Friday, 9 November 2012

Down The lane

The last showing from the La Pashe and Just Inklined CD’s sample cards that I made on Create and Craft TV.

This one I love, it is nostalgic and makes you want to live here.

The decoupage for this one is really chunky yet so effective.

Photo 03-11-2012 14 06 28

I have Jack staying with us all weekend, we were all set to take him to diggerland then found out it was closed for winter.

I feel a baking session coming on.

Jak Signature


Tonya said...

This is so gorgeous! Have fun with Jack! :o)

Dawn Louise said...

Super card and image, enjoy your baking and Jack, I love baking with my gang, when my step son is here I've five children in our small kitchen ranging from 2 years to 11 years and boy what mess and fun too x

Lady Anne said...

As always you have brought that street to life Jak, decoupage is such fun to do too.
Have a fun baking time with Jack....
Love ~ Lady Anne xx

Dawn said...

Fantastic! & I love the wooden paper!
Have fun baking! Hope you get some well deserved R&R too!
D xx

Seafield Jo said...

Oh this is gorgeous Jak, and now I can't stop humming the hovis tune! Can't wait for my cd's to arrive.

Have a fab weekend with Jack.

Jo x

Maryann Laursen said...

Such a gorgeous card here too Jak. Have fun with little Jack, and a bakingsession is always lots of fun with kids. My grandkids have already started to ask, when we´re going to have our week-end before christmas this year, they just all love it. We use to spend a whole week-end baking and creating every year before christmas and all 8 kids still looks forward to it every year, even the bigger ones wouldn´t miss that for anything ha ha ha.

JaniceinLincs said...

I am so lucky as I have this card sitting on my mantelshelf right now ! Thank you Jak :-) It's even better in real life too! I love the style of it... can't wait for the cd's to arrive - have had so much fun already with the last ones from La Pashe. Enjoy your baking and your time with your grandson - precious times... xx

My'scardcorner said...

Brilliant card Jak know what you mean it looks so inviting love your layout too. Enjoy your time with Jack whatever you do.

Tammy said...

Beautiful card! Love the trim you used. Have a great time with Jack this weekend!

Michelle J M said...

Such a beautiful card and the papers are gorgeous. Enjoy your weekend with Jack. Michelle x

Shirley said...

Lovely card Jak. Glad you didn't end upon the floor with all the shows.
The ground will be too hard now for Diggerland.

Lori m said...

Gorgeous card and I'd love to live in a beautiful place like that. Enjoy baking with Jack, how much fun he's going to have with you both this weekend.

Love your new updated photo, you look beautiful.

Hugs, Lori m

Mad Mary said...

Great card, love the image Jak. Have fun with wee Jack this weekend. He'll keep you on your toes :-)

Mary x

Linda Simpson said...

Gorgeous card. Loving the scenic view and beautiful design.
Linda xx

Sandra H said...

This is beautiful and so colourful too! x

Paper Junkie said...

Of course you want to live there - it's Gold Hill in Dorset - my home county (so I'm a little bit bias)! You would keep fit walking up and down that hill everyday!
Love the card. I am waiting for my CDs to arrive and then I can make one too. X