Wednesday 22 April 2009

Blog Candy Stamp Sets

Competition to win a Stamp set designed and made by myself.
Below is a sample of the set and I have 2 of them up for grabs

So I guess you need to know how to win yourself a set of the stamps.

All you need to do is guess what my favourite flower is, I have featured and talked about it many times, those that guess correctly will be eligible to win the name will be put into a hat and 2 lucky winners will receive the stamp sets.

The competition will close Midnight Sunday 26th April 2009

Below is some of the cards I have made with the Stamp set


Anonymous said...

I think your favourite flower is a Rose,sue09 js forum

Julie xx said...

Ill have a guess at your fave flower being Poppy, I love browsing your blog, its great. Julie xx

Debs said...

Hi Jak
I think your favourite flower is the poppy.
I would love to win a set of your new fantastic stamps.
Thanks for the opportunity
Debs xx

Lilacanglia said...

I think it is a snowdrop,

PeeJay said...

Well, it's the beautiful poppy. One of my faves as well! Don't normally go in for blog candy etc (got enough 'schtuff') but I'll make an exception for these - lol! Thanks for the chance ....

Toni said...

its one of my faves too its the poppy its a gorgous set Jak xxx

LoloDesigns said...

Lovely stamps, yes please ;o)
I'd say your favourite flower has to be poppy going by your post last year. Keeping my fingers crossed, thanks x

Daisycat said...

I think your favourite flower is the Poppy. Love the stamp set.

Anonymous said...

i think your favourite flower is a magnolia(fingers crossed).....ellen xx

Anonymous said...

I don't know for sure what your favourite flower is because I can't remember what I read from one day to the next!! I think it might be a daisy.
Hazel (JS)

Anonymous said...

Jak...I know your favourite flowers is the Poppy...thanks for the prize kind of you
Win from Liverpool !

Lynn said...

I'm sure your favourite flower is a poppy Jak, so that is my answser. Those stamps are fabulous, so I hope lady luck shines on me this time.
Thanks for the chance of winning them!

mitch1066 said...

mm a tough one,you have made so many beautiful flowers!I'll guess the poppy...That reminds me i need to make a poppy card for a friend.
Thanks for sharing your wonderful creations and inspiring us all:)

bissecat said...

I thing it`s sunflower ..Greetings from Finland.

June said...

Poppies are very beautiful and i have seen poppy cards here before so will go with that,thanks for allowing us a chance to play and win the lovely set
Hugs June xxx

Dawn Loring said...

Yours and mine alike......Poppy.
Would love to win a set of your stamps, especially if it makes me as creative as you.

Greta said...

I'm sure it's the poppy Jak. Love your stamp set. Thanks for the chance to win it. x

Nannieflash said...

Well I guess everyone is saying its the Poppy Jak, so thats quite possibly the right one. I do love the Sunflower stamps set and would love to own one. love and hugs Shirleyxxx

Anonymous said...

it might just be a sun flower
love linda xxx

Anonymous said...

I think it's a poppy Jak
Nena x

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the chance to win a set of your gorgeous stamps Jak.
your favourite flower is a poppy.

Thanks again.


Anonymous said...

Its poppy i love all your cards . I always feel i can go make a card when i've checked your blog out . Keep up the good work .

Carole M

Anonymous said...

hi Jak i think its a poppy such a wonderful flower brings a smile any time of the year! great stamps

- libby js forum

Debs said...

Its poppy, I remember that cos its my favourite as well lol

Kim said...

Ill guess Sunflower

Cazzy said...

There are a few to choose from on your blog, I have gone back a few posts, well several - and I have a terrible memory. I think you love the Sakura punch flower, could have said build a flower, or tapestry, or the sunflower but I will go for Sakura punch flower.

Cazzy x

Anonymous said...

love the stamps jak
i will say the poppy is your favourite flower because it is for rememberance
chrisa x

Sheena F said...

Fab stamps Jak. Thanks for offering the candy. I think your favourite flower is the poppy.

Daisychain said...

I think your favourite flower is the poppy.
I am keeping my fingers, toes and eyes crossed as I would love to win your gorgeous stamps. Thanks for the chance to win them.
Hugs Christine x

Rita said...

Well Jak, I think it might just be a Poppy. I love your new stamps and its very generous of you to give us all a chance to win a set. Hugs Rita xxxx

Aunty Sue said...

well i am hoping it is poppy as these are one of my fave flowers and just wish i could grow them.

Anonymous said...

hi jak

thankyou for this chance to win some brillant prizes i think your favourite flower is poppys

thanks again

donnag immagention

Linda w said...

Well reading back many many entries I have determined that your favorite flower has to be the poppy. I love this new set you designed and would love to add it to my collection.

thanks much

Lauren Colless said...

Hi Jak, this is the first time I've commented but I'm almost a daily visitor. Your blog is a great source of inspiration, and I often direct my friends to your link on my blog. Thanks for being such a great source of inspiration!

Your favourite flower is the poppy.

Jackie said...

in for broke. POPPIES. ......... :)

sheffsue said...

Poppy!! Would love to get my hands on those stamps Jak. Thank you for the chance to win.

Sue x

Norma said...

Well i know am late in answering this Jak but i am sure its a poppy, often heard you mention it and there is of course that lovely pic of poppys,you showed us on the wall in your craft room.
The stamp set is beautiful,can i have my name in the hat pleeeese

Norma x

Denise ~ Paper Ponderings said...

I think it's the poppy! I'm going to go wait by my mailbox now Ü tee hee. Beautiful creations!!!

Tracy said...

It's the same as my favourite wild flower "the poppy".
Thanks for a chance Jak.
Happy crafting
Tracy x

Anonymous said...

Hello Jak
I often look at your blog - your cards are lovely to look at.
I reckon your favourite flower is the poppy (nearly put pooppy!)
Thanks for the competition.
(from the JS forum)

Kym's Crafty Cards said...

Jak, well what lovely stamps these are. I'd love to be in with a chance of winning and my guess for your favourite flower is POPPY.

Best wishes, Kym xxx

Alison said...

I think your favourite flower is the poppy.


Anonymous said...

thanks for giving us the chance to win your fabby stamp set. I would say that your fav flower is the poppy

Jules001 (imag-e-nationer)

Anonymous said...

I think it`s the same as meJak..the poppy.
Thanks for giving me a chance to win.
Welsh Petalxx

Anonymous said...

Hi Jak, great stamps! I would have to say that your fave flower is the poppy

Jan M said...

Well I think it is the poppy to :o)
Love the latest card

Jan M

Shepherdess said...

I think your favourite flower is the Poppy, I so hope I'm right, I would love a chance to win your gorgeous stamps.
Helen (imag-e-nationer)

Anonymous said...

I came across the most wonderful tutorial you did ...the prettiest poppy ever..but then your flowers are the best. So I will go with Poppy..ty for sharing.

Angela Mclean said...

You have such a huge following - no wonder, your designs are so special!!! The POPPY.... is your flower of choice.
Angela. xxx

Anonymous said...

Hi Jak, I think your fav flower is a Poppy. Thankyou for your inspirational site, if I am having a mind blank day I just need to go online and you kick start the brain again. Thankyou.
Betty - New zealand

Esther said...

Hi Jak - I am opting for Poppy too. I happen to be wearing one today to commemorate ANZAC (Australian and New Zealand Combined forces) which is a time of remembrance for those who died at Gallipoli in the 2nd World War, from our countries.
Thanks for the chance to win - Esther (New Zealand)

TracyBstamping said...

I think your favorite flower is a daisy. they are so light and happy looking.

Jan R said...

I too think it's the poppy Jak. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to win a set of your stamps, they're fabulous.

Emilia said...

I love poppies... and I guess that the poppy is your favourite flower as well.

Foxycrafts said...

I thing your favourite flower is a poppy, Jak. It is one of my favourites as well. :o)

Love Joan :o)

moi said...

Lovely set.
Your favourite flower would be a poppy, I guess.

hugs, moi

Wellnifty said...

Thanks for giving us the chance of getting the lovely stamps Jak. I think your favourite flower has got to be a Poppy.

Chris x

MargieP said...

I think your favourite flower must be the poppy judging by some of your previous comments. Thanks for running the competition. The stamps look very useful. Hugs Margie

Budge said...

Jak I think your favourite flower is the Poppy. The stamps are lovely thank you for giving us this opportunity to win them.
Sylv xx

issy said...

As its my favorite, Im going to say Poppy too.


Anonymous said...

Jak its a poppy,love your stamps.
Sue c

jo said...

hiya, i'm gonna say its sunflower only as its mine :) love your blog huggs jo x

Anonymous said...

Hi Jak hun
beautiful stamps, who's a clever dickie then lol!
as to your favourite flower it just has to be the Poppy
keep up the great work


Anonymous said...

I'm going with the poppy Jak...I love the stamp.
Love, Carolyn

Valerie Steele said...

Jak, you make such fabulous poppy cards, this has to be your special flower. Thanks for the opportunity to win a set of the great stamps. Regards Val

Mags said...

That's a difficult one Jak - you have made so many beautiful flower cards, but think I am going to go with the Poppy.


Polly Pierce said...

I think it has to be the Poppy, not only because it's one of my favourite flowers, but in my favourite PTI set - Remember! It seems to appear time & time again in your work, which is always lovely...

ursula Uphof said...

I think your poppy cards are always lovely, so the poppy is my guess. Love your stamp set and would like to be the lucky one.

Teresa said...

Hi Jak
I think your favourite flower is Poppy, the stamps are beautiful.

thank you

Unknown said...

Hi Jak, gorgeous stamp set. I'm going with the crowd and saying poppy too.

All the best

Jan x

Liz said...

Your favourite me thinks is the Poppy as I love it too. Lovely stamp set Jak you are so clever.

coldwaters2 said...

Well Jak you have made some stunning cards using the poppy so I have to say poppy.

Lorraine x

Anonymous said...

thanks for the chance to win some of your lovely stamps .I think your favourite flower is a Poppy

mary45 said...

Love your cards, Jak,
I think your favourtie flowers is the POPPY!

Especially after looking at your blogs from last year, alto you do love other flowers, I think the Poppy has a special place in your heart . I love them too!
Thanks for the chance to win some stunning stamps.

Anonymous said...

The stamps are lovely. I would be very happy to win them. Something tells me your favourite flower is the poppy.
Thanks for putting it up to win.


Anonymous said...

Hi Jak Thought Id already answered this but cant see my post so just to make sure lol I too think it is a poppy :0)

Janet said...

Jak, your favourite flower is a poppy. Your flower stamps are very versatile and I should love to win one!

Anonymous said...

Hya Jak ,these are some lovely cards with a gorgeous stamp set . I`ve just got back into stamping after several years where they`ve been hidden away at the back of my Craftroom, and I`m loving it! I`m sure your Favourite flower is the same as my Favourite Flower ,Ducky ." The adorable POPPY .Hugs Cazxx

Susan said...

Congrats on your stamp set! I will guess that your favorite flower is the poppy as so many have. Thanks for the chance to win a set!

Mad Mary said...

Hi Jak, i to think the Poppy is your favourite but closely followed by the Rose. Your stamps are lovely. Thank you for doing this wee competition.

Mary x

muffin said...

Hi Jak, Well I think your favourite flower is a sunflower.

christine said...

The poppy is your favorite flower
would love to win your stamps.good luck to all in the draw

jwat said...

Its the poppy. Want the giveaway bad.

June Watkins

Anonymous said...

What a lovely design Jak, I think your fave flower is the poppy - I seem to remember the beautiful poppy print you showed on your blog. It is my fave too, and was even more beautiful when a mass of poppies also had cornflowers mingled in it, until they killed off all the wild cornflowers that is!


Anonymous said...

I would say it was a sunflower Jak.

McLiz xx

Unknown said...

What a fantastic and personal candy!
I think your favourite flower is the poppy.
Thanks for the chance to win!

Pam Swadling said...

Hi Jak,
I think your fav flower is the Poppy. Thanks for the chance to win one of your superb stamps sets.
Pam (Imag-e-nationer)

Anonymous said...

Why - that would be the poppy then! What a gorgeous card by the way - and one of my favourite colours at the moment too! Very delicate effect!

Viv xx

Helena (Gvendalen) said...

Jak,you have made so many beautiful flowers! I think, that it is poppies.
Thanks for the chance of win.
Hugs, Elena

Anonymous said...

I love all the cards you have made Jak,you are such a great inspiration to us all,and i think you favorite flower is the Poppy,thank you for the draw.

Hazel x(nuttylady)

Merry said...

What a beautiful stamp set you have created...thanks for the chance to win it and have a try. I would say that poppy is the magical flower for have created some lovely poppy cards.

joanne said...

Your cards are stunning. i love to check them all out. Since the poppy is your favorite flower those are some of your most beautiful creations.

Anonymous said...

I believe your favorite is a poppy based on your posts. I love your build a flowers. I have printed a lot of them and they are great on cards.
Linda Peterson

auscrafts said...

as your blog is full of Poppies I guess thats your favourite

Hot2Hustle said...

Hello, new to all of this! lol
I think your favourite flower is Poppy.

Anonymous said...

I think your fav is a poppy, that would mine to quickly followed by honeysuckle, just love the cards you mak Jaks, I just wish I could be as good.

Jean B

Anonymous said...

I would have to say poppy. What a beautiful stamp set you have created, congratualations.


Anonymous said...

Hi Jak

I think your favourite flower is "The Poppy"

Isobel Jones (Powys)

(Joanna Sheens Forum)

Ann George said...

Hi Jak
I Love all your cards I think your favourite flower
is a Dahlia thanks

Anonymous said...

Hi Jak,

Love this site, its just the best.
I think your favourite flower is a poppy.

Dawn (Leeds)

Nicci said...

HI Jak thanks for offering up the chance to win a set of these fab stamps you are so clever. ok think your fav flower is the poppy.

Laney said...

Hi jak
I guess that would be the Poppy!!
beautiful stamp set you have designed good luck with that
and thanks for giving us a chance to win a set

Anonymous said...

This is a first for me Jak never entered anything before, but I love your blog and I believe your favorite flower is the beautiful Poppy.
Sandra (aka Albatera)

Rachel B said...

I just stumbled onto your blog and LOVE your creations, you are very talented... enough that you have your own stamps! That is an amazing accomplishment. By everyone else's guess, I'm going to say your fav flower is a POPPY! Thank you for a chance to win.
Rachel B

sharon d said...

Hi Jak, I think your favorite flower is the poppy. I love your blog--it is always so beautiful and inspiring. I love how you use so much white and tone on tone or embossing. I also love all your punched-out flowers you add as embellishments. All your designs are so elegant! I would SO love to win your lovely stamp set--I love the leaves and curlicues!

Unknown said...

I was going to choose poppy but so did everyone else! I pick poppy too! Thanks Jak!

maiahs_momma said...

Love your blog, and your favorite flower is def. the poppy :)!! Thank you so much for this chance to win this gorgeous set.


Anonymous said...

I'm guessing your favorite is the poppy. Thanks for all great ideas and tutorials!

Ayelet said...

I think your favourite flower is the Poppy. Love the stamp set.
Thanks for the chance to win!

Starr said...

After rereviewing hundreds of posts, I am going to guess that your favorite flower is a poppy. Hope I'm right. By the way, I have really loved making many of your build a blossom flowers. They are great. Starr

Brenda said...

I hope it is the 'POPPY'
I,m very new so it has to be rose or a poppy, going for poppy.Keeping my fingers crossed

Trish said...

Hi there Jak,
Thanks for the chance to win a set of your gorgeous stamps. I have just spent some enjoyable time looking through old posts and come to the conclusion it has to be the poppy as your favourite.

Barbara said...

i love all your creations. You use many flowers in your punch creations, your free downloads and stamping. I am going to go with the poppy