It's been a funny old week, lots of prep work trying to get ready for next week, the decision to stop working extra from my home, which I have to say is extremely difficult, I'm a creature of habit and when I see things that need fixing I normally just go ahead and do it but from here on in I will be waiting until work hours and concentrating on my home life.
The other thing that happened this week is that my gorgeous husband bought me an iPad and I have to say I simply love it, It came inscribed with the wording "I love you Jak, Chris x" engraved on the back of it, isn't he a sweetheart?
So I thought I would check out it's posting to my blog powers and this is it. Pretty easy.
I took a photo shot of what was on my desk so you could see what I was up to.
Jak, it's time to make time for you, your work is amazing and what a great husband and fabulous gift, to inscribe it, just fantastic.
Enjoy, Hugs, Lori m
Hi Jak,
I know it is hard to make changes.
I hope this will be a great one for you!
I think you must have the greatest husband in the world. Have great fun with your Ipad.
I can't believe he had it inscribed - how thoughtful!
Hugs, Candy
Great news deserve it and your family....especially your dear husband, really appreciate you.
Aw isnt it lovely to be appreciated, you have a star not manymen are like that and I need one lol. I can see what your colouring and those rainbow colours look stunning xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
What a lovely hubby you have Jak, that was sweet and romantic, you lucky girl....
Love ~ Lady Anne xx
What a lucky girl you are, even I sure don´t complain about mine either he he, but always nice to hear, that others are having great hubby´s too, as we always mostly hear about the opposit.
Good luck with the changes in your life, I know, how hard that can be, for sure.
I too have a great husband Jak, he bought me my Cricut and my Craft Robo and if i want anything at all he just buys me it.
Glad you are enjoying your iPad and isn't Chris a gem of a hubby not only to buy you it but to have it engraved too.
Good for you going to change and give yourself more "me" time at home.
Loving what i see on the picute Jak, ohhhh those colours :-)
Looking forward to your shows
Mary xx
What a lucky LaDY YOU ARE jAk to have a gift with those special words inscribed.Might be me but I cant see a pic !!!
Jak,be kind to yourself.Have fun with your fabulous gift from your lovely hubby.Love what you are working on.
Hugs Sue xx
Your work is stunning and what a beautiful gift. Must say a tad jealous of you to have such a thoughtful husband. :-)
Lucky you to have such sweet husband! But then again, I bet he feels lucky having such a sweetheart of a wife!
I just want to say the same as all the others - ENJOY your free time with the family. Lucky lady and Chris is a lucky man
Lucky you Jak.
So sweet of your hubby, he sounds like an A1 diamond x
hugs sally x
Hi Jak - know what you mean about being a creature of habit and getting things done. Our office was cut to half time (20 hours a week) 3 weeks ago and I will have to do some strict budgeting, but have to say, I'm loving the extra days at home. I'm only about 1 year from retiring and even if things improve I'm wondering if I'll want to go back to full time. This seems like a nice way to ease into retirement. An iPad???? how very cool is that!!!! I've said it before.....Chris is a KEEPER!!! Enjoy hugs, Sharon :o)
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