Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Fracture Clinic

I had Chris back at hospital this morning, he did manage to get a couple of hours sleep thankfully. The shock of yesterday is taking its toll, I think in my younger days I would have brushed things like this off but these days it has me rattled for a few days.

Apparently Chris has given himself a good battering and managed to severely damage muscle and ligaments in his shoulder so that along with his ribs should keep him out of mischief, the doctor advised it would take a few months for his shoulder to mend.

So for now we will keep his pain meds topped up to try to keep him confortable.

Jak Signature


Nicole Bretherick said...

Oh Jak! Lots of loving the required! I do hope Chris starts to feel easier Spon although it's going to take a long while sending my love xxx

Nicole Bretherick said...

Loving tlc that should read!;)

Julie-Ann said...

Oh wow Jak that's horrible.You must look after your self too. Sending you a big hug and hope Chris is back of form soon, Julie Ann

My'scardcorner said...

Know what you mean Jak the shock takes longer to go on both parties as you get older. Poor Chris will get withdrawal symptoms from his bike.Hugs to you both

Nicky said...

So sorry to hear Chris had an accident - sending you both hugs and mending love - Nicky x

Maryann Laursen said...

Sorry to hear this JAk, it sure can take it´s time to get over something like this, but make sure he keep to what the doctors tells him, else he can devellop some bad damages afterwards, and believe me, he don´t want that, so make sure he stays calm and quiert til it´s all healed. Give him my best wishes for a fast recovery, and hopefully he wount be in too much pain from it either.
best of luck to both of you.

Wendy L said...

I only just rad this now, didn't see yesterdays. Hope all goes well and he feels abit better soon, xxx

Mad Mary said...

Oh dear Jak, i do hope he's a quick healer but tell him not to try & use that shoulder too quickly & do more damage.. My aunty did similar damage to her shoulder and now cannot lift her arm up at all...
Hugs to both of you.

Mary xx

Jan 23 said...

Hope that the pain meds work. Constant pain wears you down very quickly. I am sure he has a great nurse to care for him.xx

Sue said...

Lots of TLC and pain meds for him them Jak.You look after yourself too.
Hugs Sue x

Linda Simpson said...

Poor Chris I hope the pain eases soon. You take care too.
Linda xxx

hollis58 said...

Hope Chris gets some sleep tonight (and you) xxx

Hamrow said...

Sorry to hear about Chris's accident. Hope he isn't in too much discomfort.

Hamrow said...

Sorry to hear about Chris's accident. Hope he isn't in too much discomfort.

Tammy said...

Oh wow, a few months, let's hope its quicker than that!

Dawn said...

Arnica! It's a great help for healing! Poor Chris, I hope he does as the Doctor orders though! Don't want to store up trouble for later!
Hugs to you both!
Dawn xx

Marion Bull said...

You both need TLC! Hope the pain eases soon, it is so wearing! Hugs to you both!

Janette said...

Grab a few Confrey leaves Jak, they'll sorry for him, but thankfully he will mend.....take care...xxxx

Unknown said...

Hugs to you Jak and hope your hubby feels a bit better

jem (jane elizabeth middleton) said...

give him lots of T.L.C. janex