Thursday, 23 February 2012

A little Bugged

I’m sharing new freebies, backgrounds and sentiment tags.

This is my A little bit Bugged set

Please abide by my Terms of Use.
You are free to use my sheets for personal use but please do not share, alter, claim them as your own or sell them, instead link back to my blog for people to download them.
They are copyright protected.

bug sharing1_jak_heath

Complete with some wording sentiments

bug sharing2_jak_heath

Click here to start the download (please note if you have a pop up blocker on you may have to either click on the pop up blocker button on your menu bar and tell it that pop ups on my site are allowed or try right clicking on the link and tell it to open in a new window).

I have spent the best part of two days in bed with this bug so I figured it’s time for it to go, the sooner they get my bloods sorted out the better, I pick up everyone's germs at the moment, thank goodness all of you visiting my blog won’t catch it from me.

Jak Signature


Karen J said...

Absolutely fabulous .. thanks Jak :) xx

Peggy said...

These are adorable! THANK YOU. I hope you are feeling better.

Jan M said...

Wow Thanks Jak - these are fantastic xx

Elaine M said...

This are unbelivable! Thanks so much!! Hope you're feeling better real soon

Candy said...

Love this CUTE set, Jak.
Many thanks!!
Hugs, Candy

Carol said...

Thanks Jak, they look fab. Get well soon. Carol x

Baukje said...

Sorry to hear your feeling so unwell Jak, hope you feel better soon.
Thank you for the gorgeous bugs, I love these sweet little bugs.

terrie said...

I hope that your feeling better
thank you for thr feebies...

terrie said...

take care

Lori m said...

Jak feel better, prayers that your bloods get sorted out quickly.

Thank you for the adorable bug share, these are just so sweet and I have a cousin that's very ill now, she'll love a card made from these.

Hugs, Lori m

Zosia said...

Hello Jak. I am sorry to hear you are not very well and hope that you will get better very soon. Thank you so much for the freebie "bugs" they are beautiful papers and tags. I can just imagine they would put a smile on anyones face especially if they are unwell. Thanks again and a speedy recovery is wished for you.

Tammy said...

Oh Jak, I'm so sorry to hear you are so sick! Please, please feel better soon!
Thanks for the lovely freebies!

Mary C said...

Thank you so much for this adorable set. I just love the ladybugs!

Gerlinde said...

Thank you so much! Hope you're feeling better soon!

Dawn Frost said...

Jak I hope you feel better soon, its no fun being sick! Thanks so much for the lady bugs!

Anonymous said...

These papers are so fresh and clean. I'm sure they'll be great to work with.Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for this sheet of ladybird and i am glad i got this that most of my friends favourite so that i can make their birthday card and keep up nice work what you do that you are my very favourite all time

Donna said...

Thank you, Jak! These are adorable and I so appreciate you sharing your creative endeavors.

ursula Uphof said...

Jak hope you feel better soon. These freebies are so lovely, thanks so much for passing on these bugs to us. Take care

Marion Burch said...

Hi Jak, Sure hope they find out your problem,and you get to feeling better, Thank you so much for the lady bugs, they are one of my favorite, It is so nice of you to share with us the free sheets.

Laurian said...

So sorry you're not well, hope they sort it out real soon. Thank you so much for these lovely papers and sentiments - I will use them with love!

Lisa Lynn said...

Jak, these are wonderful thanks so much. Hope you are feeling better soon.

June Nelson said...

Fantastic Jak ive got it its brilliant thanks so much xxxxxxx

Anonymous said...

Thanks for thinking of us and still doing your blog. There seems to be a nasty bug about at the moment but you've shown us ALL bugs are not nasty...these are cute, Get Well soon. Mabex

Maryann Laursen said...

Thanks soooooo very much Jak, Ijust love the ladybug. It´s the cutest bug, that´son this earth, and I´ll be more than happy to take it from you, as long as it´s only this kind here ha ha ha.
I really hope, they´ll soon get you sorted out, what is wrong since you catch all this all the time. I´ve been like that for 5 years, but exactly one year ago this months Iwent throug my last surgery and thanks god, they obviously managed to get something right this time, cause now I haven´t had even a cold since then, sio if it´s because the docsa finally found something out, or it´s coinsidence, I don´t quite know, but I do know, it´s awesome, that the bugs has gone, and I really hope and wish the same for you hun. Have a wonderful day hun and thanks again sooo much.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the wonderful papers Jak. Hope you are feeling better soon. Bless you you certainly have not been well for the last few months. Will say a little prayer for you.xx

margy-m said...

Thanks sooo much for the papers ect and I really hope that you feel better soon.

Mad Mary said...

These are absolutely gorgeous Jak, thank you very much.
I do hope you get better soon lovely lady.

Mary xx

Anonymous said...

Ooo these are so cute Thank you.
I hope you get things sorted soon n back to feeling yourself again.
Scattered xx

MarionsMadMoments said...

Thank you so much Jak, do hope you are soon on the road to recovery

Marion xx

Anne said...

Thank you so much, what brilliant bugs! Hope you're feeling better soon

Sue said...

This is a gorgeous set Jak,hope you feel better soon.
Hugs Sue xx

Dawn said...

Get well soon Jak! Thanks for sharing your bug!
Dawn xx

Pamela said...

They are stunning Jak, thank you so much.

Pam x

Sue's Crafty Corner said...

Gorgeous papers as always Jak, thank you for sharing them. Hope you feel better soon.

Sue x

Debbie (Little Gingham Bear) said...

Thanks ever so much - hope your bug does the decent thing shortly :c) xx

Lesley (Middlesbrough) said...

Thanks very much Jak. It's so nice of you to think of all of us when you're not feeling well. Hope you feel better soon. x

craftynanny said...

Thanks so much Jak. Hope you feel better soon. Lea xx

mjt said...

Thanks Jak they are great.Hope you feel better soon x
luv margaret t xx

angelique (anlou) said...

hiya sweetie
i hope you'll get better real soon sweetie
thank you for your generousisty
i just love this one hunni
hugs angelique

Greta said...

Thanks Jak they are lovely & since my Dil has just been sent home from work poorly I'll be using one straight away xx

My'scardcorner said...

These are so cute Jak Thank you so much. Hope you feel better soon :0) can sympathise as Ive another sore throat today myself. Take care.

Lynnette said...

Thank you Jak they are gorgeous


Carla S. said...

Thank you very much, Jak! These are fantastic! Hope you are feeling better soon!

Tine said...

Sorry to hear those nasty germs are still bothering you. Feel better soon.
Thanks for sharing your papers with us.
Tine :)

Moments by Marla said...

Thank you so much for these fabulous buggy freebies!!!

Linda D said...

Oh, so cute and just in time for spring. Thanks so much!

ursula said...

Thanks a million Jak for the super 'bug' papers and toppers, they are gorgeous. I do so wish you could throw off all these bugs now and get on with feeling better again. You have been 'out of sorts' for tooooooo long now.
Luv and hugs Ursula XXXX

chrissy xx said...

Just Fabulous! LOve them. Thank you soooo much.

aardvarkpest said...

wow thanks Jaq just love em.


Wilma Knottenbelt said...

Beautiful. Thanks so much Jak. Hope you feel better soon. xx

Sara said...

Oh my goodness, how cute, thank you so much!

Ann said...

So sweet thanks for these Jak they will be so useful everybody I know at the mo has bugs of one sort or another!! tee hee

Lesley Warwks said...

These papers are wondeful Jak, thank you so much for sharing them.
Hugs Lesley Warwks x

##Gail R## said...

Gorgeous as always Jak thanks for sharing,........Hope you soon feel much better
Gail R

Ardilla said...

Thank you... cute!

Anonymous said...

Love the bugs!! Very cute. Thanks
Lilla in AL

Denise said...

These are lovely. Thank you so much.

Chris said...

FAbulous Jak, thank you for sharing. Chris xx

Trish said...

Thanks for the freebies, Jak, and hope that you are feeling better very soon.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely love it. Hope you feel better soon.

Dee said...

WOW what a freebie! Thanks so much and get rid of your bug!!!

Cindy John 3:16 said...

Thanks Jak for being sooooo generous and giving us your 'bugs'! They are awesome and so are you. I DO hope you feel better soon. I totally know how you feel as I had that 'cough' that was going around last year and was laid up for almost six months - then after about 5 months of it, it turned into pneumonia! It was awful! I will say a prayer for you! GET WELL SOON! And again, thank you so much! :)

Debbie J said...

Just darling! Thanks, Jak, and hope you're feeling much better soon.

Helena (Gvendalen) said...

Thanks Jak - these are fab!

Lynne said...

With the weather having perked up so much today these seem very appropiate. Thank you. I hope you feel better soon.

Lana said...

Love these buggy pages! Thanks so much for your generosity! Lana C.

Jane said...

HA! Have spent the day gardening & the gardens's infested with these uncanny! Thank you & get well soon x

Lily Anuska said...

Very beautiful. Thank you. Lily Anuska

cinleeco said...

Thank you Jak! These are wonderful!

Anonymous said...

Hope you feel better soon, thanks for such a gorgeous download. mol x

Christine said...

Hi Jak thank you so much for sharing your gorgeous bug DPs I will link back to your blog when I use them.

smiles Christine x

Chrisann said...

So cute....and makes me wish for SPRING :)

Barbara said...

Sorry you are still feeling poorly, I hope you feel better soon. I love the papers, thank you.

Joke said...

Dank U wel voor de mooie lieveheersbeestjes

Anonymous said...

thank you i absolutly adore these, they are wonderful.

Snoopy said...

These are fantastic! I passed along the link to your blog and these freebies to my Yahoo card group. Thanks bunches!

Snoopy :D

Anonymous said...

Cute! I hope are feeling better.


Ruth said...

Thank you! Hope you are feeling better!

arcadia said...

Thank you very much - these are adorable!

Spyder said...

Thank you, these are fabulous

Michelle Quinno said...

Oh, you poor thing! One son was sick last weekend and another started today. :-( Feel better!

Thank you so much for the adorable papers!

weva said...

Thank you!!

sheffsue said...

Thank you Jak...hope you start to feel better very soon.

Sue x

Ellis said...

These are simply fantastic Jak! =)
Hope you feel better soon!
Hugs, Elenor

Anonymous said...

I hope you start feeling better very soon. Thank you for sharing your beautiful work with us. Norma W

Kathleen said...

Wow, these are amazingly cute, thank you so much for each of them.

Vee said...

A fabulous set Jak, thanks for sharing. I hope you're feeling better soon.
xx Vee

Lyn said...

You've done it again Jak...Wat a fab set.. Hope you've well soon

hollis58 said...

Hope you start to feel better soon Jak and thanks for sharing x

Cleah said...

Love the colors and designs! TFS

Anonymous said...

These are lovely. Thank you very much. I hope you are feeling better soon.

Kimberly said...

Crazy cute...i'm just gonna have to make something with it..thank you so much...

christopher said...

Oh dear so sorry you aren't well.I hope you will soon be better.
Thank you so much for the 'bug' paper, it's very kind of you.hugs.Rosie.x

Linda said...

Thank you these are just so super cute!!

Charlene Mitchell said...

Thank you so much - these are just awesome! Hope you're feeling better!

Pat K said...

These are great. Thank you so much. Feel better soon!

Purple Card Lady said...

Thank you! Hope you feel better!!

JACKIE said...

Wow, Wow, them...thanks chick...hope your feeling better xx

Lynne Armstrong said...

Thank you Jak, this is gorgeous. Hope you feel better soon!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful, thanks!

neddgirl said...

Get Well Soon...Thanks a bunch.


Lynne said...

Wonderful digis. Get better soon.
Lynne from Oz

Anonymous said...

These are so adorable1 thank you for sharing your talent!

luvthatstampin said...

Sorry you've been so sick. Thanks for taking the time to create this darling set for lady bugs.

Sue said...

Delightful paper set, just love those ladybugs. Thank you very much. I do hope you start to feel a lot better very soon.

Nicole said...

This is so nice!
Thank you for sharing!

Dawn H said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE the Lady Bug papers!! Thank you so much.

syy said...

Thanks Jak - these would certainly
cheer someone up - lovely bright colours

Foxycrafts said...

These are lovely Jak. Hope that you are feeling better soon.

Love Joan xx

syy said...

Sorry Jak forgot to say hope
you are getting better.


KraftyKoolKat said...

These are awesome Jak. Thank you very much.


Crafter Dude said...

Thanks so much for sharing your awesome talent..

craftysals creative corner said...

thank you jak, love these

Avril said...

Many thanks :)GWS

Theresa said...

Super papers. Thank you for sharing.

Linby said...

These are just soooo gorgeous, thanks very much.

txexperiment said...

My granddaughter just loves ladybugs. Thanks so much!

Jacq said...

These are great, thanks Jak, for sharing.

I'm sorry to hear you've been poorly, hope you are soon feeling a lot better.

Linda said...

Love the set, thanks for sharing.

Hope you are feeling better soon.

Suzanne said...

Reeeaaally cute images...thanks!!!

Judy said...

Dear Jak,
Thank you SO much for taking the time to create and then share these wonderful images with us, It's so very kind of you, especially when you are feeling so poorly yourself.
I do hope that you are on the way to a complete recovery and that you will soon be able to shake off these bugs completely.
With very best wishes, Judy x

Ruth Little said...

Just wonderful! Thank you for sharing!

Cazzy said...

Thank you Jak, they are lovely. I hope you are feeling better now and have found out what it was.

Cazzy x

Unknown said...

Thankyou Jak for this georgous set. Will be sure to give credit when I make something from it. Hugs Vee x