Sunday, 28 July 2013

Love You/Ewe

I managed another card, this is a Love You Ewe card

Sheep by Mo’s Digital Pencil it is one of Mo’s early digital images, great for the none slushy type of person in your life.


Very very easy to colour up this one.


perfect for those picnic loving couple too don’t you think?

Jak Signature


Linda Simpson said...

Lovely card and love the EWE too.

Linda xx

Maryann Laursen said...

An awesome card here again Jak, sooo easy and simple to those, who don´t like it too fuzzy and girly, and it´s still very lovely, and who doesn´t love Ewe?

My'scardcorner said...

Brilliant fun card Jak.

Tammy said...

Sweet card Jak! Love all the adorable sheep and great background!

caroline said...

Cute card jak, love the image
Caroline xx

Mad Mary said...

Great man card Jak, i love it.

Mary x

XxJULESxX said...

Love the card Jak! fabulou!!

Cally said...

Great card Jak. Love the image.