Friday, 5 August 2011

Castle Howard Proms Spectacular

It is many years since I went to Castle Howard Proms spectacular but what i can say is that it was an amazing night.
Well I’m doing it again this year
I’ll be there waving my flag
Now the last time that I was there  just couldn’t believe my eyes at the splendour, there were tables set with Candelabra's and floral delights that even Florists in London would be proud of so this year I thought I would not be out done so I looked up to buy flowers online whilst doing so I came across this.
So it arrived today and I have to say that it is one of the nicest hampers I’ve seen and just perfect for the occasion. Cutlery, plates wine and cheese, won’t we be the posh ones? I think a picnic basket and hamper is perfect for romantic gifts.
I’ll try to get some photo’s on the night so you can see what it is like.
Jak Signature


terrie said...


Mad Mary said...

Oh fantastic Jak, when i watch the Prom shows on tv they always seem such a fun occasion. Your hamper looks amazing!!!
Have a fantastic time!!

Mary xx

Dawn said...

Loks great Jak! What time do we need to get there? lol
Dawn xx

Redlady said...

Hi Jak

I was back in England for the Royal Wedding in April.
I hadn't been back home for 19 years.
Went on a coach tour whilst I was there and one of the trips was to Castle Howard. It was beautiful
You've made me homesick again.
Have a lovely time at the Proms.

My'scardcorner said...

Juat enjoy Jak and that hamper looks lovely.

Gina said...

Have a glorious time :D XXX

Dawn Frost said...

You're right Jak that is the nicest hamper. Enjoy your evening!

Mags said...

Have a fab time Jak. We are off to Hever Castle over the weekend to see Chris Barber - birthday present from my son for my hubby's 70th birthday - Son is coming too and preparing a hamper for us! (which should be interesting, as his wife was supposed to be coming with us too - but has taken their daughters to visit other grandad in France (only time she could get off) so son will be preparing the hamper! :-)

Mags x

Christine L said...

I was there last year... it was a WONDERFUL evening... rounded off by the fly-past...
Christine x

Lori m said...

Enjoy, it looks fabulous, can't wait to see your new photos.

Hugs, Lori m

Sheila - Ginger said...

have a lovely time Jak...that hamper looks amazing and you gave me a great idea for a New Home gift
for a lovely friend.
Looking forward to the photos.

Love Sheila xx

Unknown said...

Oh WOW Jak - I've done the same thing a few years ago at Chatsworth House in Derbyshire with my husband for our wedding Anniversary - I agree - there were ladies in their ballgowns and long gloves, men in their dinner suits and tux's - all setting up their tressle tables with white linen cloths and candlabra's - massive flags set up on masts... it was our first experience and sadly we haven't done it since. We took our little beach tent and set that up to sit in and I took some tea-lights and a blanket - it was a really magical experience. I'd love to do it again. I had a similar hamper but put it together myself - filled with M&S goodies and champagne.

The night was rounded off by 'Rule Britania, followed by a magnificent fireworks display. Wonderful experience and special memories.

Castle Howard looks full of splendour - and exactly the right setting for something such as the prom.

I hope you enjoy yourself. Look forward to seeing your pics.

Paula x x x

Helen said...

I was there too, it was amazing wasn't it?