Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Electrician Day

Another day another Dollar.

The electrician was in doing a rewiring job for us.

Two of Us-036

I have more to show you but it will wait until later, it did develop more after the rewiring job.

Jak Signature


Jo Rice said...

Looks like you are having fun Jak....
Hope all goes well and gets finished soon. Hugs. Jo. X

Elizabeth said...

This isn't the new bathroom (loo
) is it?

Kathyk said...

But just look at how many sockets you will have when they're done!


Maryann Laursen said...

Well it is these things, that is hardly showing, when they´re done, but thanks god, then it all suddenly come all together and is all finished in a day in the end, but it can look pretty devastating for a while LOL. But I´m sure, it´s getting pretty awesome, when it´s all done in the end.

Mad Mary said...

That was quick work, can't wait to see the next lot of pics.

Mary x

My'scardcorner said...

Theyre making progress Jak were getting a new bathroom next week so we'll be in a mess too.