Thursday, 3 April 2014

Beautiful Gifts

Today was my last day at La Pashe and although I was ready for leaving it left me with many mixed emotions, happy to be moving forward to a new adventure working freelance and opening my options in the crafting world and also sadness leaving my work friends behind.

After all, if I hadn’t started with the company I wouldn’t have had the option of being where I am today.

I received lovely gifts from my friend, a mahousive bouquet  from Laura of beautiful pink roses and delicate purple blooms and chocolates, a bouquet of sunflowers from the La Pashe team and then Jim Harker my friend and the La Pashe artist presented me with the most gorgeous watercolour painting.

leaving flowers

my house looks and smells like a florist shop, I still have my birthday flowers from Chris on the left of the picture and a superb tropical bouquet from Daughter Natalie for Mothering Sundayon the right.

A close up of my Original Jim Harker Artist painting. It is Alston in Cumbria.

Alston watercolour

Aren't I a lucky girl.

Jak Signature


hollis58 said...

Beautiful Jak - wishing you all the best for future x

June Nelson said...

You lucky lucky lady but you deserve it, and im sure you will be brilliant already are xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

SpookysCraftyMess said...


Ali said...

Beautiful gifts - the art work is fantastic - wishing you luck in your new ventures xx

Jo Rice said...

Beautiful and just what you deserve, I am really looking forward to following your career and I am so excited to see what the future holds for you...hugs...Jo. X

heidy said...

Wishing you all te best for the futere Jak!!
XXX Heidy

My'scardcorner said...

You sure are Jak good luck in your new ventures

Julie said...

Gorgeous - all the best for what is yet to come, Jakxx

Joyce said...

Lovely flowers Jak, for a lovely lady! Whatever you do you will succeed at ... am sure you're heading for a very successful future. Enjoy your evening ... and your lovely flowers.Lots of Love Joyce xxx

Tammy said...

It takes a very thoughtful person to have very thoughtful friends! You deserve all of their love and respect Jak and I know they are wishing you well!

lycar123 said...

Such lovely flowers it shows how much you are thought of and the painting is great . It is hard to make to the desicision to move on to pastures new but I am sure it will be onwards and upwards for you. Wishing you all the very best in your future ventures. Lynne xx

Maryann Laursen said...

They all wanted to wish you all the best for your future journey and tell you how muh they cared, so just enjoy every bit of it, as it´s all well deserved. But I also know, how you feel right now, mixed between very exited and a bit sad for leaving them all and all the known you use to have there, but it´s just normal, and soon the new everyday will be a reality and you´ll move on but with soo much joy in your heart from all you learned and shared with these great friends, what they´ll still be next week as well right?

Jan 23 said...

Beautiful flowers & I love the painting. Something I am sure you will treasure. Good luck in your new adventure.xx

Patti J said...

I know you're sad to be leaving, but OMG, how many of us feel SAD to leave a job? What a blessing to have been so happy that leaving is painful! Good luck, Jak in your future endeavors!!! So excited to see what's in your future!

ursula Uphof said...

Good luck Jak for your future ventures.

Marianne's Craftroom said...

How lovely hope all goes well for you

Pam said...
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PeeJay said...

I can remember your worries about leaving your job way back to start with Imag-e-nation (pre La Pashe days - lol!). That was a step into the unknown as it was totally different to what you were doing but it worked! I've no doubt this change of path will work too. Good luck Jak. Onwards and upwards :)

Nedlnut said...

Congrats on the next phase of your life. Many hopes for your future happiness.

Laurian said...

Beautiful flowers and love the painting! Wishing you all the best for your next leap into the unknown!

Turtle In The Sand said...

Soar like an Eagle Jak. Your talents will carry you where ever you choose to fly!Good Luck

Linda Simpson said...

Gorgeous Jak, good luck for the future.
Linda xxx

Dawn said...

Beautiful gifts!Nice to kknow you were so well thought of! I wish you a bright new future with your chosen path! I'm sure you will shine like a beacon!
Dawn xx

Janette said...

Gorgeous Jak, all good wishes for the future sweetie..x

Lady Anne Milnes-Howard said...

You deserve the recognition sweetheart so enjoy and I wish you all the very best for your future endeavours. I'm looking forward to seeing what you will be doing...
Love ~ Lady Anne xxx

maggiemac said...

Good Luck for the future. Hope all goes well with your new venture.

Mad Mary said...

Beautiful flowers & lovely gift from Jim too. Hope you enjoy whatever is coming your way as much as you have enjoyed your past job.

Mary xx

Unknown said...

Hi good luck with new ventures hope you will keep us all informed hugs mary

ursula said...

Amazing gifts for one amazing, talented lady. I am sure they are going to miss you, but life moves on and I am sure it will be good to you in your new venture, for which I wish you all the luck in the world....luv Ursula xx

Lorianna said...

Not only are you Lucky
But you are special!
You deserve all that and so much more!!
I LOVE the watercolor!!
Love and HUGS