I wanted to share something that really worried me while I was away for the Create and Craft shows.
We stayed overnight at our usual hotel and in the morning went down for our breakfast, every time we have used this hotel we notice an elderly lady, very well dressed and probably around in her late 70's to early 80's.
We have often commented wondering why she is always there when we are, does she simply enjoy staying there? Does she visit her family or friends on a regular basis so stays at the same place?
So being the nosey person I am I asked one of the staff why I see her each time I stay there. " excuse me, is the elderly lady residential here? Each time we stay she is here and I am curious to why that is".
The reply came and I was flabbergasted, "sort of" she said. "she has been with us for over a year now"
I commented saying "wow that must be costing he a fortune" now this is the crunch line. She added " actually she hasn't paid in over a year" she went on to explain that this poor lady first went there because her home was in a state of needing repairs done, her landlord continued taking rent from her even though it was in a state that she was unable to live in it, he continued to take money from her until she had no more left as she was also footing the bill for staying at the hotel.
So now this lady's case is going through the courts, such a shame.
I watched her at the breakfast table intrigued that her life seamed to be in a carrier bag, she delved into the bag and produced a Tupperware box and filled it with bits and pieces from the breakfast, she had her little jars with some sorts of herbs which where sprinkled onto her cereal, she had honey and a jar of Canderel sweetener, medications, something in a jar that was mixed with hot water and poured over the top of her cereal.
I just wanted to giver her a hug, at this lovely ladies time in life she should be able to be enjoying the comfort of her own home, a morning cuppa sitting in the garden listening to the birds, having the comfort of a sofa to sit on and not a hard chair in a hotel room.
Come on people, look after our elderly, we will also become elderly and who will be there to care.
I know I have ranted on but really I could cry.
Jak x
Sent from my iPad
wow brought tears to my eyes to think that could happen today - some landlords just interested in money and not the cost of ones life x
Thanks for sharing this with us...
It's awful how someone can take advantage of others like that..
That's just so sad! :-( Lea x
So very sad.. makes you wonder how some sleep at night when they hurt the weakest of us... x
Oh my, that is so so sad! Poor woman, we don't know how lucky we are. It makes me sick to the stomach how some people can take advantage of the elderly, shame on the landlord, hope it comes back to bite him on the bum. hugs Donna x
Just too sad for words! Hugs
Dawn xx
That is terrible poor lady, how sad
Oh Jak, that is such a sad story ... and one that we could all say 'There, but for the grace of God' ...... Dreadful, unscrupulous landlord. Thanks for sharing this Jak. Just wish there was something we could all do to help. xx
hiya reading your post made me feel for this lady and her plight...i work with the eldery who are all fortunate in one way or another but the world is full of the *Takers* and not the givers...im my job ..if only i could tell you the things i uncover you would not believe..it angers me it makes me want to be physically sick what others do to there family...i wish she had a family that could look after her properly so it seems she is also very alone...wish i could help..i just hope whatever comfort she gets from the hotel is as it may seem adequate and hope with all my heart she wins..from the scum that do this to our elders want locking up for a very long time .......ps saw the programme and nice to see a face behingd the blog hugs sassyx
Oh my that's just so so sad.What can we all do to help .....
Kerry x
So so sad. The world is so full of takers not givers. What can we do to help this poor lady, makes you want to go out and punch this landlord on the nose and make him listen to what ths oor lady is putting up with.
I would like to string this co called human being of a landlord up. I lost my darling Mum almost 2 years ago to the day - and she lived with me for the last 25 years of her life so I could look after her - if I thought someone had treated her this way I am afiraid I would want to murder them. I am listening to a radio programme which is saying about how different life was 60 years ago - yes there are a lot of things better now - but - we did have a sense of community and duty back then - and we treated our old people with respect - which we don't seem to do now.
I'm with you on the rant Jak!
I am a retired District Nurse and there was a poem we were all given when we did our training and I have never forgotten it:
An Old Lady's Poem
What do you see, nurses, what do you see?
What are you thinking when you're looking at me?
A crabby old woman, not very wise,
Uncertain of habit, with faraway eyes?
Who dribbles her food and makes no reply
When you say in a loud voice, "I do wish you'd try!"
Who seems not to notice the things that you do,
And forever is losing a stocking or shoe.....
Who, resisting or not, lets you do as you will,
With bathing and feeding, the long day to fill....
Is that what you're thinking? Is that what you see?
Then open your eyes, nurse; you're not looking at me.
I'll tell you who I am as I sit here so still,
As I do at your bidding, as I eat at your will.
I'm a small child of ten ...with a father and mother,
Brothers and sisters, who love one another.
A young girl of sixteen, with wings on her feet,
Dreaming that soon now a lover she'll meet.
A bride soon at twenty-my heart gives a leap,
Remembering the vows that I promised to keep.
At twenty-five now, I have young of my own,
Who need me to guide and a secure happy home.
A woman of thirty, my young now grown fast,
Bound to each other with ties that should last.
At forty, my young sons have grown and are gone,
But my man's beside me to see I don't mourn.
At fifty once more, babies play round my knee,
Again we know children, my loved one and me.
Dark days are upon me, my husband is dead;
I look at the future, I shudder with dread.
For my young are all rearing young of their own,
And I think of the years and the love that I've known.
I'm now an old woman ...and nature is cruel;
'Tis jest to make old age look like a fool.
The body, it crumbles, grace and vigor depart,
There is now a stone where I once had a heart.
But inside this old carcass a young girl still dwells,
And now and again my battered heart swells.
I remember the joys, I remember the pain,
And I'm loving and living life over again.
I think of the years ....all too few, gone too fast,
And accept the stark fact that nothing can last.
So open your eyes, nurses, open and see,
..Not a crabby old woman; look closer ...see ME!!
Remember this poem
when you next meet an older person
who you might brush aside without looking at the young soul within ......
We will one day be there, too!
With love ~ Lady Anne who is now a craggy old woman *smile*
What a sad but need to be told story. That is what alot of the world has become these days. There are alot of people that will step on your toe and or knock you out of the way to get around (to be better). Gone almost are the days of helping your neighbor.
It definitely is sad time's right now. I feel so sorry for that lady as well and have never laid an eye on her. I pictured a lil lady in my mind though as you were telling the story and wondering if she has children where are they? I have seen alot of that too lately. Children turning away from their parents and not helping in their time of need the way they helped our upbringing. I have an elderly man living next door that has his 30 something son living with him and this elderly man is always doing all the work outside. Except tend to the grass which I do now. He says that his son cant do these things because the noise of the mower hurts his ear's. Are you serious? It's sad to me that sometimes a complete stranger will do more for you than any family member. At least that's what I have seen alot of as a person not growing up with a strong family togetherness background.
I just want to go get this lady and bring her home with me after hearing your story. But what's funny about that is if you really wanted to do that to help her she would probably say no as it would maybe hurt her pride. I have seen that happen too.
Thank you for sharing this story and thank you for having a heart enough to care and take the time to hopefully teach someone out here in the world to be nice and take care of yourself and each other. In the case of the landlord I'm sure as a strong believer in karma he will get his some day...
If we could just all be happy and share when we can.
That's what blows me away with alot of these blog's and your's too how you guys are so generous and give crafting stuff to people that you have never met.
I love seeing stuff like that.
Thanks for sharing and I totally agree with every word of your story today. I hope it made the right impact on somebody else that might need it. thanks your awesome.
sorry such a long post. I got carried away
Such a sad story, making me have a wee cry to, Jak. And, of course, you are right,we will all be old one day and who will be there to look after us. x
This is truly heartbreaking! Besides being saddened by her plight and being angered by the landlord, I am filled with gratefulness that the hotel is letting her stay without paying. That landlord needs to be brought up on charges. And thanks Lady Anne for making the tears really fall with that amazing poem :)
Thank you for sharing this sad sad story. Unfortunately this sort of thing happens all the time. I really could go on and on about how I feel when this happens.
I would rather say how wonderful the hotel is to let this poor lady stay there. I truly hope the landlord will have to pay lots of money to this dear soul. She shouldn't be having the strain and worry at this stage of her life. Isn't it amazing how she is there and doesn't say a thing - no complaining!!
I too would like to bring her to my home and love her and look after her.
This is such a sad story. My heart goes out to this lady. Yes, we need to take care of the elderly. It irritates me to no end when they are cast aside. I hope the landlord has to pay dearly!
I'll gladly take her in! I haven't much, but will gladly share the meager comforts of my home with her ... she will at least be able to enjoy a cuppa coffee on the balcony! :0)
Oh Jak, I know what we all think of the landlord but there is something more touching to me. How wonderful for the hotel to allow her to live there at no cost. I don't think there are many (at least here in the US) that would be so compasionate. How wonderful that the manager or owner there has a giving heart. I makes me stop and think what kindness have I done today? I know I've done nothing as touching as that so tomorrow I'll think what kindness can I do today? Thank you for making so many of us stop to think.
Pam (nedlnut)
Thank you for this post, Jak. I work for an organization that helps low-income families into homes. It's heartbeaking to see how we, as a society, let people live without sharing our own abundance. Thanks so much for your caring spirit! It has touched all your readers.
Oh Jak no wonder ..what a sad tale and hope it is sorted out soon and well done to the Hotel for letting her stay and yes if we are lucky we all get old and should remember that.
Enjoy your day and bet you gave your mum a big cuddle when you got home.
What a sad story Jak,hope someone will help her!
XXX Heidy
What a sad story. Hope the landlord gets hauled over the coals and has to pay back everything he has taken off that lady and cover the costs of her hotel bill.
So sad. xxxx
Soooo sad reading, and I can only agree to what everyone here have already said.We should feel ashamed to treat mpeople læike this, but anyway it happens every day and in every country, I´m afraid, so it´s not just in the UK, I´m sure we can find examples in every country in the world, even the best. But we can start to think of, what can WE do to avoid this from happening??
I just loved Lady Annes wonderfuk poem, and hope, she don´t mind I saved it? It was just so true and actually sooo beautiful in some way. Thanks sooo much for sharing it Anne.
That is so sad Jak, that should just not happen in this day and age.
Thank you for asking why she was there and bringing it to our attention. It probably happens to quite a few people and we just don't know.
I do hope her landlord gets what he deserves!!!!
I have a huge lump in my throat and tears running down my cheeks.
Mary xxx
I agree with all the messages already posted. I too am outraged by her landlord and what he has done. And although very sad, I must say I also that a tiny smile on my face because I bet the Lord is gently smiling and saying _"she is one of mine". May the Lord bless her.
what a shame, how some people take advantage of others,
Oh this is just so terribly sad, makes my heart break for the poor lady. How can people be so cruel and they seem to get away with it too. Lady Anne, your poem made tears roll down my cheeks, and I think everyone needs to look after their older loved ones and look out for other elderly people around.
Debs x
Oh Jak this is so sad, I worked as a carer and saw this all the time, how family can neglect their parents, etc. I know just how you feel because I felt like that many a time, so sad, why have we become a non caring nation ?.....luv Ursula
Thankyou Jak and Lady Anne they certainly don't give you a handbook for when you get old now in my seventies my young neighbours try to intimdate us with loud music using the roller door as their front door their visitors use the front nature strip in front of our house for parking destroying the lawn we weren't prepared for this type of treament we learnt to respect our elders Geri from Aus
Hi Jak, I am new to your blog and just read your story about the elderly lady at the hotel, such a sad story! Breaks my heart to see anyone treated like that never mind a senior citizen. I live in Canada, in Victoria, British Columbia which is very much like jolly olde England. Our climate is quite warm here in comparison to other parts of Canada, we too have people sleeping on the streets and in the doorways of stores. It seems every time I go into town, the people with their hands out seem to be getting older and older. I don't feel too sorry for the young kids that are begging for money, they can work for a living if they choose to, however, the elderly can't. Our cost of living here is outrageous. I am a single parent on disability and pay 60% of my disability cheque to my landlord. Something must be done to change these situations all over the world. I always go out of my way to say hello to the elderly, I know many of them don't have family around. I lived with my Grandmother for 15 years and I miss her everyday. I thank god every day for the good memories I have of her and wish I could hug her just one more time.
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