx

ursula said...

Listen Jak, it is suppposed to be the start of summer, so away with the coughs and colds now !!!! Your outfit looks lovely, quite fitting for the sad event, Chris too will look real smart in his uniform. I pray it will be a lovely summers day for you all... take care, luv Ursula XX