Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Dirty girl

Uh oh will my desk ever be tidy


Mad Mary said...

It's a lot tidier than mine Jak!! If you tidy up you won't find anything lol.

Mary xx

terrie said...

Hey Jak, welcome to the Dirty Girl Club..
I think most of our craft table or desk is like yours..
I know that my desk is always a mess!! LOL

Marion Burch said...

Hi Jak, For a minute there I thought that was a picture of my desk, Wow scared me for a while............lol

caroline said...

I thought it was just me that worked in a mess, it seems to take longer putting things away than when you got them out. I have just tidied my desk up today.
caroline x

Tammy said...

Geez Jak, I think your desk looks pretty neat!

Unknown said...

Your desk is completely tidy compared to mine at the moment.

Luv Jane XX

Jacqueline Baylis said...

ha ha thought mine was bad, the bigger the table the bigger the mess !!!but if it is tidy means you are not working!!!

Laurian said...

Yay, muliply that by 3 and you've got my desk!
I tidy up and then my mojo goes walkabout so better to leave well alone, lol!!

Unknown said...

My desk looks very much like yours! Looks chaotic, but I know where every-thing is!

Tara F.
Jonesboro, AR USA

Monique - Mienokje said...

I just show my husband the picture and said: "You see, it's a typical crafters thing". He just sighed .... Love, Mienokje

Dawn said...

You have a desk...............
Dawn xx

Lorianna said...

Looks oh so familar!!!
So nice to know your not alone!!!

fiegehenk said...

A creative person is seldom tidy lol.

Deb C said...

My Sister gave me a nifty wall hanger for my kitchen (yes a messy cook too) - If a messy kitchen is a happy one - This one - is delirious
same can be said of my crafting space
If it is neat nothing is being created

Love your desk so many beautiful things on it

Linda said...

But bet you know where everything is

Cyprus Anne said...

A good crafter never has a tidy desk!!!!!!!!!!! Too much going on in your brain to worry about things like that.


Doda Smith said...

that's reassuring - looks just like mine!

ursula said...

You don't want to see mine Jak, a sign of having a great time in the craft room !!! luv Ursula XXX

Christine said...

Snap !!

sallysbitz2 said...

What crafter ain't got mess Lol x
Just shut the door.

hugs sally x

Anonymous said...

It looks a bit like mine. I find though if I tidy everything up it's like my mojo gets tidied away as well :(