Thursday, 9 February 2012


Oh isn't it just wonderful? The week is on our side now, well at least for those of us who need the weekend to recharge our batteries that is.
It's been a funny old week, lots of prep work trying to get ready for next week, the decision to stop working extra from my home, which I have to say is extremely difficult, I'm a creature of habit and when I see things that need fixing I normally just go ahead and do it but from here on in I will be waiting until work hours and concentrating on my home life.

The other thing that happened this week is that my gorgeous husband bought me an iPad and I have to say I simply love it, It came inscribed with the wording "I love you Jak, Chris x" engraved on the back of it, isn't he a sweetheart?

So I thought I would check out it's posting to my blog powers and this is it. Pretty easy.
I took a photo shot of what was on my desk so you could see what I was up to.


Lori m said...

Jak, it's time to make time for you, your work is amazing and what a great husband and fabulous gift, to inscribe it, just fantastic.

Enjoy, Hugs, Lori m

Candy said...

Hi Jak,
I know it is hard to make changes.
I hope this will be a great one for you!
I think you must have the greatest husband in the world. Have great fun with your Ipad.
I can't believe he had it inscribed - how thoughtful!
Hugs, Candy

Anonymous said...

Great news deserve it and your family....especially your dear husband, really appreciate you.

June Nelson said...

Aw isnt it lovely to be appreciated, you have a star not manymen are like that and I need one lol. I can see what your colouring and those rainbow colours look stunning xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Anonymous said...

What a lovely hubby you have Jak, that was sweet and romantic, you lucky girl....
Love ~ Lady Anne xx

Maryann Laursen said...

What a lucky girl you are, even I sure don´t complain about mine either he he, but always nice to hear, that others are having great hubby´s too, as we always mostly hear about the opposit.
Good luck with the changes in your life, I know, how hard that can be, for sure.

Mad Mary said...

I too have a great husband Jak, he bought me my Cricut and my Craft Robo and if i want anything at all he just buys me it.
Glad you are enjoying your iPad and isn't Chris a gem of a hubby not only to buy you it but to have it engraved too.
Good for you going to change and give yourself more "me" time at home.
Loving what i see on the picute Jak, ohhhh those colours :-)

Looking forward to your shows

Mary xx

My'scardcorner said...

What a lucky LaDY YOU ARE jAk to have a gift with those special words inscribed.Might be me but I cant see a pic !!!

Sue said...

Jak,be kind to yourself.Have fun with your fabulous gift from your lovely hubby.Love what you are working on.
Hugs Sue xx

Merry said...

Your work is stunning and what a beautiful gift. Must say a tad jealous of you to have such a thoughtful husband. :-)

Tammy said...

Lucky you to have such sweet husband! But then again, I bet he feels lucky having such a sweetheart of a wife!

hollis58 said...

I just want to say the same as all the others - ENJOY your free time with the family. Lucky lady and Chris is a lucky man

sallysbitz2 said...

Lucky you Jak.
So sweet of your hubby, he sounds like an A1 diamond x

hugs sally x

Sharon in Arizona said...

Hi Jak - know what you mean about being a creature of habit and getting things done. Our office was cut to half time (20 hours a week) 3 weeks ago and I will have to do some strict budgeting, but have to say, I'm loving the extra days at home. I'm only about 1 year from retiring and even if things improve I'm wondering if I'll want to go back to full time. This seems like a nice way to ease into retirement. An iPad???? how very cool is that!!!! I've said it before.....Chris is a KEEPER!!! Enjoy hugs, Sharon :o)