Saturday, 12 April 2014

The Craft Helper

As I have told you before I have a man in a million, he offered to help me with my prep work for the Pick of the Week on Create and Craft next week.

You know the saying Boys and their Toys? well here is a prime example of it. Please note, do not try this at home. No Grand Calibur was hurt in the making of this video.


you have to love this man.

Jak Signature


Fiona C said... him an ebosser - please!!! :-) xxx

hollis58 said...

lol x

Mad Mary said...

Thahks for the giggle Jak... Brilliant Chris xx

Mary xx

Unknown said...

So funny, and he managed to make crafting manly, got to give him credit! x

Tammy said...

Your right, one in a million and very clever too! You are so lucky!

Barbara said...

What a sweetie you have there and quite clever too. I actually saw this at the craft convention this morning for the first time ever. We were all giggling when we saw the demonstrator using this mammoth tool to crank her Grand Calibur.

Paper Junkie said...

I need one of those! - (the drill - not the man!) X

Sassy Raggedy said...

How funny..,.I have laughed and laughed. Hugs, joann

Nedlnut said...

Too funny. I had to show DH and tell him that is so him!
Thanks for the laugh!

Linda said...

Typical crafter - thinking outside the box 😉

My'scardcorner said...

Lol boys and their toys lol still it seemed to work

Dawn said...

Dawn xx

Maryann Laursen said...

Ha ha ha ha Just something hubby could´ve done tooo. He has for a long time wanted to have my old Cuttlebug to try and build a motor on to that, but that is a good toy for the girls, so I haven´t let him yet at least ha ha ha ha,
Thanks sooo much for the giggle a wonderful start to a sunday morning ha ha ha.


Get him a Vagabond machine Jak it's alot less work for him lol.

Nicky said...

Hubby and me thought this was brilliant - good use of tools

Cally said...

What a fab idea...:-)

Cally said...

What a fab idea...:-)