Wednesday, 24 August 2011

Free Background Sheets - Pretty Peony

I wanted to give you something pretty that won't cost a fortune in ink when you print them out, a little thank you for popping by and leaving such wonderful comments so that you know how much I appriciate it.

I decided on the peony blossom and making a set of 4 A5 sheets that you could mix and match and would make something pretty for all of your cards and scrapbooking.

Please abide by my Terms of Use.
You are free to use my sheets for personal use but please do not share, alter, claim them as your own or sell them, instead link back to my blog for people to download them.
They are copyright protected.
Just click on the images and this will bring them to full size on your screen then save it to your computer. The sheets will print to the size intended once saved to your computer, double click on the file then from the top menu on your computer click, file then print this will then print out the Image

Please link back to my site when using the sheets.


Karen Lindsay said...

Wow! These papers are gorgeous! Thank you once again. :-)


Crafty_Kitten said...

Gorgeous sheets, thank you Jak. Love using the paler backgrounds, save a lot of ink. Thanks again.
xx Lynn xx

PatsyB said...

I do love purple and all shades close to it!! Thanks so much for sharing these sheets!!

Elaine M said...

what delightful papers! Thanks so much!!

Josie Cox said...

Love the papers they are great. Josie

terrie said...

Thank you so much for the lovely paper...

ecpiercy said...

Jak, these are beautiful and just perfect for what I was seeking. I'm expecting a grandaughter in two week, and everything in my collection is for boys. Thank you!

Bernadine said...

Brilliant I say ... Simply brilliant !! Thanks a million.

Jan said...

Beautiful! Thank you so much....and thanks for the savings in ink too!

Anonymous said...

These are the colors!
Thank you so much.

Kind Regards,
Della May

Carole RB said...

So beautiful, thanks a bunch

Gerlinde said...

Thank you so much! I'm always looking for small prints. Very pretty!

Ruth said...

Thank you so much. These are beautiful!!!

KathyB said...

Thank you once again for your lovely papers. You are so wonderfully generous!!

Kathy Bradley said...

Thank you for the lovely paper - the colors are beautiful.

Marion Burch said...

Thank you Jak, your papers are beautiful, I also love the pictures you post of your country, that is as close as I will get to see England. It is a beautiful place.

ursula Uphof said...

These are lovely Jak, just right for some lovely summery cards coming soon. Thanks for being so generous

Lisa Lynn said...

I love the floral print, thanks so much.

Maryann Laursen said...

These are sooooooo beautiful JAk, thank you so much for your generousity. I love these.

Kirsti said...

Kiitos Jak. Paperit on kauniita :)

Unknown said...

These are so pretty Jak thank you

Pamela said...

They are so pretty Jak, my fav colours. Thank you.

Pam x

Skylark said...

Thank you so much they are gorgeous & I love the colours

Silverbutterfly said...

Lovely papers, always enjoy the papers you share with us.


angelique (anlou) said...

hiya sweetie
thank you so much for the lovely papers hunni
there just stunning sweetie
hugs angelique

Mad Mary said...

Thank you Jak, these are lovely, you are so kind.

Mary xx

KayBeScraps said...

Thank you so much..

Jan said...

Love them Jak TFS xx Jan

Anonymous said...

Beautiful Jak
Thank you so much for sharing!

My'scardcorner said...

Fab sheets as usual Jak TFS.

cazrush said...

Thank you very much - lovely papers.

Liv said...

Beautiful sheets. Thanks for your generosity in sharing them with everyone.

Jane said...

Thank you Jak xx

rosie said...

thanx again for your generosity...really useful designs..Rosie

Anonymous said...

Thanks Jak, they are lovely and how thoughtful of you to keep the cost of printing down.


Zosia said...

As always Jak you come up trumps. These papers are so beautiful and delicate that they can be used for weddings, special occasions etc. Thank you sooooooooooooo much.

Longvacation said...

So very pretty! Thank you for sharing.

Sharon said...

These are so pretty. Thank you for sharing your amazing work. Sharon Louise x

Rosietoes said...

Thank you Jak - gorgeous papers.

Edna x

Meg Owen said...

Many thanks Jak.
Very pretty papers.

Beryl said...

Once again - thank you Jak for some beautiful papers. As well as being ink thrifty they are also in my favourite colours.
Beryl xx

dragonllew said...

thanks very pretty

Daisychain said...

Thanks Jak, I can see me using these a lot. Hugs Christine x

Sue said...

Thanks Jak,they are gorgeous,and thanks for thinking of our precious printer ink.
Hugs Sue xx

Mags said...

What lovely sheets Jak - paticularly love that tartan-type one! thank you so much

Mags x

Lana said...

Great papers, thanks so much! Lana

Unknown said...

I love your site and your wonderfull cards - just signed in not to miss any news.

Carol said...

Gorgeous as always Jak. Thank you. Carol x

Ann said...

Fabulous thank you Jak! love them.

Michelle Quinno said...

Thanks so much for the pretty papers!

Pattyb said...

The papers are gorgeous, Jak. Thanks so much for sharing them with us!

Donna said...

Thank you, Jak! These are lovely and such pretty colors.

Tine said...

Thanks, Jak. :)

Debbie said...

Very lovely! Thank you for your generosity!

Rita Heath said...

These are fab Jac Thanks Ritax

Karla Sue said...

Just gorgeous! Thank you for sharing these sheets, will make beautiful background for a card.

Debbie J said...

So delicate and lovely. Thanks, Jak.

Barbara said...

Thank you Jak, they are lovely soft colours.Hugs,Barbara.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful papers Jak, thenak you so much for sharing


Unknown said...

These are lovely Jac - thanks so much for sharing.

Mata 12 said...

Thank you for these wonderful papers. I can't wait to use them in a project.

Jackie said...

thank you so much Jak the blossom is GORGEOUS, and also love the matching papers.... thank you for sharing with us... hugs J xxx

Val said...

Once again Jak, beautiful papers, thank you so much for being you. You are such a lovely person.

Anonymous said...

Wow what gorgeous sheets Jak. Thank you for sharing them with us. We should be giving you something. Your blog is so inspirational and a pleasure to visit. Many thanks. Catarina x x

Trish said...

Lovely sheets, and thanks for the saving of ink! Look forward to using these papers soon.

Anonymous said...

fabulous thank you

Angela (UK) said...

Sooo pretty - thank you very much :)

margaret t said...

thank you jak for such lovely papers cant do any crafting yet have my wrist in plaster getting fed up want to craft
tks again
luv margaret t

Elaine Stark said...

These are beautiful papers. Thank you. Elaine

Val said...

Thank you for the papers, much appreciated.

hollis58 said...

thanks for sharing Jak - all beautiful sheets xxx

Darlene said...

Thanks Jak love the colors on these papers. Your a tresure

Pam said...

Great papers, thanks so much for sharing!!

Crissie said...

Many thanks for the papers, they coordinate so well together.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful papers Jak - thank you so much for making them available to us - and F.O.C. at that!

Mary Mac

Donna said...

Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful backgrounds! I love the colors and patterns.

Anonymous said...

Stunning sheets Jak - thank you for sharing.


craftysue said...

Super sheets Jak thanks for sharing with us.

Lynnette said...

Jak Thanks for the new papers they are fantastic

Lynnette xxxx

Ursula said...

Thanks a million once again Jak for the beautiful papers, you are a star. Luv Ursula

Anonymous said...

A really pretty set Jak - thank you. (Crafty)Viv xx

Laura (sandytoz) said...

Thanks Jak! I'll let you know when I make something fabulous from them!


Viv said...

Such pretty sheets Jak, thankyou:O) Viv xx

Anonymous said...

TKU for these very pretty sheets and for being so kind as to give us these freebies.

De Vere Cards said...


Sharon in Arizona said...

Thank you Jak!!!! for these super fantastic papers - loooove the colors.!!! Hugs, Sharon :o)

Dreja said...

Thank you!